Portrait de Yoshua Bengio

Yoshua Bengio

Membre académique principal
Chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR
Professeur titulaire, Université de Montréal, Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle
Directeur scientifique, Équipe de direction
Observateur, Conseil d'administration, Mila


*Pour toute demande média, veuillez écrire à medias@mila.quebec.

Pour plus d’information, contactez Julie Mongeau, adjointe de direction à julie.mongeau@mila.quebec.

Reconnu comme une sommité mondiale en intelligence artificielle, Yoshua Bengio s’est surtout distingué par son rôle de pionnier en apprentissage profond, ce qui lui a valu le prix A. M. Turing 2018, le « prix Nobel de l’informatique », avec Geoffrey Hinton et Yann LeCun. Il est professeur titulaire à l’Université de Montréal, fondateur et directeur scientifique de Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle, et codirige en tant que senior fellow le programme Apprentissage automatique, apprentissage biologique de l'Institut canadien de recherches avancées (CIFAR). Il occupe également la fonction de directeur scientifique d’IVADO.

En 2018, il a été l’informaticien qui a recueilli le plus grand nombre de nouvelles citations au monde. En 2019, il s’est vu décerner le prestigieux prix Killam. Depuis 2022, il détient le plus grand facteur d’impact (h-index) en informatique à l’échelle mondiale. Il est fellow de la Royal Society de Londres et de la Société royale du Canada, et officier de l’Ordre du Canada.

Soucieux des répercussions sociales de l’IA et de l’objectif que l’IA bénéficie à tous, il a contribué activement à la Déclaration de Montréal pour un développement responsable de l’intelligence artificielle.

Étudiants actuels

Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Université Paris-Saclay
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - MIT
Doctorat - École Polytechnique Montréal Fédérale de Lausanne
Stagiaire de recherche - Université du Québec à Rimouski
Collaborateur·rice de recherche
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - Barcelona University
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Stagiaire de recherche - UQAR
Collaborateur·rice alumni
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Stagiaire de recherche - McGill University
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Technical University Munich (TUM)
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
DESS - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - UQAR
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Technical University of Munich
Stagiaire de recherche - Imperial College London
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - McGill University
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems
Doctorat - McGill University
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Collaborateur·rice alumni - Université de Montréal
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice alumni - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Valence
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Université de Montréal
Visiteur de recherche indépendant
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - McGill University
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Maîtrise recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - RWTH Aachen University (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen)
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Baccalauréat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise professionnelle - Université de Montréal
Postdoctorat - Université de Montréal


