
A polynomial algorithm for a continuous bilevel knapsack problem
Patrice Marcotte
Learning Anonymized Representations with Adversarial Neural Networks
Clément Feutry
P. Duhamel
Statistical methods protecting sensitive information or the identity of the data owner have become critical to ensure privacy of individuals… (voir plus) as well as of organizations. This paper investigates anonymization methods based on representation learning and deep neural networks, and motivated by novel information theoretical bounds. We introduce a novel training objective for simultaneously training a predictor over target variables of interest (the regular labels) while preventing an intermediate representation to be predictive of the private labels. The architecture is based on three sub-networks: one going from input to representation, one from representation to predicted regular labels, and one from representation to predicted private labels. The training procedure aims at learning representations that preserve the relevant part of the information (about regular labels) while dismissing information about the private labels which correspond to the identity of a person. We demonstrate the success of this approach for two distinct classification versus anonymization tasks (handwritten digits and sentiment analysis).
Existence of Nash Equilibria on Integer Programming Games
João Pedro Pedroso
Online Hyper-Parameter Optimization
Damien Vincent
Sylvain Gelly
Olivier Bousquet
Online variance-reducing optimization
Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh
Reza Babanezhad
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
Combining intraoperative ultrasound brain shift correction and augmented reality visualizations: a pilot study of eight cases
Ian J. Gerard
Marta Kersten-Oertel
Simon Drouin
Jeffery A. Hall
Kevin Petrecca
Dante De Nigris
Daniel A. Di Giovanni
D. Louis Collins
Abstract. We present our work investigating the feasibility of combining intraoperative ultrasound for brain shift correction and augmented … (voir plus)reality (AR) visualization for intraoperative interpretation of patient-specific models in image-guided neurosurgery (IGNS) of brain tumors. We combine two imaging technologies for image-guided brain tumor neurosurgery. Throughout surgical interventions, AR was used to assess different surgical strategies using three-dimensional (3-D) patient-specific models of the patient’s cortex, vasculature, and lesion. Ultrasound imaging was acquired intraoperatively, and preoperative images and models were registered to the intraoperative data. The quality and reliability of the AR views were evaluated with both qualitative and quantitative metrics. A pilot study of eight patients demonstrates the feasible combination of these two technologies and their complementary features. In each case, the AR visualizations enabled the surgeon to accurately visualize the anatomy and pathology of interest for an extended period of the intervention. Inaccuracies associated with misregistration, brain shift, and AR were improved in all cases. These results demonstrate the potential of combining ultrasound-based registration with AR to become a useful tool for neurosurgeons to improve intraoperative patient-specific planning by improving the understanding of complex 3-D medical imaging data and prolonging the reliable use of IGNS.
Modular Networks for Validating Community Detection Algorithms
Justin J Fagnan
Afra Abnar
Osmar R Zaiane
How can we accurately compare different community detection algorithms? These algorithms cluster nodes in a given network, and their perform… (voir plus)ance is often validated on benchmark networks with explicit ground-truth communities. Given the lack of cluster labels in real-world networks, a model that generates realistic networks is required for accurate evaluation of these algorithm. In this paper, we present a simple, intuitive, and flexible benchmark generator to generate intrinsically modular networks for community validation. We show how the generated networks closely comply with the characteristics observed for real networks; whereas their characteristics could be directly controlled to match wide range of real world networks. We further show how common community detection algorithms rank differently when being evaluated on these benchmarks compared to current available alternatives.
Accelerated Stochastic Power Iteration
Peng Xu
Bryan Dawei He
Christopher De Sa
Christopher Re
Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most powerful tools in machine learning. The simplest method for PCA, the power iteration, … (voir plus)requires O ( 1 / Δ ) full-data passes to recover the principal component of a matrix with eigen-gap Δ. Lanczos, a significantly more complex method, achieves an accelerated rate of O ( 1 / Δ ) passes. Modern applications, however, motivate methods that only ingest a subset of available data, known as the stochastic setting. In the online stochastic setting, simple algorithms like Oja's iteration achieve the optimal sample complexity O ( σ 2 / Δ 2 ) . Unfortunately, they are fully sequential, and also require O ( σ 2 / Δ 2 ) iterations, far from the O ( 1 / Δ ) rate of Lanczos. We propose a simple variant of the power iteration with an added momentum term, that achieves both the optimal sample and iteration complexity. In the full-pass setting, standard analysis shows that momentum achieves the accelerated rate, O ( 1 / Δ ) . We demonstrate empirically that naively applying momentum to a stochastic method, does not result in acceleration. We perform a novel, tight variance analysis that reveals the "breaking-point variance" beyond which this acceleration does not occur. By combining this insight with modern variance reduction techniques, we construct stochastic PCA algorithms, for the online and offline setting, that achieve an accelerated iteration complexity O ( 1 / Δ ) . Due to the embarassingly parallel nature of our methods, this acceleration translates directly to wall-clock time if deployed in a parallel environment. Our approach is very general, and applies to many non-convex optimization problems that can now be accelerated using the same technique.
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
Ebrahim Bagheri
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
Ebrahim Bagheri
Automatic differentiation in ML: Where we are and where we should be going
Bart van Merriënboer
Olivier Breuleux
Arnaud Bergeron
Pascal Lamblin
We review the current state of automatic differentiation (AD) for array programming in machine learning (ML), including the different approa… (voir plus)ches such as operator overloading (OO) and source transformation (ST) used for AD, graph-based intermediate representations for programs, and source languages. Based on these insights, we introduce a new graph-based intermediate representation (IR) which specifically aims to efficiently support fully-general AD for array programming. Unlike existing dataflow programming representations in ML frameworks, our IR naturally supports function calls, higher-order functions and recursion, making ML models easier to implement. The ability to represent closures allows us to perform AD using ST without a tape, making the resulting derivative (adjoint) program amenable to ahead-of-time optimization using tools from functional language compilers, and enabling higher-order derivatives. Lastly, we introduce a proof of concept compiler toolchain called Myia which uses a subset of Python as a front end.
Challenging Conventional Segmentation Evaluation Metrics Focal Pathology ( Lesion and Tumour ) Segmentation from Patient Images