
A Data-driven Discovery of the Causal Connection between Galaxy and Black Hole Evolution
Zehao Jin
Mario Pasquato
Benjamin L. Davis
Tristan Deleu
Yu Luo
Changhyun Cho
Pablo Lemos
Xi Kang
A. Macciò
EnzymeFlow: Generating Reaction-specific Enzyme Catalytic Pockets through Flow Matching and Co-Evolutionary Dynamics
Chenqing Hua
Yong Liu
Dinghuai Zhang
Odin Zhang
Sitao Luan
Kevin K. Yang
Shuangjia Zheng
Inferring electric vehicle charging patterns from smart meter data for impact studies
Feng Li
Élodie Campeau
Ilhan Kocar
Robust Guided Diffusion for Offline Black-Box Optimization
Can Chen
Christopher Beckham
Zixuan Liu
Offline black-box optimization aims to maximize a black-box function using an offline dataset of designs and their measured properties. Two … (see more)main approaches have emerged: the forward approach, which learns a mapping from input to its value, thereby acting as a proxy to guide optimization, and the inverse approach, which learns a mapping from value to input for conditional generation. (a) Although proxy-free~(classifier-free) diffusion shows promise in robustly modeling the inverse mapping, it lacks explicit guidance from proxies, essential for generating high-performance samples beyond the training distribution. Therefore, we propose \textit{proxy-enhanced sampling} which utilizes the explicit guidance from a trained proxy to bolster proxy-free diffusion with enhanced sampling control. (b) Yet, the trained proxy is susceptible to out-of-distribution issues. To address this, we devise the module \textit{diffusion-based proxy refinement}, which seamlessly integrates insights from proxy-free diffusion back into the proxy for refinement. To sum up, we propose \textit{\textbf{R}obust \textbf{G}uided \textbf{D}iffusion for Offline Black-box Optimization}~(\textbf{RGD}), combining the advantages of proxy~(explicit guidance) and proxy-free diffusion~(robustness) for effective conditional generation. RGD achieves state-of-the-art results on various design-bench tasks, underscoring its efficacy. Our code is at
Single-Shot Learning of Stable Dynamical Systems for Long-Horizon Manipulation Tasks
Alexandre St-Aubin
Amin Abyaneh
Mastering complex sequential tasks continues to pose a significant challenge in robotics. While there has been progress in learning long-hor… (see more)izon manipulation tasks, most existing approaches lack rigorous mathematical guarantees for ensuring reliable and successful execution. In this paper, we extend previous work on learning long-horizon tasks and stable policies, focusing on improving task success rates while reducing the amount of training data needed. Our approach introduces a novel method that (1) segments long-horizon demonstrations into discrete steps defined by waypoints and subgoals, and (2) learns globally stable dynamical system policies to guide the robot to each subgoal, even in the face of sensory noise and random disturbances. We validate our approach through both simulation and real-world experiments, demonstrating effective transfer from simulation to physical robotic platforms. Code is available at
A Survey of Diversification Techniques in Search and Recommendation
Haolun Wu
Yansen Zhang
Chen Ma
Fuyuan Lyu
Bowei He
Bhaskar Mitra
Diversifying search results is an important research topic in retrieval systems in order to satisfy both the various interests of customers … (see more)and the equal market exposure of providers. There has been a growing attention on diversity-aware research during recent years, accompanied by a proliferation of literature on methods to promote diversity in search and recommendation. However, the diversity-aware studies in retrieval systems lack a systematic organization and are rather fragmented. In this survey, we are the first to propose a unified taxonomy for classifying the metrics and approaches of diversification in both search and recommendation, which are two of the most extensively researched fields of retrieval systems. We begin the survey with a brief discussion of why diversity is important in retrieval systems, followed by a summary of the various diversity concerns in search and recommendation, highlighting their relationship and differences. For the survey’s main body, we present a unified taxonomy of diversification metrics and approaches in retrieval systems, from both the search and recommendation perspectives. In the later part of the survey, we discuss the openness research questions of diversity-aware research in search and recommendation in an effort to inspire future innovations and encourage the implementation of diversity in real-world systems.
The oneirogen hypothesis: modeling the hallucinatory effects of classical psychedelics in terms of replay-dependent plasticity mechanisms
Colin Bredenberg
Fabrice Normandin
What Information Contributes to Log-based Anomaly Detection? Insights from a Configurable Transformer-Based Approach
Xingfang Wu
Heng Li
Log data are generated from logging statements in the source code, providing insights into the execution processes of software applications … (see more)and systems. State-of-the-art log-based anomaly detection approaches typically leverage deep learning models to capture the semantic or sequential information in the log data and detect anomalous runtime behaviors. However, the impacts of these different types of information are not clear. In addition, existing approaches have not captured the timestamps in the log data, which can potentially provide more fine-grained temporal information than sequential information. In this work, we propose a configurable transformer-based anomaly detection model that can capture the semantic, sequential, and temporal information in the log data and allows us to configure the different types of information as the model's features. Additionally, we train and evaluate the proposed model using log sequences of different lengths, thus overcoming the constraint of existing methods that rely on fixed-length or time-windowed log sequences as inputs. With the proposed model, we conduct a series of experiments with different combinations of input features to evaluate the roles of different types of information in anomaly detection. When presented with log sequences of varying lengths, the model can attain competitive and consistently stable performance compared to the baselines. The results indicate that the event occurrence information plays a key role in identifying anomalies, while the impact of the sequential and temporal information is not significant for anomaly detection in the studied public datasets. On the other hand, the findings also reveal the simplicity of the studied public datasets and highlight the importance of constructing new datasets that contain different types of anomalies to better evaluate the performance of anomaly detection models.
Automating MedSAM by Learning Prompts with Weak Few-Shot Supervision
Mélanie Gaillochet
Christian Desrosiers
Linear Weight Interpolation Leads to Transient Performance Gains
Reconstructing Spatio-Temporal Trajectories of Visual Object Memories in the Human Brain
Julia Lifanov
Benjamin J. Griffiths
Juan Linde-Domingo
Catarina S. Ferreira
Martin Wilson
Stephen D. Mayhew
Maria Wimber
On the Implicit Relation Between Low-Rank Adaptation and Differential Privacy
Saber Malekmohammadi
A significant approach in natural language processing involves large-scale pre-training on general domain data followed by adaptation to spe… (see more)cific tasks or domains. As models grow in size, full fine-tuning all parameters becomes increasingly impractical. To address this, some methods for low-rank task adaptation of language models have been proposed, e.g. LoRA and FLoRA. These methods keep the pre-trained model weights fixed and incorporate trainable low-rank decomposition matrices into some layers of the transformer architecture, called adapters. This approach significantly reduces the number of trainable parameters required for downstream tasks compared to full fine-tuning all parameters. In this work, we look at low-rank adaptation from the lens of data privacy. We show theoretically that the low-rank adaptation used in LoRA and FLoRA is equivalent to injecting some random noise into the batch gradients w.r.t the adapter parameters coming from their full fine-tuning, and we quantify the variance of the injected noise. By establishing a Berry-Esseen type bound on the total variation distance between the noise distribution and a Gaussian distribution with the same variance, we show that the dynamics of LoRA and FLoRA are very close to differentially private full fine-tuning the adapters, which suggests that low-rank adaptation implicitly provides privacy w.r.t the fine-tuning data. Finally, using Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, we show that when augmented with gradient clipping, low-rank adaptation is almost equivalent to differentially private full fine-tuning adapters with a fixed noise scale.