
Supervised multi-specialist topic model with applications on large-scale electronic health record data
Ziyang Song
Xavier Sumba Toral
Yixin Xu
Aihua Liu
Liming Guo
Guido Powell
Aman Verma
Ariane Marelli
Motivation: Electronic health record (EHR) data provides a new venue to elucidate disease comorbidities and latent phenotypes for precision … (voir plus)medicine. To fully exploit its potential, a realistic data generative process of the EHR data needs to be modelled. Materials and Methods: We present MixEHR-S to jointly infer specialist-disease topics from the EHR data. As the key contribution, we model the specialist assignments and ICD-coded diagnoses as the latent topics based on patient's underlying disease topic mixture in a novel unified supervised hierarchical Bayesian topic model. For efficient inference, we developed a closed-form collapsed variational inference algorithm to learn the model distributions of MixEHR-S. Results: We applied MixEHR-S to two independent large-scale EHR databases in Quebec with three targeted applications: (1) Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) diagnostic prediction among 154,775 patients; (2) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) diagnostic prediction among 73,791 patients; (3) future insulin treatment prediction among 78,712 patients diagnosed with diabetes as a mean to assess the disease exacerbation. In all three applications, MixEHR-S conferred clinically meaningful latent topics among the most predictive latent topics and achieved superior target prediction accuracy compared to the existing methods, providing opportunities for prioritizing high-risk patients for healthcare services. Availability and implementation: MixEHR-S source code and scripts of the experiments are freely available at
A systematic analysis of ICSD-3 diagnostic criteria and proposal for further structured iteration.
Christophe Gauld
Régis Lopez
Charles Morin
Kelly Guichard
Elodie Giroux
Yves Dauvilliers
Pierre Philip
Jean‐Arthur Micoulaud‐Franchi
Temporal Profiles of Social Attention Are Different Across Development in Autistic and Neurotypical People.
Teresa Del Bianco
Luke Mason
Tony Charman
Julianne Tillman
Eva Loth
Hannah Hayward
F. Shic
Jan K. Buitelaar
Mark Johnson
Emily J. H. Jones
Jumana Ahmad
Sara Ambrosino
Tobias Banaschewski
Simon Baron-Cohen
Sarah Baumeister
Christian Beckmann
Sven Bölte
Thomas Bourgeron
Carsten Bours
M. Brammer … (voir 46 de plus)
Daniel Brandeis
Claudia Brogna
Yvette de Bruijn
Ineke Cornelissen
Daisy Crawley
Flavio Dell’Acqua
Sarah Durston
Christine Ecker
Jessica Faulkner
Vincent Frouin
Pilar Garcés
David Goyard
Lindsay Ham
Joerg F. Hipp
Rosemary Holt
Meng-Chuan Lai
Xavier Liogier D’ardhuy
Michael V. Lombardo
David J. Lythgoe
René Mandl
Andre Marquand
Maarten Mennes
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Carolin Moessnang
Nico Mueller
Declan Murphy
Beth Oakley
Laurence O’Dwyer
Marianne Oldehinkel
Bob Oranje
Gahan Pandina
Antonio Persico
Barbara Ruggeri
Amber N. V. Ruigrok
Jessica Sabet
Roberto Sacco
Antonia San José Cáceres
Emily Simonoff
Will Spooren
Roberto Toro
Heike Tost
Jack Waldman
Steve C. R. Williams
Caroline Wooldridge
Marcel P. Zwiers
Why do sleep disorders belong to mental disorder classifications? A network analysis of the "Sleep-Wake Disorders" section of the DSM-5.
Christophe Gauld
Régis Lopez
Charles Morin
Julien Maquet
Aileen McGonigal
Eric Fakra
Pierre Philip
Jean‐Arthur Micoulaud‐Franchi
Human brain anatomy reflects separable genetic and environmental components of socioeconomic status
H. Kweon
Gökhan Aydogan
Alain Dagher
C. Ruff
Gideon Nave
Martha J Farah
Philipp Koellinger
Recent studies report that socioeconomic status (SES) correlates with brain structure. Yet, such findings are variable and little is known a… (voir plus)bout underlying causes. We present a well-powered voxel-based analysis of grey matter volume (GMV) across levels of SES, finding many small SES effects widely distributed across the brain, including cortical, subcortical and cerebellar regions. We also construct a polygenic index of SES to control for the additive effects of common genetic variation related to SES, which attenuates observed SES-GMV relations, to different degrees in different areas. Remaining variance, which may be attributable to environmental factors, is substantially accounted for by body mass index, a marker for lifestyle related to SES. In sum, SES affects multiple brain regions through measurable genetic and environmental effects. One-sentence Summary Socioeconomic status is linked with brain anatomy through a varying balance of genetic and environmental influences.
