Portrait de Samira Ebrahimi Kahou

Samira Ebrahimi Kahou

Membre affilié
Chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR
Professeure adjointe, University of Calgary, Départment de génie électrique et logiciel
Professeure adjointe, École de technologie suprérieure, Département de génie logiciel et technologies de l'information
Professeure adjointe, McGill University, École d'informatique
Sujets de recherche
Apprentissage automatique médical
Apprentissage de représentations
Apprentissage multimodal
Apprentissage par renforcement
Apprentissage profond
Traitement du langage naturel
Vision par ordinateur


Je suis professeure adjointe à l'Université de Calgary, à l'école d'ingénierie Schulich au département de génie électrique et logiciel. Je suis aussi professeure adjointe au département de génie logiciel et technologies de l'information de l'École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) et professeure adjointe à l'école d'informatique de l’Université McGill. Avant de me joindre à l'ÉTS, j'ai été stagiaire postdoctorale auprès de la professeure Doina Precup à l’Université McGill / Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle. Préalablement à mon postdoctorat, j'ai été chercheuse à Microsoft Research, à Montréal. J'ai obtenu mon doctorat à Polytechnique Montréal / Mila en 2016 sous la supervision du professeur Chris Pal. Pendant mes études doctorales, j'ai travaillé sur la vision par ordinateur et l'apprentissage profond appliqués à la reconnaissance des émotions, au suivi d'objets et à la distillation de connaissances.

Étudiants actuels

Maîtrise recherche - École de technologie suprérieure
Doctorat - École de technologie suprérieure
Doctorat - UdeM
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - McGill
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - École de technologie suprérieure
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - École de technologie suprérieure
Doctorat - École de technologie suprérieure
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - McGill
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - École de technologie suprérieure
Maîtrise recherche - McGill
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - École de technologie suprérieure
Doctorat - McGill
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Maîtrise recherche - McGill
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :


