
Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes
Zhen Liu
Yao Feng
Yuliang Xiu
Weiyang Liu
Michael J. Black
Bernhard Schölkopf
Hazards from Increasingly Accessible Fine-Tuning of Downloadable Foundation Models
Alan Chan
Benjamin Bucknall
Herbie Bradley
Hazards from Increasingly Accessible Fine-Tuning of Downloadable Foundation Models
Alan Chan
Benjamin Bucknall
Herbie Bradley
STAMP: Differentiable Task and Motion Planning via Stein Variational Gradient Descent
Yewon Lee
Philip Huang
Yizhou Huang
Krishna Murthy
Andrew Zou Li
Fabian Damken
Eric Heiden
Kevin A. Smith
Fabio Ramos
Florian Shkurti
Carnegie-mellon University
M. I. O. Technology
Technische Universitat Darmstadt
M. University
University of Sydney
Planning for many manipulation tasks, such as using tools or assembling parts, often requires both symbolic and geometric reasoning. Task an… (voir plus)d Motion Planning (TAMP) algorithms typically solve these problems by conducting a tree search over high-level task sequences while checking for kinematic and dynamic feasibility. While performant, most existing algorithms are highly inefficient as their time complexity grows exponentially with the number of possible actions and objects. Additionally, they only find a single solution to problems in which many feasible plans may exist. To address these limitations, we propose a novel algorithm called Stein Task and Motion Planning (STAMP) that leverages parallelization and differentiable simulation to efficiently search for multiple diverse plans. STAMP relaxes discrete-and-continuous TAMP problems into continuous optimization problems that can be solved using variational inference. Our algorithm builds upon Stein Variational Gradient Descent, a gradient-based variational inference algorithm, and parallelized differentiable physics simulators on the GPU to efficiently obtain gradients for inference. Further, we employ imitation learning to introduce action abstractions that reduce the inference problem to lower dimensions. We demonstrate our method on two TAMP problems and empirically show that STAMP is able to: 1) produce multiple diverse plans in parallel; and 2) search for plans more efficiently compared to existing TAMP baselines.
Towards contrast-agnostic soft segmentation of the spinal cord
Sandrine Bédard
Enamundram Naga Karthik
Charidimos Tsagkas
Emanuele Pravatà
Cristina Granziera
Andrew C. Smith
Kenneth Arnold Weber
Spinal cord segmentation is clinically relevant and is notably used to compute spinal cord cross-sectional area (CSA) for the diagnosis and … (voir plus)monitoring of cord compression or neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis. While several semi and automatic methods exist, one key limitation remains: the segmentation depends on the MRI contrast, resulting in different CSA across contrasts. This is partly due to the varying appearance of the boundary between the spinal cord and the cerebrospinal fluid that depends on the sequence and acquisition parameters. This contrast-sensitive CSA adds variability in multi-center studies where protocols can vary, reducing the sensitivity to detect subtle atrophies. Moreover, existing methods enhance the CSA variability by training one model per contrast, while also producing binary masks that do not account for partial volume effects. In this work, we present a deep learning-based method that produces soft segmentations of the spinal cord. Using the Spine Generic Public Database of healthy participants (
Towards AI-designed genomes using a variational autoencoder
N.K. Dudek
Synthetic biology holds great promise for bioengineering applications such as environmental bioremediation, probiotic formulation, and produ… (voir plus)ction of renewable biofuels. Humans’ capacity to design biological systems from scratch is limited by their sheer size and complexity. We introduce a framework for training a machine learning model to learn the basic genetic principles underlying the gene composition of bacterial genomes. Our variational autoencoder model, DeepGenomeVector, was trained to take as input corrupted bacterial genetic blueprints (i.e. complete gene sets, henceforth ‘genome vectors’) in which most genes had been “removed”, and re-create the original. The resulting model effectively captures the complex dependencies in genomic networks, as evaluated by both qualitative and quantitative metrics. An in-depth functional analysis of a generated gene vector shows that its encoded pathways are interconnected and nearly complete. On the test set, where the model’s ability to re-generate the original, uncorrupted genome vector was evaluated, an AUC score of 0.98 and an F1 score of 0.82 provide support for the model’s ability to generate diverse, high-quality genome vectors. This work showcases the power of machine learning approaches for synthetic biology and highlights the possibility that just as humans can design an AI that animates a robot, AIs may one day be able to design a genomic blueprint that animates a carbon-based cell. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Genomes serve as the blueprints for life, encoding complex networks of genes whose products must seamlessly interact to result in living organisms. In this work, we develop a framework for training a machine learning algorithm to learn the basic genetic principles that underlie genome composition. This innovation may eventually lead to improvements in the genome design process, increasing the speed and reliability of designs while decreasing cost. It further suggests that AI agents may one day have the potential to design blueprints for carbon-based life.
Unsupervised Improvement of Audio-Text Cross-Modal Representations
Zhepei Wang
Krishna Subramani
Junkai Wu
Tiago Tavares
Fabio Ayres
Paris Smaragdis
Recent advances in using language models to obtain cross-modal audio-text representations have overcome the limitations of conventional trai… (voir plus)ning approaches that use predefined labels. This has allowed the community to make progress in tasks like zero-shot classification, which would otherwise not be possible. However, learning such representations requires a large amount of human-annotated audio-text pairs. In this paper, we study unsupervised approaches to improve the learning framework of such representations with unpaired text and audio. We explore domain-unspecific and domain-specific curation methods to create audio-text pairs that we use to further improve the model. We also show that when domain-specific curation is used in conjunction with a soft-labeled contrastive loss, we are able to obtain significant improvement in terms of zero-shot classification performance on downstream sound event classification or acoustic scene classification tasks.
A Novel Information-Theoretic Objective to Disentangle Representations for Fair Classification
Pierre Colombo
Nathan Noiry
Guillaume Staerman
Fundamental Limits of Membership Inference Attacks on Machine Learning Models
Eric Aubinais
Elisabeth Gassiat
Membership inference attacks (MIA) can reveal whether a particular data point was part of the training dataset, potentially exposing sensiti… (voir plus)ve information about individuals. This article provides theoretical guarantees by exploring the fundamental statistical limitations associated with MIAs on machine learning models. More precisely, we first derive the statistical quantity that governs the effectiveness and success of such attacks. We then deduce that in a very general regression setting with overfitting algorithms, attacks may have a high probability of success. Finally, we investigate several situations for which we provide bounds on this quantity of interest. Our results enable us to deduce the accuracy of potential attacks based on the number of samples and other structural parameters of learning models. In certain instances, these parameters can be directly estimated from the dataset.
Surprise-Adaptive Intrinsic Motivation for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning
Adriana Hugessen
Roger Creus Castanyer
Audio Editing with Non-Rigid Text Prompts
Francesco Paissan
Zhepei Wang
Paris Smaragdis
In this paper, we explore audio-editing with non-rigid text edits. We show that the proposed editing pipeline is able to create audio edits … (voir plus)that remain faithful to the input audio. We explore text prompts that perform addition, style transfer, and in-painting. We quantitatively and qualitatively show that the edits are able to obtain results which outperform Audio-LDM, a recently released text-prompted audio generation model. Qualitative inspection of the results points out that the edits given by our approach remain more faithful to the input audio in terms of keeping the original onsets and offsets of the audio events.
Detection and evaluation of bias-inducing features in machine learning
Moses Openja
gabriel laberge