Portrait de Giovanni Beltrame

Giovanni Beltrame

Membre affilié
Professeur titulaire, Polytechnique Montréal, Département de génie informatique et génie logiciel
Sujets de recherche
Apprentissage en ligne
Apprentissage par renforcement
Intelligence en essaim
Interaction humain-robot
Navigation robotique autonome
Systèmes distribués
Vision par ordinateur


Giovanni Beltrame a obtenu un doctorat en génie informatique du Politecnico di Milano en 2006, après quoi il a travaillé comme ingénieur en microélectronique à l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) sur un certain nombre de projets, allant des systèmes tolérants aux radiations à la conception assistée par ordinateur. En 2010, il s'est installé à Montréal. Il est actuellement professeur au Département de génie informatique et logiciel de Polytechnique Montréal. Il dirige notamment le laboratoire MIST, qui se consacre aux technologies spatiales, où plus de 25 étudiant·e·s et postdoctorant·e·s sont sous sa supervision. Il a réalisé plusieurs projets en collaboration avec l'industrie et les agences gouvernementales dans les domaines de la robotique, de l'intervention en cas de catastrophe et de l'exploration spatiale. Avec son équipe, il a participé à plusieurs missions sur le terrain avec l'ESA, l'Agence spatiale canadienne (ASC) et la NASA (BRAILLE, PANAGAEA-X et IGLUNA, entre autres). Ses recherches portent sur la modélisation et la conception de systèmes embarqués, l'intelligence artificielle et la robotique, sujets sur lesquels il a publié plusieurs articles dans des revues et des conférences de premier plan.

Étudiants actuels

Doctorat - Polytechnique
Collaborateur·rice de recherche - Polytechnique Montreal
Doctorat - Polytechnique
Doctorat - Polytechnique


