
Ex Post Conditions for the Exactness of Optimal Power Flow Conic Relaxations
Jean-Luc Lupien
Convex relaxations of the optimal power flow (OPF) problem provide an efficient alternative to solving the intractable alternating current (… (see more)AC) optimal power flow. The conic subset of OPF convex relaxations, in particular, greatly accelerate resolution while leading to high-quality approximations that are exact in several scenarios. However, the sufficient conditions guaranteeing exactness are stringent, e.g., requiring radial topologies. In this short communication, we present two equivalent ex post conditions for the exactness of any conic relaxation of the OPF. These rely on obtaining either a rank-1 voltage matrix or self-coherent cycles. Instead of relying on sufficient conditions a priori, satisfying one of the presented ex post conditions acts as an exactness certificate for the computed solution. The operator can therefore obtain an optimality guarantee when solving a conic relaxation even when a priori exactness requirements are not met. Finally, we present numerical examples from the MATPOWER library where the ex post conditions hold even though the exactness sufficient conditions do not, thereby illustrating the use of the conditions.
A stochastic integer programming approach to reserve staff scheduling with preferences
Carl Perreault‐Lafleur
Guy Desaulniers
Combining supervised learning and local search for the multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem
Charly Robinson La Rocca
Jean-François Cordeau
The multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem has been extensively studied in the literature due to its wide range of a… (see more)pplications. Despite the fact that many sophisticated solution methods exist today, finding high-quality solutions to large-scale instances remains challenging. In this paper, we explore how a data-driven approach can help improve upon the state of the art. By leveraging machine learning models, we attempt to reveal patterns hidden in the data that might be difficult to capture with traditional optimization methods. For scalability, we propose a prediction method where the machine learning model is called at the level of each arc of the graph. We take advantage of off-the-shelf models trained via supervised learning to predict near-optimal solutions. Our experimental results include an algorithm design analysis that compares various integration strategies of predictions within local search algorithms. We benchmark the ML-based approach with respect to the state-of-the-art heuristic for this problem. The findings indicate that our method can outperform the leading heuristic on sets of instances sampled from a uniform distribution.
SpeechBrain-MOABB: An open-source Python library for benchmarking deep neural networks applied to EEG signals
Davide Borra
Francesco Paissan
Structured Pruning of Neural Networks for Constraints Learning
Matteo Cacciola
Antonio Frangioni
In recent years, the integration of Machine Learning (ML) models with Operation Research (OR) tools has gained popularity across diverse app… (see more)lications, including cancer treatment, algorithmic configuration, and chemical process optimization. In this domain, the combination of ML and OR often relies on representing the ML model output using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations. Numerous studies in the literature have developed such formulations for many ML predictors, with a particular emphasis on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their significant interest in many applications. However, ANNs frequently contain a large number of parameters, resulting in MIP formulations that are impractical to solve, thereby impeding scalability. In fact, the ML community has already introduced several techniques to reduce the parameter count of ANNs without compromising their performance, since the substantial size of modern ANNs presents challenges for ML applications as it significantly impacts computational efforts during training and necessitates significant memory resources for storage. In this paper, we showcase the effectiveness of pruning, one of these techniques, when applied to ANNs prior to their integration into MIPs. By pruning the ANN, we achieve significant improvements in the speed of the solution process. We discuss why pruning is more suitable in this context compared to other ML compression techniques, and we identify the most appropriate pruning strategies. To highlight the potential of this approach, we conduct experiments using feed-forward neural networks with multiple layers to construct adversarial examples. Our results demonstrate that pruning offers remarkable reductions in solution times without hindering the quality of the final decision, enabling the resolution of previously unsolvable instances.
MATES: A Deep Learning-Based Model for Locus-specific Quantification of Transposable Elements in Single Cell
Ruohan Wang
Yumin Zheng
Zijian Zhang
Kailu Song
Erxi Wu
Xiaopeng Zhu
Tao P. Wu
Transposable elements (TEs) are crucial for genetic diversity and gene regulation. Current single-cell quantification methods often align mu… (see more)lti-mapping reads to either ‘best-mapped’ or ‘random-mapped’ locations and categorize them at sub-family levels, overlooking the biological necessity for accurate, locus-specific TE quantification. Moreover, these existing methods are primarily designed for and focused on transcriptomics data, which restricts their adaptability to single-cell data of other modalities. To address these challenges, here we introduce MATES, a novel deep-learning approach that accurately allocates multi-mapping reads to specific loci of TEs, utilizing context from adjacent read alignments flanking the TE locus. When applied to diverse single-cell omics datasets, MATES shows improved performance over existing methods, enhancing the accuracy of TE quantification and aiding in the identification of marker TEs for identified cell populations. This development enables exploring single-cell heterogeneity and gene regulation through the lens of TEs, offering a transformative tool for the single-cell genomics community.
