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A Universal Representation Transformer Layer for Few-Shot Image Classification
Few-shot classification aims to recognize unseen classes when presented with only a small number of samples. We consider the problem of mult… (voir plus)i-domain few-shot image classification, where unseen classes and examples come from diverse data sources. This problem has seen growing interest and has inspired the development of benchmarks such as Meta-Dataset. A key challenge in this multi-domain setting is to effectively integrate the feature representations from the diverse set of training domains. Here, we propose a Universal Representation Transformer (URT) layer, that meta-learns to leverage universal features for few-shot classification by dynamically re-weighting and composing the most appropriate domain-specific representations. In experiments, we show that URT sets a new state-of-the-art result on Meta-Dataset. Specifically, it achieves top-performance on the highest number of data sources compared to competing methods. We analyze variants of URT and present a visualization of the attention score heatmaps that sheds light on how the model performs cross-domain generalization.
For a natural language understanding bench-001 mark to be useful in research, it has to con-002 sist of examples that are diverse and diffi… (voir plus)-003 cult enough to discriminate among current and 004 near-future state-of-the-art systems. However, 005 we do not yet know how best to select pas-006 sages to collect a variety of challenging exam-007 ples. In this study, we crowdsource multiple-008 choice reading comprehension questions for 009 passages taken from seven qualitatively dis-010 tinct sources, analyzing what attributes of pas-011 sages contribute to the difficulty and question 012 types of the collected examples. To our sur-013 prise, we find that passage source, length, and 014 readability measures do not significantly affect 015 question difficulty. Through our manual anno-016 tation of seven reasoning types, we observe 017 several trends between passage sources and 018 reasoning types, e.g., logical reasoning is more 019 often required in questions written for techni-020 cal passages. These results suggest that when 021 creating a new benchmark dataset, selecting a 022 diverse set of passages can help ensure a di-023 verse range of question types, but that passage 024 difficulty need not be a priority. 025
Neurons in the dorsal visual pathway of the mammalian brain are selective for motion stimuli, with the complexity of stimulus representation… (voir plus)s increasing along the hierarchy. This progression is similar to that of the ventral visual pathway, which is well characterized by artificial neural networks (ANNs) optimized for object recognition. In contrast, there are no image-computable models of the dorsal stream with comparable explanatory power. We hypothesized that the properties of dorsal stream neurons could be explained by a simple learning objective: the need for an organism to orient itself during self-motion. To test this hypothesis, we trained a 3D ResNet to predict an agent’s self-motion parameters from visual stimuli in a simulated environment. We found that the responses in this network accounted well for the selectivity of neurons in a large database of single-neuron recordings from the dorsal visual stream of non-human primates. In contrast, ANNs trained on an action recognition dataset through supervised or self-supervised learning could not explain responses in the dorsal stream, despite also being trained on naturalistic videos with moving objects. These results demonstrate that an ecologically relevant cost function can account for dorsal stream properties in the primate brain.
The human pineal gland regulates day‐night dynamics of multiple physiological processes, especially through the secretion of melatonin. Us… (voir plus)ing mass‐spectrometry‐based proteomics and dedicated analysis tools, we identify proteins in the human pineal gland and analyze systematically their variation throughout the day and compare these changes in the pineal proteome between control specimens and donors diagnosed with autism. Results reveal diverse regulated clusters of proteins with, among others, catabolic carbohydrate process and cytoplasmic membrane‐bounded vesicle‐related proteins differing between day and night and/or control versus autism pineal glands. These data show novel and unexpected processes happening in the human pineal gland during the day/night rhythm as well as specific differences between autism donor pineal glands and those from controls.
The computational prediction of transcription factor binding sites remains a challenging problems in bioinformatics, despite significant met… (voir plus)hodological developments from the field of machine learning. Such computational models are essential to help interpret the non-coding portion of human genomes, and to learn more about the regulatory mechanisms controlling gene expression. In parallel, massive genome sequencing efforts have produced assembled genomes for hundred of vertebrate species, but this data is underused. We present PhyloReg, a new semi-supervised learning approach that can be used for a wide variety of sequence-to-function prediction problems, and that takes advantage of hundreds of millions of years of evolution to regularize predictors and improve accuracy. We demonstrate that PhyloReg can be used to better train a previously proposed deep learning model of transcription factor binding. Simulation studies further help delineate the benefits of the a pproach. G ains in prediction accuracy are obtained over a broad set of transcription factors and cell types.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) (publié)
True evidence-informed decision making in public health relies on incorporating evidence from a number of sources in addition to… (voir plus) traditional scientific evidence. Lack of access to these types of data, as well as ease of use and interpretability of scientific evidence contribute to limited uptake of evidence-informed decision making in practice. An electronic evidence system that includes multiple sources of evidence and potentially novel computational processing approaches or artificial intelligence holds promise as a solution to overcoming barriers to evidence-informed decision making in public health.
To understand the needs and preferences for an electronic evidence system among public health professionals in Canada.
An invitation to participate in an anonymous online survey was distributed via listservs of two Canadian public health organizations. Eligible participants were English or French speaking individuals currently working in public health. The survey contained both multiple choice and open-ended questions about needs and preferences relevant to an electronic evidence system. Quantitative responses were analyzed to explore differences by public health role. Inductive and deductive analysis methods were used to code and interpret the qualitative data. Ethics review was not required by the host institution.
