
Nonlinear Weighted Finite Automata
Tianyu Li
Guillaume Rabusseau
Weighted finite automata (WFA) can expressively model functions defined over strings but are inherently linear models. Given the recent succ… (voir plus)esses of nonlinear models in machine learning, it is natural to wonder whether extending WFA to the nonlinear setting would be beneficial. In this paper, we propose a novel model of neural network based nonlinear WFA model (NL-WFA) along with a learning algorithm. Our learning algorithm is inspired by the spectral learning algorithm for WFA and relies on a nonlinear decomposition of the so-called Hankel matrix, by means of an auto-encoder network. The expressive power of NL-WFA and the proposed learning algorithm are assessed on both synthetic and real world data, showing that NL-WFA can lead to smaller model sizes and infer complex grammatical structures from data.
Optimizing Home Energy Management and Electric Vehicle Charging with Reinforcement Learning
Di Wu
Guillaume Rabusseau
Vincent Francois-Lavet
Benoit Boulet
Smart grids are advancing the management efficiency and security of power grids with the integration of energy storage, distributed controll… (voir plus)ers, and advanced meters. In particular, with the increasing prevalence of residential automation devices and distributed renewable energy generation, residential energy management is now drawing more attention. Meanwhile, the increasing adoption of electric vehicle (EV) brings more challenges and opportunities for smart residential energy management. This paper formalizes energy management for the residential home with EV charging as a Markov Decision Process and proposes reinforcement learning (RL) based control algorithms to address it. The objective of the proposed algorithms is to minimize the long-term operating cost. We further use a recurrent neural network (RNN) to model the electricity demand as a preprocessing step. Both the RNN prediction and latent representations are used as additional state features for the RL based control algorithms. Experiments on real-world data show that the proposed algorithms can significantly reduce the operating cost and peak power consumption compared to baseline control algorithms.
Streaming kernel regression with provably adaptive mean, variance, and regularization
Odalric-Ambrym Maillard
We consider the problem of streaming kernel regression, when the observations arrive sequentially and the goal is to recover the underlying … (voir plus)mean function, assumed to belong to an RKHS. The variance of the noise is not assumed to be known. In this context, we tackle the problem of tuning the regularization parameter adaptively at each time step, while maintaining tight confidence bounds estimates on the value of the mean function at each point. To this end, we first generalize existing results for finite-dimensional linear regression with fixed regularization and known variance to the kernel setup with a regularization parameter allowed to be a measurable function of past observations. Then, using appropriate self-normalized inequalities we build upper and lower bound estimates for the variance, leading to Bersntein-like concentration bounds. The later is used in order to define the adaptive regularization. The bounds resulting from our technique are valid uniformly over all observation points and all time steps, and are compared against the literature with numerical experiments. Finally, the potential of these tools is illustrated by an application to kernelized bandits, where we revisit the Kernel UCB and Kernel Thompson Sampling procedures, and show the benefits of the novel adaptive kernel tuning strategy.
Temporal Regularization for Markov Decision Process
Several applications of Reinforcement Learning suffer from instability due to high variance. This is especially prevalent in high dimensiona… (voir plus)l domains. Regularization is a commonly used technique in machine learning to reduce variance, at the cost of introducing some bias. Most existing regularization techniques focus on spatial (perceptual) regularization. Yet in reinforcement learning, due to the nature of the Bellman equation, there is an opportunity to also exploit temporal regularization based on smoothness in value estimates over trajectories. This paper explores a class of methods for temporal regularization. We formally characterize the bias induced by this technique using Markov chain concepts. We illustrate the various characteristics of temporal regularization via a sequence of simple discrete and continuous MDPs, and show that the technique provides improvement even in high-dimensional Atari games.
Towards Deep Conversational Recommendations
Raymond Li
Hannes Schulz
Vincent Michalski
There has been growing interest in using neural networks and deep learning techniques to create dialogue systems. Conversational recommendat… (voir plus)ion is an interesting setting for the scientific exploration of dialogue with natural language as the associated discourse involves goal-driven dialogue that often transforms naturally into more free-form chat. This paper provides two contributions. First, until now there has been no publicly available large-scale data set consisting of real-world dialogues centered around recommendations. To address this issue and to facilitate our exploration here, we have collected ReDial, a data set consisting of over 10,000 conversations centered around the theme of providing movie recommendations. We make this data available to the community for further research. Second, we use this dataset to explore multiple facets of conversational recommendations. In particular we explore new neural architectures, mechanisms and methods suitable for composing conversational recommendation systems. Our dataset allows us to systematically probe model sub-components addressing different parts of the overall problem domain ranging from: sentiment analysis and cold-start recommendation generation to detailed aspects of how natural language is used in this setting in the real world. We combine such sub-components into a full-blown dialogue system and examine its behavior.
