Our Vision

As the world continues to advance at a breakneck pace, it is essential that we find reliable ways of harnessing the power of new technologies. Nowhere is this more important than in the rapidly expanding field of artificial intelligence (AI). 

Used thoughtfully, AI systems have the potential to cut time spent on repetitive tasks. They can shorten the distance between idea and final product, collate immense amounts of information and suggest solutions. At their very best, they can uplift, inspire, spark change, and spur advances in areas as wide-ranging as healthcare, climate change, and agriculture.

However, as with every breakthrough technology, there are risks: that the technology will not be used for the good of humankind; that its potential will outstrip our ability to control it; that it will be misunderstood, or even dismissed. These risks can and should be considered and addressed during every phase of research, development and deployment. 

At Mila, we believe that scientific and technological progress should benefit everyone. Through our growing team of specialists in everything from AI ethics to governance, we engage with academics, society, industry partners and governments to promote the responsible use and development of AI in every field. 

A person looks up at a starry sky.

What We Do

In keeping with this ethos, Mila is focused on three core streams.

AI Governance, Public Policy and Safety

To help the world navigate an AI-enabled future, Mila works with industry and governments to ensure that decision-makers enact responsible AI practices and policies across Canada and around the world.

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Mila oversees numerous initiatives designed to increase AI literacy and capacity among policy-makers, students, and historically marginalized groups. 

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Applied Projects

Mila ensures that equity, diversity and inclusion are applied in its own projects (EDI by Design), while also developing and disseminating socially beneficial applied AI projects and practices.

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In the Media

AI experts talk human rights in Montreal (CBC)
Montreal group joins call for better governance of AI (CBC)
Back view of a woman at a demonstration.