AI-Assisted Generation of Difficult Math Questions
Vedant Shah
Dingli Yu
Kaifeng Lyu
Simon Park
Nan Rosemary Ke
Michael Curtis Mozer
James Lloyd McClelland
Sanjeev Arora
Anirudh Goyal
Current LLM training positions mathematical reasoning as a core capability. With publicly available sources fully tapped, there is unmet dem… (see more)and for diverse and challenging math questions. Relying solely on human experts is both time-consuming and costly, while LLM-generated questions often lack the requisite diversity and difficulty. We present a design framework that combines the strengths of LLMs with a human-in-the-loop approach to generate a diverse array of challenging math questions. We leverage LLM metacognition skills [Didolkar et al., 2024] of a strong LLM to extract core"skills"from existing math datasets. These skills serve as the basis for generating novel and difficult questions by prompting the LLM with random pairs of core skills. The use of two different skills within each question makes finding such questions an"out of distribution"task for both LLMs and humans. Our pipeline employs LLMs to iteratively generate and refine questions and solutions through multiturn prompting. Human annotators then verify and further refine the questions, with their efficiency enhanced via further LLM interactions. Applying this pipeline on skills extracted from the MATH dataset [Hendrycks et al., 2021] resulted in MATH
Not All LLM Reasoners Are Created Equal
Arian Hosseini
Daniel Toyama
Rishabh Agarwal
VCR: Visual Caption Restoration
Tianyu Zhang
Suyuchen Wang
Lu Li
Ge Zhang
Perouz Taslakian
Sai Rajeswar
Jie Fu
We introduce Visual Caption Restoration (VCR), a novel vision-language task that challenges models to accurately restore partially obscured … (see more)texts using pixel-level hints within images. This task stems from the observation that text embedded in images is intrinsically different from common visual elements and natural language due to the need to align the modalities of vision, text, and text embedded in images. While numerous works have integrated text embedded in images into visual question-answering tasks, approaches to these tasks generally rely on optical character recognition or masked language modeling, thus reducing the task to mainly text-based processing. However, text-based processing becomes ineffective in VCR as accurate text restoration depends on the combined information from provided images, context, and subtle cues from the tiny exposed areas of masked texts. We develop a pipeline to generate synthetic images for the VCR task using image-caption pairs, with adjustable caption visibility to control the task difficulty. With this pipeline, we construct a dataset for VCR called VCR-Wiki using images with captions from Wikipedia, comprising 2.11M English and 346K Chinese entities in both easy and hard split variants. Our results reveal that current vision language models significantly lag behind human performance in the VCR task, and merely fine-tuning the models on our dataset does not lead to notable improvements. We release VCR-Wiki and the data construction code to facilitate future research.
Specific inhibition and disinhibition in the higher-order structure of a cortical connectome
Michael W. Reimann
Daniela Egas Santander
András Ecker
Neuronal network activity is thought to be structured around the activation of assemblies, or low-dimensional manifolds describing states of… (see more) activity. Both views describe neurons acting not independently, but in concert, likely facilitated by strong recurrent excitation between them. The role of inhibition in these frameworks – if considered at all – is often reduced to blanket inhibition with no specificity with respect to which excitatory neurons are targeted. We analyzed the structure of excitation and inhibition in the MICrONS 1mm3 dataset, an electron microscopic reconstruction of a piece of cortical tissue. We found that excitation was structured around a feed-forward flow in non-random motifs of seven or more neurons. This revealed a structure of information flow from a small number of sources to a larger number of potential targets that became only visible when larger motifs were considered instead of individual pairs. Inhibitory neurons targeted and were targeted by neurons in specific sequential positions of these motifs. Additionally, disynaptic inhibition was strongest between target motifs excited by the same group of source neurons, implying competition between them. The structure of this inhibition was also highly specific and symmetrical, contradicting the idea of non-specific blanket inhibition. None of these trends are detectable in only pairwise connectivity, demonstrating that inhibition is specifically structured by these large motifs. Further, we found that these motifs represent higher order connectivity patterns which are present, but to a lesser extent in a recently released, detailed computational model, and not at all in a distance-dependent control. These findings have important implications for how synaptic plasticity reorganizes neocortical connectivity to implement learning and for the specific role of inhibition in this process.
DECOLLAGE: 3D Detailization by Controllable, Localized, and Learned Geometry Enhancement
Qimin Chen
Zhiqin Chen
Vladimir Kim
Hao (Richard) Zhang
Hao Zhang 0002
Siddhartha Chaudhuri
Mitigating Downstream Model Risks via Model Provenance
Keyu Wang
Abdullah Norozi Iranzad
Scott Schaffter
Jonathan Lebensold
Research and industry are rapidly advancing the innovation and adoption of foundation model-based systems, yet the tools for managing these … (see more)models have not kept pace. Understanding the provenance and lineage of models is critical for researchers, industry, regulators, and public trust. While model cards and system cards were designed to provide transparency, they fall short in key areas: tracing model genealogy, enabling machine readability, offering reliable centralized management systems, and fostering consistent creation incentives. This challenge mirrors issues in software supply chain security, but AI/ML remains at an earlier stage of maturity. Addressing these gaps requires industry-standard tooling that can be adopted by foundation model publishers, open-source model innovators, and major distribution platforms. We propose a machine-readable model specification format to simplify the creation of model records, thereby reducing error-prone human effort, notably when a new model inherits most of its design from a foundation model. Our solution explicitly traces relationships between upstream and downstream models, enhancing transparency and traceability across the model lifecycle. To facilitate the adoption, we introduce the unified model record (UMR) repository , a semantically versioned system that automates the publication of model records to multiple formats (PDF, HTML, LaTeX) and provides a hosted web interface ( This proof of concept aims to set a new standard for managing foundation models, bridging the gap between innovation and responsible model management.