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Lida Rashidi
Can Wang
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Lida Rashidi
Can Wang
Tensor Regression Networks with various Low-Rank Tensor Approximations
Xingwei Cao
Guillaume Rabusseau
Tensor regression networks achieve high compression rate of neural networks while having slight impact on performances. They do so by imposi… (voir plus)ng low tensor rank structure on the weight matrices of fully connected layers. In recent years, tensor regression networks have been investigated from the perspective of their compressive power, however, the regularization effect of enforcing low-rank tensor structure has not been investigated enough. We study tensor regression networks using various low-rank tensor approximations, aiming to compare the compressive and regularization power of different low-rank constraints. We evaluate the compressive and regularization performances of the proposed model with both deep and shallow convolutional neural networks. The outcome of our experiment suggests the superiority of Global Average Pooling Layer over Tensor Regression Layer when applied to deep convolutional neural network with CIFAR-10 dataset. On the contrary, shallow convolutional neural networks with tensor regression layer and dropout achieved lower test error than both Global Average Pooling and fully-connected layer with dropout function when trained with a small number of samples.
Deep Learning @15 Petaflops/second: Semi-supervised pattern detection for 15 Terabytes of climate data
W. Collins
M. Wehner
M. Prabhat
Thorsten Kurth
Nadathur Satish
Jian Zhang
Evan Racah
Md. Mostofa Ali Patwary
Narayanan Sundaram
Pradeep Dubey
Fast and Flexible Successive-Cancellation List Decoders for Polar Codes
Seyyed Ali Hashemi
Carlo Condo
Polar codes have gained significant amount of attention during the past few years and have been selected as a coding scheme for the next gen… (voir plus)eration of mobile broadband standard. Among decoding schemes, successive-cancellation list (SCL) decoding provides a reasonable tradeoff between the error-correction performance and hardware implementation complexity when used to decode polar codes, at the cost of limited throughput. The simplified SCL (SSCL) and its extension SSCL-SPC increase the speed of decoding by removing redundant calculations when encountering particular information and frozen bit patterns (rate one and single parity check codes), while keeping the error-correction performance unaltered. In this paper, we improve SSCL and SSCL-SPC by proving that the list size imposes a specific number of path splitting required to decode rate one and single parity check codes. Thus, the number of splitting can be limited while guaranteeing exactly the same error-correction performance as if the paths were forked at each bit estimation. We call the new decoding algorithms Fast-SSCL and Fast-SSCL-SPC. Moreover, we show that the number of path forks in a practical application can be tuned to achieve desirable speed, while keeping the error-correction performance almost unchanged. Hardware architectures implementing both algorithms are then described and implemented: It is shown that our design can achieve
Automatic Differentiation in Myia
Olivier Breuleux
Bart van Merriënboer
Automatic differentiation is an essential feature of machine learning frameworks. However, its implementation in existing frameworks often h… (voir plus)as limitations. In dataflow programming frameworks such as Theano or TensorFlow the representation used makes supporting higher-order gradients difficult. On the other hand, operator overloading frameworks such as PyTorch are flexible, but do not lend themselves well to optimization. With Myia, we attempt to have the best of both worlds: Building on the work by Pearlmutter and Siskind we implement a first-order gradient operator for a subset of the Python programming language.
A Multisensor Multi-Bernoulli Filter
Augustin-Alexandru Saucan
In this paper, we derive a multisensor multi-Bernoulli (MS-MeMBer) filter for multitarget tracking. Measurements from multiple sensors are e… (voir plus)mployed by the proposed filter to update a set of tracks modeled as a multi-Bernoulli random finite set. An exact implementation of the MS-MeMBer update procedure is computationally intractable. We propose an efficient approximate implementation by using a greedy measurement partitioning mechanism. The proposed filter allows for Gaussian mixture or particle filter implementations. Numerical simulations conducted for both linear-Gaussian and nonlinear models highlight the improved accuracy of the MS-MeMBer filter and its reduced computational load with respect to the multisensor cardinalized probability hypothesis density filter and the iterated-corrector cardinality-balanced multi-Bernoulli filter especially for low probabilities of detection.