Découvrez le dernier rapport d'impact de Mila, qui met en lumière les réalisations exceptionnelles des membres de notre communauté au cours de la dernière année.
Rapport et guide politique GPAI: Vers une réelle égalité en IA
Rejoignez-nous à Mila le 26 novembre pour le lancement du rapport et du guide politique qui présente des recommandations concrètes pour construire des écosystèmes d'IA inclusifs.
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Use of Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces in Pediatric Neurosurgery: Technical and Ethical Considerations
With the increasing adoption of digital health platforms through mobile apps and online services, people have greater flexibility connecting… (voir plus) with medical practitioners, pharmacists, and laboratories and accessing resources to manage their own health-related concerns. Many healthcare institutions are connecting with each other to facilitate the exchange of healthcare data, with the goal of effective healthcare data management. The contents generated over these platforms are often shared with third parties for a variety of purposes. However, sharing healthcare data comes with the potential risk of exposing patients’ sensitive information to privacy threats. In this article, we address the challenge of sharing healthcare data while protecting patients’ privacy. We first model a complex healthcare dataset using a heterogeneous information network that consists of multi-type entities and their relationships. We then propose DiffHetNet, an edge-based differentially private algorithm, to protect the sensitive links of patients from inbound and outbound attacks in the heterogeneous health network. We evaluate the performance of our proposed method in terms of information utility and efficiency on different types of real-life datasets that can be modeled as networks. Experimental results suggest that DiffHetNet generally yields less information loss and is significantly more efficient in terms of runtime in comparison with existing network anonymization methods. Furthermore, DiffHetNet is scalable to large network datasets.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (publié)
Cancer treatment is an arduous process for patients and causes many side-effects during and post-treatment. The treatment can affect almost … (voir plus)all body systems and result in pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairments, etc. These conditions are often under-diagnosed or under-treated. In this paper, we use patient data to predict the evolution of their symptoms such that treatment-related impairments can be prevented or effects meaningfully ameliorated. The focus of this study is on predicting the pain and tiredness level of a patient post their diagnosis. We implement an interpretable decision tree based model called LightGBM on real-world patient data consisting of 20163 patients. There exists a class imbalance problem in the dataset which we resolve using the oversampling technique of SMOTE. Our empirical results show that the value of the previous level of a symptom is a key indicator for prediction and the weighted average deviation in prediction of pain level is 3.52 and of tiredness level is 2.27.