MOSEAC: Streamlined Variable Time Step Reinforcement Learning
Dong Wang
Hierarchies define the scalability of robot swarms
Vivek Shankar Vardharajan
Karthik Soma
Sepand Dyanatkar
Pierre-Yves Lajoie
The emerging behaviors of swarms have fascinated scientists and gathered significant interest in the field of robotics. Traditionally, swarm… (voir plus)s are viewed as egalitarian, with robots sharing identical roles and capabilities. However, recent findings highlight the importance of hierarchy for deploying robot swarms more effectively in diverse scenarios. Despite nature's preference for hierarchies, the robotics field has clung to the egalitarian model, partly due to a lack of empirical evidence for the conditions favoring hierarchies. Our research demonstrates that while egalitarian swarms excel in environments proportionate to their collective sensing abilities, they struggle in larger or more complex settings. Hierarchical swarms, conversely, extend their sensing reach efficiently, proving successful in larger, more unstructured environments with fewer resources. We validated these concepts through simulations and physical robot experiments, using a complex radiation cleanup task. This study paves the way for developing adaptable, hierarchical swarm systems applicable in areas like planetary exploration and autonomous vehicles. Moreover, these insights could deepen our understanding of hierarchical structures in biological organisms.
Overcoming boundaries: Interdisciplinary challenges and opportunities in cognitive neuroscience
Arnaud Brignol
Anita Paas
Luis Sotelo-Castro
David St-Onge
Emily B.J. Coffey
Learning Control Barrier Functions and their application in Reinforcement Learning: A Survey
Maeva Guerrier
Hassan Fouad
Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique for developing new robot behaviors. However, typical lack of safety guarantees constitutes a … (voir plus)hurdle for its practical application on real robots. To address this issue, safe reinforcement learning aims to incorporate safety considerations, enabling faster transfer to real robots and facilitating lifelong learning. One promising approach within safe reinforcement learning is the use of control barrier functions. These functions provide a framework to ensure that the system remains in a safe state during the learning process. However, synthesizing control barrier functions is not straightforward and often requires ample domain knowledge. This challenge motivates the exploration of data-driven methods for automatically defining control barrier functions, which is highly appealing. We conduct a comprehensive review of the existing literature on safe reinforcement learning using control barrier functions. Additionally, we investigate various techniques for automatically learning the Control Barrier Functions, aiming to enhance the safety and efficacy of Reinforcement Learning in practical robot applications.
From the Lab to the Theater: An Unconventional Field Robotics Journey
Ali Imran
Vivek Shankar Vardharajan
Rafael Gomes Braga
Yann Bouteiller
Abdalwhab Abdalwhab
Matthis Di-Giacomo
Alexandra Mercader
David St-Onge
Reinforcement Learning with Elastic Time Steps
Dong Wang
Deployable Reinforcement Learning with Variable Control Rate
Dong Wang
An Addendum to NeBula: Toward Extending Team CoSTAR’s Solution to Larger Scale Environments
Benjamin Morrell
Kyohei Otsu
Ali Agha
David D. Fan
Sung-Kyun Kim
Muhammad Fadhil Ginting
Xianmei Lei
Jeffrey Edlund
Seyed Fakoorian
Amanda Bouman
Fernando Chavez
Taeyeon Kim
Gustavo J. Correa
Maira Saboia
Angel Santamaria-Navarro
Brett Lopez
Boseong Kim
Chanyoung Jung
Mamoru Sobue
Oriana Claudia Peltzer … (voir 69 de plus)
Joshua Ott
Robert Trybula
Thomas Touma
Marcel Kaufmann
Tiago Stegun Vaquero
Torkom Pailevanian
Matteo Palieri
Yun Chang
Andrzej Reinke
Matthew Anderson
Frederik E.T. Schöller
Patrick Spieler
Lillian Clark
Avak Archanian
Kenny Chen
Hovhannes Melikyan
Anushri Dixit
Harrison Delecki
Daniel Pastor
Barry Ridge
Nicolas Marchal
Jose Uribe
Sharmita Dey
Kamak Ebadi
Kyle Coble
Alexander Nikitas Dimopoulos
Vivek Thangavelu
Vivek Shankar Vardharajan
Nicholas Palomo
Antoni Rosinol
Arghya Chatterjee
Christoforos Kanellakis
Bjorn Lindqvist
Micah Corah
Kyle Strickland
Ryan Stonebraker
Michael Milano
Christopher E. Denniston
Sami Sahnoune
Thomas Claudet
Seungwook Lee
Gautam Salhotra
Edward Terry
Rithvik Musuku
Robin Schmid
Tony Tran
Ara Kourchians
Justin Schachter
Hector Azpurua
Levi Resende
Arash Kalantari
Jeremy Nash
Josh Lee
Christopher Patterson
Jen Blank
Kartik Patath
Yuki Kubo
Ryan Alimo
Yasin Almalioglu
Aaron Curtis
Jacqueline Sly
Tesla Wells
Nhut T. Ho
Mykel Kochenderfer
George Nikolakopoulos
David Shim
Luca Carlone
Joel Burdick
This article presents an appendix to the original NeBula autonomy solution developed by the Team Collaborative SubTerranean Autonomous Robot… (voir plus)s (CoSTAR), participating in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, this article presents extensions to NeBula’s hardware, software, and algorithmic components that focus on increasing the range and scale of the exploration environment. From the algorithmic perspective, we discuss the following extensions to the original NeBula framework: 1) large-scale geometric and semantic environment mapping; 2) an adaptive positioning system; 3) probabilistic traversability analysis and local planning; 4) large-scale partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP)-based global motion planning and exploration behavior; 5) large-scale networking and decentralized reasoning; 6) communicationaware mission planning; and 7) multimodal ground–aerial exploration solutions.We demonstrate the application and deployment of the presented systems and solutions in various large-scale underground environments, including limestone mine exploration scenarios as well as deployment in the DARPA Subterranean challenge.
