Portrait de Guillaume Rabusseau

Guillaume Rabusseau

Membre académique principal
Chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR
Professeur adjoint, Université de Montréal, Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle
Sujets de recherche
Apprentissage profond
Apprentissage sur graphes
Factorisation tensorielle
Modèles probabilistes
Réseaux de neurones en graphes
Réseaux de neurones récurrents
Systèmes de recommandation
Théorie de l'apprentissage automatique
Théorie de l'information quantique


Depuis septembre 2018, je suis professeur adjoint à Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle et au Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle (DIRO) de l'Université de Montréal (UdeM). Je suis titulaire d’une chaire de recherche en IA Canada-CIFAR depuis mars 2019. Avant de me joindre à l’UdeM, j’ai été chercheur postdoctoral au laboratoire de raisonnement et d'apprentissage de l'Université McGill, où j'ai travaillé avec Prakash Panangaden, Joelle Pineau et Doina Precup.

J'ai obtenu mon doctorat en 2016 à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille (AMU), où j'ai travaillé dans l'équipe Qarma (apprentissage automatique et multimédia), sous la supervision de François Denis et Hachem Kadri. Auparavant, j'ai obtenu une maîtrise en informatique fondamentale de l'AMU et une licence en informatique de la même université en formation à distance.

Je m'intéresse aux méthodes de tenseurs pour l'apprentissage automatique et à la conception d'algorithmes d'apprentissage pour les données structurées par l’utilisation de l'algèbre linéaire et multilinéaire (par exemple, les méthodes spectrales).

Étudiants actuels

Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Postdoctorat - UdeM
Doctorat - UdeM
Collaborateur·rice alumni - University of Mannheim
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - UdeM
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - McGill
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - UdeM
Maîtrise recherche - McGill
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Collaborateur·rice de recherche
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - UdeM
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - UdeM


