Portrait de Jian Tang

Jian Tang

Membre académique principal
Chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR
Professeur agrégé, HEC Montréal, Département de sciences de la décision
Professeur associé, Université de Montréal, Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle
Président, China Longyuan Power Group Corporation


Jian Tang est professeur associé à Mila – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle. Il est également titulaire d'une chaire de recherche en IA Canada-CIFAR et fondateur de BioGeometry, une startup spécialisée dans l'IA générative pour la découverte d'anticorps. Ses principaux domaines de recherche sont les modèles génératifs profonds, l'apprentissage automatique des graphes et leurs applications à la découverte de médicaments. Il est un leader international dans le domaine de l'apprentissage automatique des graphes, et son travail représentatif sur l'apprentissage de la représentation des nœuds, LINE, a été largement reconnu et cité plus de 5 000 fois. Il a également réalisé de nombreux travaux pionniers sur l'IA pour la découverte de médicaments, notamment le premier cadre d'apprentissage automatique à source ouverte pour la découverte de médicaments, TorchDrug et TorchProtein.

Étudiants actuels

Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Maîtrise recherche - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Collaborateur·rice de recherche
Stagiaire de recherche - HEC Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Co-superviseur⋅e :
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Stagiaire de recherche - Beijing Institute of Technology
Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Doctorat - Université de Montréal