Accounting for Variance in Machine Learning Benchmarks
Xavier Bouthillier
Pierre Delaunay
Mirko Bronzi
Assya Trofimov
Brennan Nichyporuk
Justin Szeto
Naz Sepah
Edward Raff
Kanika Madan
Vikram Voleti
Vincent Michalski
Dmitriy Serdyuk
Gael Varoquaux
Strong empirical evidence that one machine-learning algorithm A outperforms another one B ideally calls for multiple trials optimizing the l… (voir plus)earning pipeline over sources of variation such as data sampling, data augmentation, parameter initialization, and hyperparameters choices. This is prohibitively expensive, and corners are cut to reach conclusions. We model the whole benchmarking process, revealing that variance due to data sampling, parameter initialization and hyperparameter choice impact markedly the results. We analyze the predominant comparison methods used today in the light of this variance. We show a counter-intuitive result that adding more sources of variation to an imperfect estimator approaches better the ideal estimator at a 51 times reduction in compute cost. Building on these results, we study the error rate of detecting improvements, on five different deep-learning tasks/architectures. This study leads us to propose recommendations for performance comparisons.
Towards Deep Conversational Recommendations
Raymond Li
Hannes Schulz
Vincent Michalski
There has been growing interest in using neural networks and deep learning techniques to create dialogue systems. Conversational recommendat… (voir plus)ion is an interesting setting for the scientific exploration of dialogue with natural language as the associated discourse involves goal-driven dialogue that often transforms naturally into more free-form chat. This paper provides two contributions. First, until now there has been no publicly available large-scale data set consisting of real-world dialogues centered around recommendations. To address this issue and to facilitate our exploration here, we have collected ReDial, a data set consisting of over 10,000 conversations centered around the theme of providing movie recommendations. We make this data available to the community for further research. Second, we use this dataset to explore multiple facets of conversational recommendations. In particular we explore new neural architectures, mechanisms and methods suitable for composing conversational recommendation systems. Our dataset allows us to systematically probe model sub-components addressing different parts of the overall problem domain ranging from: sentiment analysis and cold-start recommendation generation to detailed aspects of how natural language is used in this setting in the real world. We combine such sub-components into a full-blown dialogue system and examine its behavior.
Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
Rami Al-rfou'
Guillaume Alain
Amjad Almahairi
Christof Angermüller
Nicolas Ballas
Frédéric Bastien
Justin S. Bayer
A. Belikov
A. Belopolsky
Arnaud Bergeron
J. Bergstra
Valentin Bisson
Josh Bleecher Snyder
Nicolas Bouchard
Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
Xavier Bouthillier
Alexandre De Brébisson
Olivier Breuleux … (voir 92 de plus)
pierre luc carrier
Kyunghyun Cho
Jan Chorowski
Paul F. Christiano
Tim Cooijmans
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Myriam Côté
Yann Dauphin
Olivier Delalleau
Julien Demouth
Guillaume Desjardins
Sander Dieleman
Laurent Dinh
M'elanie Ducoffe
Vincent Dumoulin
Dumitru Erhan
Ziye Fan
Orhan Firat
Mathieu Germain
Xavier Glorot
Ian J. Goodfellow
Matthew Graham
Caglar Gulcehre
Philippe Hamel
Iban Harlouchet
Jean-philippe Heng
Balázs Hidasi
Sina Honari
Arjun Jain
S'ebastien Jean
Kai Jia
Mikhail V. Korobov
Vivek Kulkarni
Alex Lamb
Pascal Lamblin
Eric P. Larsen
César Laurent
S. Lee
Simon-mark Lefrancois
Simon Lemieux
Nicholas Léonard
Zhouhan Lin
J. Livezey
Cory R. Lorenz
Jeremiah L. Lowin
Qianli M. Ma
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
Olivier Mastropietro
R. McGibbon
Roland Memisevic
Bart van Merriënboer
Vincent Michalski
Mehdi Mirza
Alberto Orlandi
Razvan Pascanu
Mohammad Pezeshki
Colin Raffel
Daniel Renshaw
Matthew David Rocklin
Markus Dr. Roth
Peter Sadowski
John Salvatier
Francois Savard
Jan Schlüter
John D. Schulman
Gabriel Schwartz
Iulian V. Serban
Dmitriy Serdyuk
Samira Shabanian
Etienne Simon
Sigurd Spieckermann
S. Subramanyam
Jakub Sygnowski
Jérémie Tanguay
Gijs van Tulder
Joseph P. Turian
Sebastian Urban
Francesco Visin
Harm de Vries
David Warde-Farley
Dustin J. Webb
M. Willson
Kelvin Xu
Lijun Xue
Li Yao
Saizheng Zhang
Ying Zhang
Theano is a Python library that allows to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficie… (voir plus)ntly. Since its introduction, it has been one of the most used CPU and GPU mathematical compilers - especially in the machine learning community - and has shown steady performance improvements. Theano is being actively and continuously developed since 2008, multiple frameworks have been built on top of it and it has been used to produce many state-of-the-art machine learning models. The present article is structured as follows. Section I provides an overview of the Theano software and its community. Section II presents the principal features of Theano and how to use them, and compares them with other similar projects. Section III focuses on recently-introduced functionalities and improvements. Section IV compares the performance of Theano against Torch7 and TensorFlow on several machine learning models. Section V discusses current limitations of Theano and potential ways of improving it.
Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
Rami Al-rfou'
Guillaume Alain
Amjad Almahairi
Christof Angermüller
Nicolas Ballas
Frédéric Bastien
Justin S. Bayer
A. Belikov
A. Belopolsky
Arnaud Bergeron
James Bergstra
Valentin Bisson
Josh Bleecher Snyder
Nicolas Bouchard
Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
Xavier Bouthillier
Alexandre De Brébisson
Olivier Breuleux … (voir 92 de plus)
pierre luc carrier
Kyunghyun Cho
Jan Chorowski
Paul F. Christiano
Tim Cooijmans
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Myriam Côté
Yann Dauphin
Olivier Delalleau
Julien Demouth
Guillaume Desjardins
Sander Dieleman
Laurent Dinh
M'elanie Ducoffe
Vincent Dumoulin
Dumitru Erhan
Ziye Fan
Orhan Firat
Mathieu Germain
Xavier Glorot
Ian G Goodfellow
Matthew Graham
Caglar Gulcehre
Philippe Hamel
Iban Harlouchet
Jean-philippe Heng
Balázs Hidasi
Sina Honari
Arjun Jain
Sébastien Jean
Kai Jia
Mikhail V. Korobov
Vivek Kulkarni
Alex Lamb
Pascal Lamblin
Eric Larsen
César Laurent
S. Lee
Simon-mark Lefrancois
Simon Lemieux
Nicholas Léonard
Zhouhan Lin
J. Livezey
Cory R. Lorenz
Jeremiah L. Lowin
Qianli M. Ma
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
Olivier Mastropietro
R. McGibbon
Roland Memisevic
Bart van Merriënboer
Vincent Michalski
Mehdi Mirza
Alberto Orlandi
Razvan Pascanu
Mohammad Pezeshki
Colin Raffel
Daniel Renshaw
Matthew David Rocklin
Markus Dr. Roth
Peter Sadowski
John Salvatier
Francois Savard
Jan Schlüter
John D. Schulman
Gabriel Schwartz
Iulian V. Serban
Dmitriy Serdyuk
Samira Shabanian
Etienne Simon
Sigurd Spieckermann
S. Subramanyam
Jakub Sygnowski
Jérémie Tanguay
Gijs van Tulder
Joseph Turian
Sebastian Urban
Francesco Visin
Harm de Vries
David Warde-Farley
Dustin J. Webb
M. Willson
Kelvin Xu
Lijun Xue
Li Yao
Saizheng Zhang
Ying Zhang
Theano is a Python library that allows to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficie… (voir plus)ntly. Since its introduction, it has been one of the most used CPU and GPU mathematical compilers - especially in the machine learning community - and has shown steady performance improvements. Theano is being actively and continuously developed since 2008, multiple frameworks have been built on top of it and it has been used to produce many state-of-the-art machine learning models. The present article is structured as follows. Section I provides an overview of the Theano software and its community. Section II presents the principal features of Theano and how to use them, and compares them with other similar projects. Section III focuses on recently-introduced functionalities and improvements. Section IV compares the performance of Theano against Torch7 and TensorFlow on several machine learning models. Section V discusses current limitations of Theano and potential ways of improving it.