Local Structure Matters Most: Perturbation Study in NLU
Louis Clouâtre
Prasanna Parthasarathi
Amal Zouaq
Sarath Chandar
Recent research analyzing the sensitivity of natural language understanding models to word-order perturbations has shown that neural models … (voir plus)are surprisingly insensitive to the order of words.In this paper, we investigate this phenomenon by developing order-altering perturbations on the order of words, subwords, and characters to analyze their effect on neural models’ performance on language understanding tasks.We experiment with measuring the impact of perturbations to the local neighborhood of characters and global position of characters in the perturbed texts and observe that perturbation functions found in prior literature only affect the global ordering while the local ordering remains relatively unperturbed.We empirically show that neural models, invariant of their inductive biases, pretraining scheme, or the choice of tokenization, mostly rely on the local structure of text to build understanding and make limited use of the global structure.
Clones in deep learning code: what, where, and why?
Hadhemi Jebnoun
Md. Saidur Rahman
Biruk Asmare Muse
Automated Data-Driven Generation of Personalized Pedagogical Interventions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Ekaterina Kochmar
Dung D. Vu
Robert Belfer
Varun Gupta
Iulian V. Serban
Automated Data-Driven Generation of Personalized Pedagogical Interventions in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Ekaterina Kochmar
Dung D. Vu
Robert Belfer
Varun Gupta
Iulian V. Serban
Geographical concentration of COVID-19 cases by social determinants of health in 16 large metropolitan areas in Canada - a cross-sectional study
Yiqing Xia
Huiting Ma
Gary Moloney
Héctor A. Velásquez García
Monica Sirski
Naveed Janjua
David Vickers
Tyler Williamson
Alan Katz
Kristy Yu
Rafal Kustra
Marc Brisson
Stefan Baral
Sharmistha Mishra
Mathieu Maheu-Giroux
Background: There is a growing recognition that strategies to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission should be responsive to local transmission dyna… (voir plus)mics. Studies have revealed inequalities along social determinants of health, but little investigation was conducted surrounding geographic concentration within cities. We quantified social determinants of geographic concentration of COVID-19 cases across sixteen census metropolitan areas (CMA) in four Canadian provinces. Methods: We used surveillance data on confirmed COVID-19 cases at the level of dissemination area. Gini (co-Gini) coefficients were calculated by CMA based on the proportion of the population in ranks of diagnosed cases and each social determinant using census data (income, education, visible minority, recent immigration, suitable housing, and essential workers) and the corresponding share of cases. Heterogeneity was visualized using Lorenz (concentration) curves. Results: Geographic concentration was observed in all CMAs (half of the cumulative cases were concentrated among 21-35% of each city's population): with the greatest geographic heterogeneity in Ontario CMAs (Gini coefficients, 0.32-0.47), followed by British Columbia (0.23-0.36), Manitoba (0.32), and Quebec (0.28-0.37). Cases were disproportionately concentrated in areas with lower income, education attainment, and suitable housing; and higher proportion of visible minorities, recent immigrants, and essential workers. Although a consistent feature across CMAs was concentration by proportion visible minorities, the magnitude of concentration by social determinants varied across CMAs. Interpretation: The feature of geographical concentration of COVID-19 cases was consistent across CMAs, but the pattern by social determinants varied. Geographically-prioritized allocation of resources and services should be tailored to the local drivers of inequalities in transmission in response to SARS-CoV-2's resurgence.
Modelling Latent Translations for Cross-Lingual Transfer
Edoardo Ponti
Julia Kreutzer
Ivan Vulic
Dynamic shimming in the cervical spinal cord for multi-echo gradient-echo imaging at 3 T
Eva Alonso‐Ortiz
Daniel Papp
Alain D’astous