Towards Foundational Models for Molecular Learning on Large-Scale Multi-Task Datasets
Shenyang Huang
Joao Alex Cunha
Zhiyi Li
Gabriela Moisescu-Pareja
Oleksandr Dymov
Samuel Maddrell-Mander
Callum McLean
Frederik Wenkel
Luis Müller
Jama Hussein Mohamud
Ali Parviz
Michael Craig
Michał Koziarski
Jiarui Lu
Zhaocheng Zhu
Cristian Gabellini
Kerstin Klaser
Josef Dean
Cas Wognum … (voir 15 de plus)
Maciej Sypetkowski
Christopher Morris
Ioannis Koutis
Prudencio Tossou
Hadrien Mary
Therence Bois
Andrew William Fitzgibbon
Blazej Banaszewski
Chad Martin
Dominic Masters
Recently, pre-trained foundation models have enabled significant advancements in multiple fields. In molecular machine learning, however, wh… (voir plus)ere datasets are often hand-curated, and hence typically small, the lack of datasets with labeled features, and codebases to manage those datasets, has hindered the development of foundation models. In this work, we present seven novel datasets categorized by size into three distinct categories: ToyMix, LargeMix and UltraLarge. These datasets push the boundaries in both the scale and the diversity of supervised labels for molecular learning. They cover nearly 100 million molecules and over 3000 sparsely defined tasks, totaling more than 13 billion individual labels of both quantum and biological nature. In comparison, our datasets contain 300 times more data points than the widely used OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 dataset, and 13 times more than the quantum-only QM1B dataset. In addition, to support the development of foundational models based on our proposed datasets, we present the Graphium graph machine learning library which simplifies the process of building and training molecular machine learning models for multi-task and multi-level molecular datasets. Finally, we present a range of baseline results as a starting point of multi-task and multi-level training on these datasets. Empirically, we observe that performance on low-resource biological datasets show improvement by also training on large amounts of quantum data. This indicates that there may be potential in multi-task and multi-level training of a foundation model and fine-tuning it to resource-constrained downstream tasks. The Graphium library is publicly available on Github and the dataset links are available in Part 1 and Part 2.
Multi-modal Molecule Structure-text Model for Text-based Retrieval and Editing
Shengchao Liu
Weili Nie
Chengpeng Wang
Jiarui Lu
Zhuoran Qiao
Ling Liu
Chaowei Xiao
Animashree Anandkumar
There is increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. However, existing studies use machine learning to mainly utilize … (voir plus)the chemical structures of molecules but ignore the vast textual knowledge available in chemistry. Incorporating textual knowledge enables us to realize new drug design objectives, adapt to text-based instructions and predict complex biological activities. Here we present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecules' chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy. To train MoleculeSTM, we construct a large multi-modal dataset, namely, PubChemSTM, with over 280,000 chemical structure-text pairs. To demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of MoleculeSTM, we design two challenging zero-shot tasks based on text instructions, including structure-text retrieval and molecule editing. MoleculeSTM has two main properties: open vocabulary and compositionality via natural language. In experiments, MoleculeSTM obtains the state-of-the-art generalization ability to novel biochemical concepts across various benchmarks.
Pretrainable Geometric Graph Neural Network for Antibody Affinity Maturation
Huiyu Cai
Zuobai Zhang
Mingkai Wang
Bozitao Zhong
Yanling Wu
Tianlei Ying
Pretrainable Geometric Graph Neural Network for Antibody Affinity Maturation
Huiyu Cai
Zuobai Zhang
Mingkai Wang
Bozitao Zhong
Yanling Wu
Tianlei Ying
In the realm of antibody therapeutics development, increasing the binding affinity of an antibody to its target antigen is a crucial task. T… (voir plus)his paper presents GearBind, a pretrainable deep neural network designed to be effective for in silico affinity maturation. Leveraging multi-level geometric message passing alongside contrastive pretraining on protein structural data, GearBind capably models the complex interplay of atom-level interactions within protein complexes, surpassing previous state-of-the-art approaches on SKEMPI v2 in terms of Pearson correlation, mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE). In silico experiments elucidate that pretraining helps GearBind become sensitive to mutation-induced binding affinity changes and reflective of amino acid substitution tendency. Using an ensemble model based on pretrained GearBind, we successfully optimize the affinity of CR3022 to the spike (S) protein of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron strain. Our strategy yields a high success rate with up to 17-fold affinity increase. GearBind proves to be an effective tool in narrowing the search space for in vitro antibody affinity maturation, underscoring the utility of geometric deep learning and adept pre-training in macromolecule interaction modeling.
PDB-Struct: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Structure-based Protein Design
Chuanrui Wang
Bozitao Zhong
Zuobai Zhang
Narendra Chaudhary
Sanchit Misra
Structure-based protein design has attracted increasing interest, with numerous methods being introduced in recent years. However, a univers… (voir plus)ally accepted method for evaluation has not been established, since the wet-lab validation can be overly time-consuming for the development of new algorithms, and the
PDB-Struct: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Structure-based Protein Design
Chuanrui Wang
Bozitao Zhong
Zuobai Zhang
Narendra Chaudhary
Sanchit Misra
Structure-based protein design has attracted increasing interest, with numerous methods being introduced in recent years. However, a univers… (voir plus)ally accepted method for evaluation has not been established, since the wet-lab validation can be overly time-consuming for the development of new algorithms, and the
Large Language Models can Learn Rules
Zhaocheng Zhu
Yuan Xue
Xinyun Chen
Denny Zhou
Dale Schuurmans
Hanjun Dai
GraphText: Graph Reasoning in Text Space
Jianan Zhao
Le Zhuo
Yikang Shen
Meng Qu
Kai Liu
Michael Bronstein
Zhaocheng Zhu
Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained the ability to assimilate human knowledge and facilitate natural language interactions with both hu… (voir plus)mans and other LLMs. However, despite their impressive achievements, LLMs have not made significant advancements in the realm of graph machine learning. This limitation arises because graphs encapsulate distinct relational data, making it challenging to transform them into natural language that LLMs understand. In this paper, we bridge this gap with a novel framework, GraphText, that translates graphs into natural language. GraphText derives a graph-syntax tree for each graph that encapsulates both the node attributes and inter-node relationships. Traversal of the tree yields a graph text sequence, which is then processed by an LLM to treat graph tasks as text generation tasks. Notably, GraphText offers multiple advantages. It introduces training-free graph reasoning: even without training on graph data, GraphText with ChatGPT can achieve on par with, or even surpassing, the performance of supervised-trained graph neural networks through in-context learning (ICL). Furthermore, GraphText paves the way for interactive graph reasoning, allowing both humans and LLMs to communicate with the model seamlessly using natural language. These capabilities underscore the vast, yet-to-be-explored potential of LLMs in the domain of graph machine learning.
An Empirical Study of Retrieval-Enhanced Graph Neural Networks
Dingmin Wang
Shengchao Liu
Hanchen Wang
Bernardo Cuenca Grau
Linfeng Song
Le Song
Qi Liu
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are effective tools for graph representation learning. Most GNNs rely on a recursive neighborhood aggregation s… (voir plus)cheme, named message passing, thereby their theoretical expressive power is limited to the first-order Weisfeiler-Lehman test (1-WL). An effective approach to this challenge is to explicitly retrieve some annotated examples used to enhance GNN models. While retrieval-enhanced models have been proved to be effective in many language and vision domains, it remains an open question how effective retrieval-enhanced GNNs are when applied to graph datasets. Motivated by this, we want to explore how the retrieval idea can help augment the useful information learned in the graph neural networks, and we design a retrieval-enhanced scheme called GRAPHRETRIEVAL, which is agnostic to the choice of graph neural network models. In GRAPHRETRIEVAL, for each input graph, similar graphs together with their ground-true labels are retrieved from an existing database. Thus they can act as a potential enhancement to complete various graph property predictive tasks. We conduct comprehensive experiments over 13 datasets, and we observe that GRAPHRETRIEVAL is able to reach substantial improvements over existing GNNs. Moreover, our empirical study also illustrates that retrieval enhancement is a promising remedy for alleviating the long-tailed label distribution problem.
Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular Graph Embeddings
Hanchen Wang
Jean Kaddour
Shengchao Liu
Matt J. Kusner
Joan Lasenby
Qi Liu
Graph Self-Supervised Learning (GSSL) provides a robust pathway for acquiring embeddings without expert labelling, a capability that carries… (voir plus) profound implications for molecular graphs due to the staggering number of potential molecules and the high cost of obtaining labels. However, GSSL methods are designed not for optimisation within a specific domain but rather for transferability across a variety of downstream tasks. This broad applicability complicates their evaluation. Addressing this challenge, we present"Molecular Graph Representation Evaluation"(MOLGRAPHEVAL), generating detailed profiles of molecular graph embeddings with interpretable and diversified attributes. MOLGRAPHEVAL offers a suite of probing tasks grouped into three categories: (i) generic graph, (ii) molecular substructure, and (iii) embedding space properties. By leveraging MOLGRAPHEVAL to benchmark existing GSSL methods against both current downstream datasets and our suite of tasks, we uncover significant inconsistencies between inferences drawn solely from existing datasets and those derived from more nuanced probing. These findings suggest that current evaluation methodologies fail to capture the entirety of the landscape.
Symmetry-Informed Geometric Representation for Molecules, Proteins, and Crystalline Materials
Shengchao Liu
weitao Du
Yanjing Li
Zhuoxinran Li
Zhiling Zheng
Chenru Duan
Zhi-Ming Ma
Omar M. Yaghi
Animashree Anandkumar
Christian Borgs
Jennifer T Chayes
Hongyu Guo
Artificial intelligence for scientific discovery has recently generated significant interest within the machine learning and scientific comm… (voir plus)unities, particularly in the domains of chemistry, biology, and material discovery. For these scientific problems, molecules serve as the fundamental building blocks, and machine learning has emerged as a highly effective and powerful tool for modeling their geometric structures. Nevertheless, due to the rapidly evolving process of the field and the knowledge gap between science ({\eg}, physics, chemistry, \& biology) and machine learning communities, a benchmarking study on geometrical representation for such data has not been conducted. To address such an issue, in this paper, we first provide a unified view of the current symmetry-informed geometric methods, classifying them into three main categories: invariance, equivariance with spherical frame basis, and equivariance with vector frame basis. Then we propose a platform, coined Geom3D, which enables benchmarking the effectiveness of geometric strategies. Geom3D contains 16 advanced symmetry-informed geometric representation models and 14 geometric pretraining methods over 52 diverse tasks, including small molecules, proteins, and crystalline materials. We hope that Geom3D can, on the one hand, eliminate barriers for machine learning researchers interested in exploring scientific problems; and, on the other hand, provide valuable guidance for researchers in computational chemistry, structural biology, and materials science, aiding in the informed selection of representation techniques for specific applications. The source code is available on \href{https://github.com/chao1224/Geom3D}{the GitHub repository}.
A*Net: A Scalable Path-based Reasoning Approach for Knowledge Graphs
Zhaocheng Zhu
Xinyu Yuan
Mikhail Galkin
Louis-Pascal Xhonneux
Sophie Xhonneux
Ming Zhang
Maxime Gazeau