UTG: Towards a Unified View of Snapshot and Event Based Models for Temporal Graphs
Shenyang Huang
Farimah Poursafaei
Emanuele Rossi
TGB 2.0: A Benchmark for Learning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs and Heterogeneous Graphs
Julia Gastinger
Shenyang Huang
Mikhail Galkin
Erfan Loghmani
Ali Parviz
Farimah Poursafaei
Jacob Danovitch
Emanuele Rossi
Ioannis Koutis
Heiner Stuckenschmidt
Towards Neural Scaling Laws for Foundation Models on Temporal Graphs
Razieh Shirzadkhani
Tran Gia Bao Ngo
Kiarash Shamsi
Shenyang Huang
Farimah Poursafaei
Poupak Azad
Baris Coskunuzer
Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora
The field of temporal graph learning aims to learn from evolving network data to forecast future interactions. Given a collection of observe… (voir plus)d temporal graphs, is it possible to predict the evolution of an unseen network from the same domain? To answer this question, we first present the Temporal Graph Scaling (TGS) dataset, a large collection of temporal graphs consisting of eighty-four ERC20 token transaction networks collected from 2017 to 2023. Next, we evaluate the transferability of Temporal Graph Neural Networks (TGNNs) for the temporal graph property prediction task by pre-training on a collection of up to sixty-four token transaction networks and then evaluating the downstream performance on twenty unseen token networks. We find that the neural scaling law observed in NLP and Computer Vision also applies in temporal graph learning, where pre-training on greater number of networks leads to improved downstream performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical demonstration of the transferability of temporal graphs learning. On downstream token networks, the largest pre-trained model outperforms single model TGNNs on thirteen unseen test networks. Therefore, we believe that this is a promising first step towards building foundation models for temporal graphs.
Efficient Leverage Score Sampling for Tensor Train Decomposition
Vivek Bharadwaj
Beheshteh T. Rakhshan
Osman Asif Malik
A Tensor Decomposition Perspective on Second-order RNNs
Maude Lizaire
Michael Rizvi-Martel
Marawan Gamal
Length independent PAC-Bayes bounds for Simple RNNs
Volodimir Mitarchuk
Clara Lacroce
Rémi Eyraud
Rémi Emonet
Amaury Habrard
Simulating weighted automata over sequences and trees with transformers
Michael Rizvi-Martel
Maude Lizaire
Clara Lacroce
Simulating Weighted Automata over Sequences and Trees with Transformers
Michael Rizvi
Maude Lizaire
Clara Lacroce
Towards Foundational Models for Molecular Learning on Large-Scale Multi-Task Datasets
Shenyang Huang
Joao Alex Cunha
Zhiyi Li
Gabriela Moisescu-Pareja
Oleksandr Dymov
Samuel Maddrell-Mander
Callum McLean
Frederik Wenkel
Luis Müller
Jama Hussein Mohamud
Ali Parviz
Michael Craig
Michał Koziarski
Jiarui Lu
Zhaocheng Zhu
Cristian Gabellini
Kerstin Klaser
Josef Dean
Cas Wognum … (voir 15 de plus)
Maciej Sypetkowski
Christopher Morris
Ioannis Koutis
Prudencio Tossou
Hadrien Mary
Therence Bois
Andrew William Fitzgibbon
Blazej Banaszewski
Chad Martin
Dominic Masters
Recently, pre-trained foundation models have enabled significant advancements in multiple fields. In molecular machine learning, however, wh… (voir plus)ere datasets are often hand-curated, and hence typically small, the lack of datasets with labeled features, and codebases to manage those datasets, has hindered the development of foundation models. In this work, we present seven novel datasets categorized by size into three distinct categories: ToyMix, LargeMix and UltraLarge. These datasets push the boundaries in both the scale and the diversity of supervised labels for molecular learning. They cover nearly 100 million molecules and over 3000 sparsely defined tasks, totaling more than 13 billion individual labels of both quantum and biological nature. In comparison, our datasets contain 300 times more data points than the widely used OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 dataset, and 13 times more than the quantum-only QM1B dataset. In addition, to support the development of foundational models based on our proposed datasets, we present the Graphium graph machine learning library which simplifies the process of building and training molecular machine learning models for multi-task and multi-level molecular datasets. Finally, we present a range of baseline results as a starting point of multi-task and multi-level training on these datasets. Empirically, we observe that performance on low-resource biological datasets show improvement by also training on large amounts of quantum data. This indicates that there may be potential in multi-task and multi-level training of a foundation model and fine-tuning it to resource-constrained downstream tasks. The Graphium library is publicly available on Github and the dataset links are available in Part 1 and Part 2.
Laplacian Change Point Detection for Single and Multi-view Dynamic Graphs
Shenyang Huang
Samy Coulombe
Yasmeen Hitti
Dynamic graphs are rich data structures that are used to model complex relationships between entities over time. In particular, anomaly dete… (voir plus)ction in temporal graphs is crucial for many real-world applications such as intrusion identification in network systems, detection of ecosystem disturbances, and detection of epidemic outbreaks. In this article, we focus on change point detection in dynamic graphs and address three main challenges associated with this problem: (i) how to compare graph snapshots across time, (ii) how to capture temporal dependencies, and (iii) how to combine different views of a temporal graph. To solve the above challenges, we first propose Laplacian Anomaly Detection (LAD) which uses the spectrum of graph Laplacian as the low dimensional embedding of the graph structure at each snapshot. LAD explicitly models short-term and long-term dependencies by applying two sliding windows. Next, we propose MultiLAD, a simple and effective generalization of LAD to multi-view graphs. MultiLAD provides the first change point detection method for multi-view dynamic graphs. It aggregates the singular values of the normalized graph Laplacian from different views through the scalar power mean operation. Through extensive synthetic experiments, we show that (i) LAD and MultiLAD are accurate and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and their multi-view extensions by a large margin, (ii) MultiLAD’s advantage over contenders significantly increases when additional views are available, and (iii) MultiLAD is highly robust to noise from individual views. In five real-world dynamic graphs, we demonstrate that LAD and MultiLAD identify significant events as top anomalies such as the implementation of government COVID-19 interventions which impacted the population mobility in multi-view traffic networks.
Connecting Weighted Automata, Tensor Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks through Spectral Learning
Generative Learning of Continuous Data by Tensor Networks
Alex Meiburg
Jing Chen
Jacob Miller
Raphaelle Tihon
Alejandro Perdomo-ortiz