FAENet: Frame Averaging Equivariant GNN for Materials Modeling
Alexandre AGM Duval
Victor Schmidt
Alex Hernandez-Garcia
Santiago Miret
Fragkiskos D. Malliaros
Applications of machine learning techniques for materials modeling typically involve functions known to be equivariant or invariant to speci… (voir plus)fic symmetries. While graph neural networks (GNNs) have proven successful in such tasks, they enforce symmetries via the model architecture, which often reduces their expressivity, scalability and comprehensibility. In this paper, we introduce (1) a flexible framework relying on stochastic frame-averaging (SFA) to make any model E(3)-equivariant or invariant through data transformations. (2) FAENet: a simple, fast and expressive GNN, optimized for SFA, that processes geometric information without any symmetrypreserving design constraints. We prove the validity of our method theoretically and empirically demonstrate its superior accuracy and computational scalability in materials modeling on the OC20 dataset (S2EF, IS2RE) as well as common molecular modeling tasks (QM9, QM7-X). A package implementation is available at https://faenet.readthedocs.io.
GFlowNet-EM for Learning Compositional Latent Variable Models
Edward J Hu
Nikolay Malkin
Moksh J. Jain
Katie E Everett
Alexandros Graikos
Latent variable models (LVMs) with discrete compositional latents are an important but challenging setting due to a combinatorially large nu… (voir plus)mber of possible configurations of the latents. A key tradeoff in modeling the posteriors over latents is between expressivity and tractable optimization. For algorithms based on expectation-maximization (EM), the E-step is often intractable without restrictive approximations to the posterior. We propose the use of GFlowNets, algorithms for sampling from an unnormalized density by learning a stochastic policy for sequential construction of samples, for this intractable E-step. By training GFlowNets to sample from the posterior over latents, we take advantage of their strengths as amortized variational inference algorithms for complex distributions over discrete structures. Our approach, GFlowNet-EM, enables the training of expressive LVMs with discrete compositional latents, as shown by experiments on non-context-free grammar induction and on images using discrete variational autoencoders (VAEs) without conditional independence enforced in the encoder.
Adaptive Discrete Communication Bottlenecks with Dynamic Vector Quantization
Dianbo Liu
Alex Lamb
Xu Ji
Pascal Notsawo
Michael Curtis Mozer
Kenji Kawaguchi
The Effect of diversity in Meta-Learning
Ramnath Kumar
Tristan Deleu
Few-shot learning aims to learn representations that can tackle novel tasks given a small number of examples. Recent studies show that task … (voir plus)distribution plays a vital role in the performance of the model. Conventional wisdom is that task diversity should improve the performance of meta-learning. In this work, we find evidence to the contrary; we study different task distributions on a myriad of models and datasets to evaluate the effect of task diversity on meta-learning algorithms. For this experiment, we train on multiple datasets, and with three broad classes of meta-learning models - Metric-based (i.e., Protonet, Matching Networks), Optimization-based (i.e., MAML, Reptile, and MetaOptNet), and Bayesian meta-learning models (i.e., CNAPs). Our experiments demonstrate that the effect of task diversity on all these algorithms follows a similar trend, and task diversity does not seem to offer any benefits to the learning of the model. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that even a handful of tasks, repeated over multiple batches, would be sufficient to achieve a performance similar to uniform sampling and draws into question the need for additional tasks to create better models.
Constant Memory Attention Block
Leo Feng
Frederick Tung
Hossein Hajimirsadeghi
Mohamed Osama Ahmed
BatchGFN: Generative Flow Networks for Batch Active Learning
Shreshth A Malik
Salem Lahlou
Andrew Jesson
Moksh J. Jain
Nikolay Malkin
Tristan Deleu
Yarin Gal
We introduce BatchGFN—a novel approach for pool-based active learning that uses generative flow networks to sample sets of data points pro… (voir plus)portional to a batch reward. With an appropriate reward function to quantify the utility of acquiring a batch, such as the joint mutual information between the batch and the model parameters, BatchGFN is able to construct highly informative batches for active learning in a principled way. We show our approach enables sampling near-optimal utility batches at inference time with a single forward pass per point in the batch in toy regression problems. This alleviates the computational complexity of batch-aware algorithms and removes the need for greedy approximations to find maximizers for the batch reward. We also present early results for amortizing training across acquisition steps, which will enable scaling to real-world tasks.
Benchmarking Bayesian Causal Discovery Methods for Downstream Treatment Effect Estimation
Chris Emezue
Tristan Deleu
Stefan Bauer
GFlowNets for Causal Discovery: an Overview
Dragos Cristian Manta
Edward J Hu
Simulation-Free Schrödinger Bridges via Score and Flow Matching
Alexander Tong
Nikolay Malkin
Lazar Atanackovic
Yanlei Zhang
Guillaume Huguet
We present simulation-free score and flow matching ([SF]…
Thompson Sampling for Improved Exploration in GFlowNets
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Kanika Madan
Moksh J. Jain
Maksym Korablyov
Cheng-Hao Liu
Nikolay Malkin
Generative flow networks (GFlowNets) are amortized variational inference algorithms that treat sampling from a distribution over composition… (voir plus)al objects as a sequential decision-making problem with a learnable action policy. Unlike other algorithms for hierarchical sampling that optimize a variational bound, GFlowNet algorithms can stably run off-policy, which can be advantageous for discovering modes of the target distribution. Despite this flexibility in the choice of behaviour policy, the optimal way of efficiently selecting trajectories for training has not yet been systematically explored. In this paper, we view the choice of trajectories for training as an active learning problem and approach it using Bayesian techniques inspired by methods for multi-armed bandits. The proposed algorithm, Thompson sampling GFlowNets (TS-GFN), maintains an approximate posterior distribution over policies and samples trajectories from this posterior for training. We show in two domains that TS-GFN yields improved exploration and thus faster convergence to the target distribution than the off-policy exploration strategies used in past work.
Spotlight Attention: Robust Object-Centric Learning With a Spatial Locality Prior
Ayush K Chakravarthy
Trang M. Nguyen
Anirudh Goyal
Michael Curtis Mozer
Let the Flows Tell: Solving Graph Combinatorial Optimization Problems with GFlowNets
Dinghuai Zhang
Hanjun Dai
Nikolay Malkin
Ling Pan
Combinatorial optimization (CO) problems are often NP-hard and thus out of reach for exact algorithms, making them a tempting domain to appl… (voir plus)y machine learning methods. The highly structured constraints in these problems can hinder either optimization or sampling directly in the solution space. On the other hand, GFlowNets have recently emerged as a powerful machinery to efficiently sample from composite unnormalized densities sequentially and have the potential to amortize such solution-searching processes in CO, as well as generate diverse solution candidates. In this paper, we design Markov decision processes (MDPs) for different combinatorial problems and propose to train conditional GFlowNets to sample from the solution space. Efficient training techniques are also developed to benefit long-range credit assignment. Through extensive experiments on a variety of different CO tasks with synthetic and realistic data, we demonstrate that GFlowNet policies can efficiently find high-quality solutions. Our implementation is open-sourced at https://github.com/zdhNarsil/GFlowNet-CombOpt.