Respondents (n = 371) were heterogeneous, spanning organizations, positions, and areas of practice within public health. Nearly all (98.0%) respondents indicated that an electronic evidence system would support their work. Respondents had high preferences for local contextual data, research and intervention evidence, and information about human and financial resources. Qualitative analyses identified a number of concerns, needs, and suggestions for development of such a system. Concerns ranged from personal use of such a system, to the ability of their organization to use such a system. Identified needs spanned the different sources of evidence including local context, research and intervention evidence, and resources and tools. Additional suggestions were identified to improve system usability.
Canadian public health professionals have positive perceptions towards an electronic evidence system that would bring together evidence from the local context, scientific research, and resources. Elements were also identified to increase the usability of an electronic evidence system.
Social media trends are increasingly taking a significant role for the understanding of modern social dynamics. In this work, we take a look… (voir plus) at how the Twitter landscape gets constantly shaped by automatically generated content. Twitter bot activity can be traced via network abstractions which, we hypothesize, can be learned through state-of-the-art graph neural network techniques. We employ a large bot database, continuously updated by Twitter, to learn how likely is that a user is mentioned by a bot, as well as, for a hashtag. Thus, we model this likelihood as a link prediction task between the set of users and hashtags. Moreover, we contrast our results by performing similar experiments on a crawled data set of real users.
LatinX in AI at Neural Information Processing Systems Conference 2020 (publié)
A fundamental task in data exploration is to extract simplified low dimensional representations that capture intrinsic geometry in data, esp… (voir plus)ecially for faithfully visualizing data in two or three dimensions. Common approaches to this task use kernel methods for manifold learning. However, these methods typically only provide an embedding of fixed input data and cannot extend to new data points. Autoencoders have also recently become popular for representation learning. But while they naturally compute feature extractors that are both extendable to new data and invertible (i.e., reconstructing original features from latent representation), they have limited capabilities to follow global intrinsic geometry compared to kernel-based manifold learning. We present a new method for integrating both approaches by incorporating a geometric regularization term in the bottleneck of the autoencoder. Our regularization, based on the diffusion potential distances from the recently-proposed PHATE visualization method, encourages the learned latent representation to follow intrinsic data geometry, similar to manifold learning algorithms, while still enabling faithful extension to new data and reconstruction of data in the original feature space from latent coordinates. We compare our approach with leading kernel methods and autoencoder models for manifold learning to provide qualitative and quantitative evidence of our advantages in preserving intrinsic structure, out of sample extension, and reconstruction. Our method is easily implemented for big-data applications, whereas other methods are limited in this regard.
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (publié)
The study of first-order optimization algorithms (FOA) typically starts with assumptions on the objective functions, most commonly smoothnes… (voir plus)s and strong convexity. These metrics are used to tune the hyperparameters of FOA. We introduce a class of perturbations quantified via a new norm, called *-norm. We show that adding a small perturbation to the objective function has an equivalently small impact on the behavior of any FOA, which suggests that it should have a minor impact on the tuning of the algorithm. However, we show that smoothness and strong convexity can be heavily impacted by arbitrarily small perturbations, leading to excessively conservative tunings and convergence issues. In view of these observations, we propose a notion of continuity of the metrics, which is essential for a robust tuning strategy. Since smoothness and strong convexity are not continuous, we propose a comprehensive study of existing alternative metrics which we prove to be continuous. We describe their mutual relations and provide their guaranteed convergence rates for the Gradient Descent algorithm accordingly tuned. Finally we discuss how our work impacts the theoretical understanding of FOA and their performances.
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is one of the greatest global medical and social challenges that have emerged in recent history. Human coronavirus s… (voir plus)trains discovered during previous SARS outbreaks have been hypothesized to pass from bats to humans using intermediate hosts, e.g. civets for SARS-CoV and camels for MERS-CoV. The discovery of an intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2 and the identification of specific mechanism of its emergence in humans are topics of primary evolutionary importance. In this study we investigate the evolutionary patterns of 11 main genes of SARS-CoV-2. Previous studies suggested that the genome of SARS-CoV-2 is highly similar to the horseshoe bat coronavirus RaTG13 for most of the genes and to some Malayan pangolin coronavirus (CoV) strains for the receptor binding (RB) domain of the spike protein. We provide a detailed list of statistically significant horizontal gene transfer and recombination events (both intergenic and intragenic) inferred for each of 11 main genes of the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Our analysis reveals that two continuous regions of genes S and N of SARS-CoV-2 may result from intragenic recombination between RaTG13 and Guangdong (GD) Pangolin CoVs. Statistically significant gene transfer-recombination events between RaTG13 and GD Pangolin CoV have been identified in region [1215–1425] of gene S and region [534–727] of gene N. Moreover, some statistically significant recombination events between the ancestors of SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, GD Pangolin CoV and bat CoV ZC45-ZXC21 coronaviruses have been identified in genes ORF1ab, S, ORF3a, ORF7a, ORF8 and N. Furthermore, topology-based clustering of gene trees inferred for 25 CoV organisms revealed a three-way evolution of coronavirus genes, with gene phylogenies of ORF1ab, S and N forming the first cluster, gene phylogenies of ORF3a, E, M, ORF6, ORF7a, ORF7b and ORF8 forming the second cluster, and phylogeny of gene ORF10 forming the third cluster. The results of our horizontal gene transfer and recombination analysis suggest that SARS-CoV-2 could not only be a chimera virus resulting from recombination of the bat RaTG13 and Guangdong pangolin coronaviruses but also a close relative of the bat CoV ZC45 and ZXC21 strains. They also indicate that a GD pangolin may be an intermediate host of this dangerous virus.