An Addendum to NeBula: Towards Extending TEAM CoSTAR’s Solution to Larger Scale Environments
Benjamin Morrell
Kyohei Otsu
Ali Agha
David D. Fan
Sung-Kyun Kim
Muhammad Fadhil Ginting
Xianmei Lei
Jeffrey Edlund
Seyed Fakoorian
Amanda Bouman
Fernando Chavez
Taeyeon Kim
Gustavo J. Correa
Maira Saboia
Angel Santamaria-Navarro
Brett Lopez
Boseong Kim
Chanyoung Jung
Mamoru Sobue
Oriana Claudia Peltzer … (voir 69 de plus)
Joshua Ott
Robert Trybula
Thomas Touma
Marcel Kaufmann
Tiago Stegun Vaquero
Torkom Pailevanian
Matteo Palieri
Yun Chang
Andrzej Reinke
Matthew Anderson
Frederik E.T. Schöller
Patrick Spieler
Lillian Clark
Avak Archanian
Kenny Chen
Hovhannes Melikyan
Anushri Dixit
Harrison Delecki
Daniel Pastor
Barry Ridge
Nicolas Marchal
Jose Uribe
Sharmita Dey
Kamak Ebadi
Kyle Coble
Alexander Nikitas Dimopoulos
Vivek Thangavelu
Vivek Shankar Vardharajan
Nicholas Palomo
Antoni Rosinol
Arghya Chatterjee
Christoforos Kanellakis
Bjorn Lindqvist
Micah Corah
Kyle Strickland
Ryan Stonebraker
Michael Milano
Christopher E. Denniston
Sami Sahnoune
Thomas Claudet
Seungwook Lee
Gautam Salhotra
Edward Terry
Rithvik Musuku
Robin Schmid
Tony Tran
Ara Kourchians
Justin Schachter
Hector Azpurua
Levi Resende
Arash Kalantari
Jeremy Nash
Josh Lee
Christopher Patterson
Jen Blank
Kartik Patath
Yuki Kubo
Ryan Alimo
Yasin Almalioglu
Aaron Curtis
Jacqueline Sly
Tesla Wells
Nhut T. Ho
Mykel Kochenderfer
George Nikolakopoulos
David Shim
Luca Carlone
Joel Burdick
This paper presents an appendix to the original NeBula autonomy solution [Agha et al., 2021] developed by the TEAM CoSTAR (Collaborative Sub… (voir plus)Terranean Autonomous Robots), participating in the DARPA Subterranean Challenge. Specifically, this paper presents extensions to NeBula’s hardware, software, and algorithmic components that focus on increasing the range and scale of the exploration environment. From the algorithmic perspective, we discuss the following extensions to the original NeBula framework: (i) large-scale geometric and semantic environment mapping; (ii) an adaptive positioning system; (iii) probabilistic traversability analysis and local planning; (iv) large-scale POMDPbased global motion planning and exploration behavior; (v) large-scale networking and decentralized reasoning; (vi) communication-aware mission planning; and (vii) multi-modal ground-aerial exploration solutions. We demonstrate the application and deployment of the presented systems and solutions in various large-scale underground environments, including limestone mine exploration scenarios as well as deployment in the DARPA Subterranean challenge.
Feasibility of cognitive neuroscience data collection during a speleological expedition
Anita Paas
Hugo R. Jourde
Arnaud Brignol
Marie-Anick Savard
Zseyvfin Eyqvelle
Samuel Bassetto
Emily B.J. Coffey
PEACE: Prompt Engineering Automation for CLIPSeg Enhancement in Aerial Robotics
Haechan Mark Bong
Rongge Zhang
Ricardo de Azambuja
From industrial to space robotics, safe landing is an essential component for flight operations. With the growing interest in artificial int… (voir plus)elligence, we direct our attention to learning based safe landing approaches. This paper extends our previous work, DOVESEI, which focused on a reactive UAV system by harnessing the capabilities of open vocabulary image segmentation. Prompt-based safe landing zone segmentation using an open vocabulary based model is no more just an idea, but proven to be feasible by the work of DOVESEI. However, a heuristic selection of words for prompt is not a reliable solution since it cannot take the changing environment into consideration and detrimental consequences can occur if the observed environment is not well represented by the given prompt. Therefore, we introduce PEACE (Prompt Engineering Automation for CLIPSeg Enhancement), powering DOVESEI to automate the prompt generation and engineering to adapt to data distribution shifts. Our system is capable of performing safe landing operations with collision avoidance at altitudes as low as 20 meters using only monocular cameras and image segmentation. We take advantage of DOVESEI's dynamic focus to circumvent abrupt fluctuations in the terrain segmentation between frames in a video stream. PEACE shows promising improvements in prompt generation and engineering for aerial images compared to the standard prompt used for CLIP and CLIPSeg. Combining DOVESEI and PEACE, our system was able improve successful safe landing zone selections by 58.62% compared to using only DOVESEI. All the source code is open source and available online.
From Assistive Devices to Manufacturing Cobot Swarms
Monica Li
Bruno Belzile
Ali Imran
Lionel Birglen
David St-Onge
This paper provides an overview of the latest trends in robotics research and development, with a particular focus on applications in manufa… (voir plus)cturing and industrial settings. We highlight recent advances in robot design, including cutting-edge collaborative robot mechanics and advanced safety features, as well as exciting developments in perception and human-swarm interaction. By examining recent contributions from Kinova, a leading robotics company, we illustrate the differences between industry and academia in their approaches to developing innovative robotic systems and technologies that enhance productivity and safety in the workplace. Ultimately, this paper demonstrates the tremendous potential of robotics to revolutionize manufacturing and industrial operations, and underscores the crucial role of companies like Kinova in driving this transformation forward.