
When Do We Need Graph Neural Networks for Node Classification?
Sitao Luan
Chenqing Hua
Qincheng Lu
Jiaqi Zhu
Xiao-Wen Chang
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Human Activity Recognition: A Survey and Outlook.
Bahareh Nikpour
Dimitrios Sinodinos
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a popular research field in computer vision that has already been widely studied. However, it is still a… (voir plus)n active research field since it plays an important role in many current and emerging real-world intelligent systems, like visual surveillance and human-computer interaction. Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has recently been used to address the activity recognition problem with various purposes, such as finding attention in video data or obtaining the best network structure. DRL-based HAR has only been around for a short time, and it is a challenging, novel field of study. Therefore, to facilitate further research in this area, we have constructed a comprehensive survey on activity recognition methods that incorporate DRL. Throughout the article, we classify these methods according to their shared objectives and delve into how they are ingeniously framed within the DRL framework. As we navigate through the survey, we conclude by shedding light on the prominent challenges and lingering questions that await the attention of future researchers, paving the way for further advancements and breakthroughs in this exciting domain.
In deep reinforcement learning, a pruned network is a good network
Johan Samir Obando Ceron
Recent work has shown that deep reinforcement learning agents have difficulty in effectively using their network parameters. We leverage pri… (voir plus)or insights into the advantages of sparse training techniques and demonstrate that gradual magnitude pruning enables agents to maximize parameter effectiveness. This results in networks that yield dramatic performance improvements over traditional networks and exhibit a type of"scaling law", using only a small fraction of the full network parameters.
Multi-ancestry polygenic risk scores using phylogenetic regularization
Elliot Layne
Shadi Zabad
Deep Equilibrium Models For Algorithmic Reasoning
Sophie Xhonneux
Yu He
Andreea Deac
In this blogpost we discuss the idea of teaching neural networks to reach fixed points when reasoning. Specifically, on the algorithmic reas… (voir plus)oning benchmark CLRS the current neural networks are told the number of reasoning steps they need. While a quick fix is to add a termination network that predicts when to stop, a much more salient inductive bias is that the neural network shouldn't change it's answer any further once the answer is correct, i.e. it should reach a fixed point. This is supported by denotational semantics, which tells us that while loops that terminate are the minimum fixed points of a function. We implement this idea with the help of deep equilibrium models and discuss several hurdles one encounters along the way. We show on several algorithms from the CLRS benchmark the partial success of this approach and the difficulty in making it work robustly across all algorithms.
Deep Equilibrium Models For Algorithmic Reasoning
Sophie Xhonneux
Yu He
Andreea Deac
In this blogpost we discuss the idea of teaching neural networks to reach fixed points when reasoning. Specifically, on the algorithmic reas… (voir plus)oning benchmark CLRS the current neural networks are told the number of reasoning steps they need. While a quick fix is to add a termination network that predicts when to stop, a much more salient inductive bias is that the neural network shouldn't change it's answer any further once the answer is correct, i.e. it should reach a fixed point. This is supported by denotational semantics, which tells us that while loops that terminate are the minimum fixed points of a function. We implement this idea with the help of deep equilibrium models and discuss several hurdles one encounters along the way. We show on several algorithms from the CLRS benchmark the partial success of this approach and the difficulty in making it work robustly across all algorithms.
Distributional GFlowNets with Quantile Flows
Dinghuai Zhang
Ling Pan
Ricky T. Q. Chen
Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) are a new family of probabilistic samplers where an agent learns a stochastic policy for generating com… (voir plus)plex combinatorial structure through a series of decision-making steps. Despite being inspired from reinforcement learning, the current GFlowNet framework is relatively limited in its applicability and cannot handle stochasticity in the reward function. In this work, we adopt a distributional paradigm for GFlowNets, turning each flow function into a distribution, thus providing more informative learning signals during training. By parameterizing each edge flow through their quantile functions, our proposed \textit{quantile matching} GFlowNet learning algorithm is able to learn a risk-sensitive policy, an essential component for handling scenarios with risk uncertainty. Moreover, we find that the distributional approach can achieve substantial improvement on existing benchmarks compared to prior methods due to our enhanced training algorithm, even in settings with deterministic rewards.
Bidirectional Generative Pre-training for Improving Time Series Representation Learning
Ziyang Song
Qincheng Lu
He Zhu
Gaussian-process-based Bayesian optimization for neurostimulation interventions in rats
Léo Choinière
Rose Guay-Hottin
Rémi Picard
Numa Dancause
Pruning Sparse Tensor Neural Networks Enables Deep Learning for 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
Brice Rauby
Paul Xing
Jonathan Por'ee
Jean Provost
Soft Prompt Threats: Attacking Safety Alignment and Unlearning in Open-Source LLMs through the Embedding Space
Leo Schwinn
David Dobre
Sophie Xhonneux
Stephan Günnemann
Current research in adversarial robustness of LLMs focuses on discrete input manipulations in the natural language space, which can be direc… (voir plus)tly transferred to closed-source models. However, this approach neglects the steady progression of open-source models. As open-source models advance in capability, ensuring their safety also becomes increasingly imperative. Yet, attacks tailored to open-source LLMs that exploit full model access remain largely unexplored. We address this research gap and propose the embedding space attack, which directly attacks the continuous embedding representation of input tokens. We find that embedding space attacks circumvent model alignments and trigger harmful behaviors more efficiently than discrete attacks or model fine-tuning. Furthermore, we present a novel threat model in the context of unlearning and show that embedding space attacks can extract supposedly deleted information from unlearned LLMs across multiple datasets and models. Our findings highlight embedding space attacks as an important threat model in open-source LLMs. Trigger Warning: the appendix contains LLM-generated text with violence and harassment.
Trained Without My Consent: Detecting Code Inclusion In Language Models Trained on Code
Vahid Majdinasab
Amin Nikanjam
Code auditing ensures that the developed code adheres to standards, regulations, and copyright protection by verifying that it does not cont… (voir plus)ain code from protected sources. The recent advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) as coding assistants in the software development process poses new challenges for code auditing. The dataset for training these models is mainly collected from publicly available sources. This raises the issue of intellectual property infringement as developers' codes are already included in the dataset. Therefore, auditing code developed using LLMs is challenging, as it is difficult to reliably assert if an LLM used during development has been trained on specific copyrighted codes, given that we do not have access to the training datasets of these models. Given the non-disclosure of the training datasets, traditional approaches such as code clone detection are insufficient for asserting copyright infringement. To address this challenge, we propose a new approach, TraWiC; a model-agnostic and interpretable method based on membership inference for detecting code inclusion in an LLM's training dataset. We extract syntactic and semantic identifiers unique to each program to train a classifier for detecting code inclusion. In our experiments, we observe that TraWiC is capable of detecting 83.87% of codes that were used to train an LLM. In comparison, the prevalent clone detection tool NiCad is only capable of detecting 47.64%. In addition to its remarkable performance, TraWiC has low resource overhead in contrast to pair-wise clone detection that is conducted during the auditing process of tools like CodeWhisperer reference tracker, across thousands of code snippets.