Portrait de Sarath Chandar

Sarath Chandar

Membre académique principal
Chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR
Professeur adjoint, Polytechnique Montréal, Département d'informatique et de génie logiciel
Professeur associé, Université de Montréal, Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Sujets de recherche
Apprentissage automatique médical
Apprentissage de représentations
Apprentissage en ligne
Apprentissage par renforcement
Apprentissage profond
Réseaux de neurones récurrents
Traitement du langage naturel


Sarath Chandar est professeur adjoint au départment de génie informatique et génie logiciel de Polytechnique Montréal, où il dirige le laboratoire de recherche Chandar. Il est également membre académique principal à Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle, et titulaire d'une chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR et d'une Chaire de recherche du Canada en apprentissage machine permanent.

Ses recherches portent sur l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie, l'apprentissage profond, l'optimisation, l'apprentissage par renforcement et le traitement du langage naturel. Pour promouvoir la recherche sur l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie, Sarath Chandar a créé la Conférence sur les agents d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie (CoLLAs) en 2022 et a présidé le programme en 2022 et en 2023. Il est titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Montréal et d'une maîtrise en recherche de l'Indian Institute of Technology Madras.

Étudiants actuels

Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Maîtrise recherche - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - no
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - UdeM
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Collaborateur·rice alumni - UdeM
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Stagiaire de recherche - UdeM
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Visiteur de recherche indépendant - NA
Maîtrise recherche - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Postdoctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - UdeM
Doctorat - UdeM
Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Postdoctorat - UdeM
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - UdeM
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Visiteur de recherche indépendant
Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique


MVP: Minimal Viable Phrase for Long Text Understanding.
Louis Clouâtre
Fairness-Aware Structured Pruning in Transformers
Abdelrahman Zayed
Goncalo Mordido
Samira Shabanian
Ioana Baldini
Measuring the Knowledge Acquisition-Utilization Gap in Pretrained Language Models
Amirhossein Kazemnejad
Mehdi Rezagholizadeh
Prasanna Parthasarathi
Dealing With Non-stationarity in Decentralized Cooperative Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning via Multi-Timescale Learning
Hadi Nekoei
Akilesh Badrinaaraayanan
Amit Sinha
Mohammad Amin Amini
Janarthanan Rajendran
Towards Few-shot Coordination: Revisiting Ad-hoc Teamplay Challenge In the Game of Hanabi
Hadi Nekoei
Xutong Zhao
Janarthanan Rajendran
Miao Liu
Language Model-In-The-Loop: Data Optimal Approach to Learn-To-Recommend Actions in Text Games
Arjun Vaithilingam Sudhakar
Prasanna Parthasarathi
Janarthanan Rajendran
EpiK-Eval: Evaluation for Language Models as Epistemic Models
Gabriele Prato
Jerry Huang
Prasanna Parthasarathi
Shagun Sodhani
In the age of artificial intelligence, the role of large language models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly central. Despite their growing prev… (voir plus)alence, their capacity to consolidate knowledge from different training documents—a crucial ability in numerous applications—remains unexplored. This paper presents the first study examining the capability of LLMs to effectively combine such information within their parameter space. We introduce EpiK-Eval, a novel question-answering benchmark tailored to evaluate LLMs' proficiency in formulating a coherent and consistent knowledge representation from segmented narratives. Evaluations across various LLMs reveal significant weaknesses in this domain. We contend that these shortcomings stem from the intrinsic nature of prevailing training objectives. Consequently, we advocate for refining the approach towards knowledge consolidation, as it harbors the potential to dramatically improve their overall effectiveness and performance. The findings from this study offer insights for developing more robust and reliable LLMs. Our code and benchmark are available at https://github.com/chandar-lab/EpiK-Eval
Towards Few-shot Coordination: Revisiting Ad-hoc Teamplay Challenge In the Game of Hanabi
Hadi Nekoei
Xutong Zhao
Janarthanan Rajendran
Miao Liu
Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms with Zero-Shot Coordination (ZSC) have gained significant attention in rece… (voir plus)nt years. ZSC refers to the ability of agents to coordinate zero-shot (without additional interaction experience) with independently trained agents. While ZSC is crucial for cooperative MARL agents, it might not be possible for complex tasks and changing environments. Agents also need to adapt and improve their performance with minimal interaction with other agents. In this work, we show empirically that state-of-the-art ZSC algorithms have poor performance when paired with agents trained with different learning methods, and they require millions of interaction samples to adapt to these new partners. To investigate this issue, we formally defined a framework based on a popular cooperative multi-agent game called Hanabi to evaluate the adaptability of MARL methods. In particular, we created a diverse set of pre-trained agents and defined a new metric called adaptation regret that measures the agent's ability to efficiently adapt and improve its coordination performance when paired with some held-out pool of partners on top of its ZSC performance. After evaluating several SOTA algorithms using our framework, our experiments reveal that naive Independent Q-Learning (IQL) agents in most cases adapt as quickly as the SOTA ZSC algorithm Off-Belief Learning (OBL). This finding raises an interesting research question: How to design MARL algorithms with high ZSC performance and capability of fast adaptation to unseen partners. As a first step, we studied the role of different hyper-parameters and design choices on the adaptability of current MARL algorithms. Our experiments show that two categories of hyper-parameters controlling the training data diversity and optimization process have a significant impact on the adaptability of Hanabi agents.
Thompson Sampling for Improved Exploration in GFlowNets
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Kanika Madan
Moksh J. Jain
Maksym Korablyov
Cheng-Hao Liu
Nikolay Malkin
Generative flow networks (GFlowNets) are amortized variational inference algorithms that treat sampling from a distribution over composition… (voir plus)al objects as a sequential decision-making problem with a learnable action policy. Unlike other algorithms for hierarchical sampling that optimize a variational bound, GFlowNet algorithms can stably run off-policy, which can be advantageous for discovering modes of the target distribution. Despite this flexibility in the choice of behaviour policy, the optimal way of efficiently selecting trajectories for training has not yet been systematically explored. In this paper, we view the choice of trajectories for training as an active learning problem and approach it using Bayesian techniques inspired by methods for multi-armed bandits. The proposed algorithm, Thompson sampling GFlowNets (TS-GFN), maintains an approximate posterior distribution over policies and samples trajectories from this posterior for training. We show in two domains that TS-GFN yields improved exploration and thus faster convergence to the target distribution than the off-policy exploration strategies used in past work.
Should We Attend More or Less? Modulating Attention for Fairness
A. Zayed
Goncalo Mordido
Samira Shabanian
Conditionally Optimistic Exploration for Cooperative Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Xutong Zhao
Yangchen Pan
Chenjun Xiao
Janarthanan Rajendran
Efficient exploration is critical in cooperative deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). In this work, we propose an exploration met… (voir plus)hod that effectively encourages cooperative exploration based on the idea of sequential action-computation scheme. The high-level intuition is that to perform optimism-based exploration, agents would explore cooperative strategies if each agent's optimism estimate captures a structured dependency relationship with other agents. Assuming agents compute actions following a sequential order at \textit{each environment timestep}, we provide a perspective to view MARL as tree search iterations by considering agents as nodes at different depths of the search tree. Inspired by the theoretically justified tree search algorithm UCT (Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees), we develop a method called Conditionally Optimistic Exploration (COE). COE augments each agent's state-action value estimate with an action-conditioned optimistic bonus derived from the visitation count of the global state and joint actions of preceding agents. COE is performed during training and disabled at deployment, making it compatible with any value decomposition method for centralized training with decentralized execution. Experiments across various cooperative MARL benchmarks show that COE outperforms current state-of-the-art exploration methods on hard-exploration tasks.
Conditionally optimistic exploration for cooperative deep multi-agent reinforcement learning
Xutong Zhao
Yangchen Pan
Chenjun Xiao
Janarthanan Rajendran
Efficient exploration is critical in cooperative deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL). In this work, we propose an exploration met… (voir plus)hod that effectively encourages cooperative exploration based on the idea of sequential action-computation scheme. The high-level intuition is that to perform optimism-based exploration, agents would explore cooperative strategies if each agent’s optimism estimate captures a structured dependency relationship with other agents. Assuming agents compute actions following a sequential order at each environment timestep, we provide a perspective to view MARL as tree search iterations by considering agents as nodes at different depths of the search tree. Inspired by the theoretically justified tree search algorithm UCT (Upper Confidence bounds applied to Trees), we develop a method called Conditionally Optimistic Exploration (COE). COE augments each agent’s state-action value estimate with an action-conditioned optimistic bonus derived from the visitation count of the global state and joint actions of preceding agents. COE is performed during training and disabled at deployment, making it compatible with any value decomposition method for centralized training with decentralized execution. Experiments across various cooperative MARL benchmarks show that COE outperforms current state-of-the-art exploration methods on hard-exploration tasks.