
Simple and Scalable Strategies to Continually Pre-train Large Language Models
Adam Ibrahim
Benjamin Thérien
Kshitij Gupta
Mats Leon Richter
Quentin Gregory Anthony
Timothee LESORT
Stealing part of a production language model
Nicholas Carlini
Daniel Paleka
Krishnamurthy Dj Dvijotham
Thomas Steinke
Jonathan Hayase
A. Feder Cooper
Katherine Lee
Matthew Jagielski
Milad Nasr
Arthur Conmy
Eric Wallace
Florian Tramèr
We introduce the first model-stealing attack that extracts precise, nontrivial information from black-box production language models like … (voir plus)OpenAI's ChatGPT or Google's PaLM-2. Specifically, our attack recovers the embedding projection layer (up to symmetries) of a transformer model, given typical API access. For under \\
Stochastic positional embeddings improve masked image modeling
Amir Bar
Florian Bordes
Assaf Shocher
Mahmoud Assran
Nicolas Ballas
Trevor Darrell
Amir Globerson
Yann LeCun
Stop Regressing: Training Value Functions via Classification for Scalable Deep RL
Jesse Farebrother
Jordi Orbay
Quan Vuong
Adrien Ali Taiga
Yevgen Chebotar
Ted Xiao
Alex Irpan
Sergey Levine
Aleksandra Faust
Aviral Kumar
Rishabh Agarwal
Value functions are an essential component in deep reinforcement learning (RL), that are typically trained via mean squared error regression… (voir plus) to match bootstrapped target values. However, scaling value-based RL methods to large networks has proven challenging. This difficulty is in stark contrast to supervised learning: by leveraging a cross-entropy classification loss, supervised methods have scaled reliably to massive networks. Observing this discrepancy, in this paper, we investigate whether the scalability of deep RL can also be improved simply by using classification in place of regression for training value functions. We show that training value functions with categorical cross-entropy significantly enhances performance and scalability across various domains, including single-task RL on Atari 2600 games, multi-task RL on Atari with large-scale ResNets, robotic manipulation with Q-transformers, playing Chess without search, and a language-agent Wordle task with high-capacity Transformers, achieving state-of-the-art results on these domains. Through careful analysis, we show that categorical cross-entropy mitigates issues inherent to value-based RL, such as noisy targets and non-stationarity. We argue that shifting to categorical cross-entropy for training value functions can substantially improve the scalability of deep RL at little-to-no cost.
The Pitfalls and Promise of Conformal Inference Under Adversarial Attacks
Ziquan Liu
Yufei Cui
Yan Yan
Yi Xu
Xiangyang Ji
Antoni B. Chan
In safety-critical applications such as medical imaging and autonomous driving, where decisions have profound implications for patient healt… (voir plus)h and road safety, it is imperative to maintain both high adversarial robustness to protect against potential adversarial attacks and reliable uncertainty quantification in decision-making. With extensive research focused on enhancing adversarial robustness through various forms of adversarial training (AT), a notable knowledge gap remains concerning the uncertainty inherent in adversarially trained models. To address this gap, this study investigates the uncertainty of deep learning models by examining the performance of conformal prediction (CP) in the context of standard adversarial attacks within the adversarial defense community. It is first unveiled that existing CP methods do not produce informative prediction sets under the commonly used
Think Before You Act: Decision Transformers with Working Memory
Jikun Kang
Romain Laroche
Xingdi Yuan
Adam Trischler
Jie Fu
Decision Transformer-based decision-making agents have shown the ability to generalize across multiple tasks. However, their performance rel… (voir plus)ies on massive data and computation. We argue that this inefficiency stems from the forgetting phenomenon, in which a model memorizes its behaviors in parameters throughout training. As a result, training on a new task may deteriorate the model’s performance on previous tasks. In contrast to LLMs’ implicit memory mechanism, the human brain utilizes distributed memory storage, which helps manage and organize multiple skills efficiently, mitigating the forgetting phenomenon. Inspired by this, we propose a working memory module to store, blend, and retrieve information for different downstream tasks. Evaluation results show that the proposed method improves training efficiency and generalization in Atari games and Meta-World object manipulation tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that memory fine-tuning further enhances the adaptability of the proposed architecture.
Towards Modular LLMs by Building and Reusing a Library of LoRAs
Oleksiy Ostapenko
Zhan Su
Edoardo Ponti
Matheus Pereira
Lucas Caccia
Do Transformer World Models Give Better Policy Gradients?
Michel Ma
Tianwei Ni
Clement Gehring
Pierluca D'Oro
Unsupervised Concept Discovery Mitigates Spurious Correlations
Md Rifat Arefin
Yan Zhang
Aristide Baratin
Francesco Locatello
Dianbo Liu
Kenji Kawaguchi
In value-based deep reinforcement learning, a pruned network is a good network
Johan Samir Obando Ceron
Recent work has shown that deep reinforcement learning agents have difficulty in effectively using their network parameters. We leverage pri… (voir plus)or insights into the advantages of sparse training techniques and demonstrate that gradual magnitude pruning enables {value-based} agents to maximize parameter effectiveness. This results in networks that yield dramatic performance improvements over traditional networks, using only a small fraction of the full network parameters. Our code is publicly available, see Appendix A for details.
When is Transfer Learning Possible?
My Phan
Kianté Brantley
Stephanie Milani
Soroush Mehri
Gokul Swamy
WorkArena: How Capable are Web Agents at Solving Common Knowledge Work Tasks?
Massimo Caccia
Issam Hadj Laradji
Manuel Del Verme
Tom Marty
Léo Boisvert
Megh Thakkar
David Vazquez
Alexandre Lacoste