
Towards Learning to Imitate from a Single Video Demonstration
Florian Golemo
Agents that can learn to imitate given video observation -- \emph{without direct access to state or action information} are more applicable … (voir plus)to learning in the natural world. However, formulating a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that facilitates this goal remains a significant challenge. We approach this challenge using contrastive training to learn a reward function comparing an agent's behaviour with a single demonstration. We use a Siamese recurrent neural network architecture to learn rewards in space and time between motion clips while training an RL policy to minimize this distance. Through experimentation, we also find that the inclusion of multi-task data and additional image encoding losses improve the temporal consistency of the learned rewards and, as a result, significantly improves policy learning. We demonstrate our approach on simulated humanoid, dog, and raptor agents in 2D and a quadruped and a humanoid in 3D. We show that our method outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques in these environments and can learn to imitate from a single video demonstration.
Towards Reliable Neural Specifications
Chuqin Geng
Nham Le
Xiaojie Xu
Zhaoyue Wang
Arie Gurfinkel
Towards Reliable Neural Specifications
Chuqin Geng
Nham Le
Xiaojie Xu
Zhaoyue Wang
Arie Gurfinkel
TrafficVis: Visualizing Organized Activity and Spatio-Temporal Patterns for Detecting and Labeling Human Trafficking
Catalina Vajiac
Duen Horng Chau
Andreas Olligschlaeger
Rebecca Mackenzie
Pratheeksha Nair
Meng-Chieh Lee
Yifei Li
Namyong Park
Christos Faloutsos
Law enforcement and domain experts can detect human trafficking (HT) in online escort websites by analyzing suspicious clusters of connected… (voir plus) ads. How can we explain clustering results intuitively and interactively, visualizing potential evidence for experts to analyze? We present TrafficVis, the first interface for cluster-level HT detection and labeling. Developed through months of participatory design with domain experts, TrafficVis provides coordinated views in conjunction with carefully chosen backend algorithms to effectively show spatio-temporal and text patterns to a wide variety of anti-HT stakeholders. We build upon state-of-the-art text clustering algorithms by incorporating shared metadata as a signal of connected and possibly suspicious activity, then visualize the results. Domain experts can use TrafficVis to label clusters as HT, or other, suspicious, but non-HT activity such as spam and scam, quickly creating labeled datasets to enable further HT research. Through domain expert feedback and a usage scenario, we demonstrate TRAFFICVIS's efficacy. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with repeated high praises for the usability and explainability of our tool, the latter being vital for indicting possible criminals.
Transposable elements regulate thymus development and function 1
Jean-David Larouche
Céline M. Laumont
Assya Trofimov
Krystel Vincent
Leslie Hesnard
Sylvie Brochu
Caroline Côté
Juliette Humeau
Eric Bonneil
Joël Lanoix
Chantal Durette
Patrick Gendron
Jean-Philippe Laverdure
Ellen Rothman Richie
Pierre Thibault
Claude Perreault
21 Transposable elements (TE) are repetitive sequences representing ~45% of the human and mouse genomes 22 and are highly expressed by medul… (voir plus)lary thymic epithelial cells (mTEC). In this study, we investigated the 23 role of transposable elements (TE), which are highly expressed by medullary thymic epithelial cells 24 (mTEC), on T-cell development in the thymus. We performed multi-omic analyses of TEs in human and 25 mouse thymic cells to elucidate their role in T cell development. We report that TE expression in the 26 human thymus is high and shows extensive ageand cell lineage-related variations. TEs interact with 27 multiple transcription factors in all cell types of the human thymus. Two cell types express particularly 28 broad TE repertoires: mTECs and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC). In mTECs, TEs interact with 29 transcription factors essential for mTEC development and function (e.g., PAX1 and RELB) and generate 30 MHC-I-associated peptides implicated in thymocyte education. Notably, AIRE, FEZF2, and CHD4 31 regulate non-redundant sets of TEs in murine mTECs. Human thymic pDCs homogenously express large 32 numbers of TEs that lead to the formation of dsRNA, triggering RIG-I and MDA5 signaling and 33 explaining why thymic pDCs constitutively secrete IFN ɑ/β. This study illustrates the diversity of 34 interactions between TEs and the adaptive immune system. TEs are genetic parasites, and the two thymic 35 cell types most affected by TEs (mTEcs and pDCs) are essential to establishing central T-cell tolerance. 36 Therefore, we propose that the orchestration of TE expression in thymic cells is critical to prevent 37 autoimmunity in vertebrates. 38
Transposable elements regulate thymus development and function 1
Jean-David Larouche
Céline M. Laumont
Assya Trofimov
Krystel Vincent
Leslie Hesnard
Sylvie Brochu
Caroline Côté
Juliette Humeau
Eric Bonneil
Joël Lanoix
Chantal Durette
Patrick Gendron
Jean-Philippe Laverdure
Ellen Rothman Richie
Pierre Thibault
Claude Perreault
21 Transposable elements (TE) are repetitive sequences representing ~45% of the human and mouse genomes 22 and are highly expressed by medul… (voir plus)lary thymic epithelial cells (mTEC). In this study, we investigated the 23 role of transposable elements (TE), which are highly expressed by medullary thymic epithelial cells 24 (mTEC), on T-cell development in the thymus. We performed multi-omic analyses of TEs in human and 25 mouse thymic cells to elucidate their role in T cell development. We report that TE expression in the 26 human thymus is high and shows extensive ageand cell lineage-related variations. TEs interact with 27 multiple transcription factors in all cell types of the human thymus. Two cell types express particularly 28 broad TE repertoires: mTECs and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC). In mTECs, TEs interact with 29 transcription factors essential for mTEC development and function (e.g., PAX1 and RELB) and generate 30 MHC-I-associated peptides implicated in thymocyte education. Notably, AIRE, FEZF2, and CHD4 31 regulate non-redundant sets of TEs in murine mTECs. Human thymic pDCs homogenously express large 32 numbers of TEs that lead to the formation of dsRNA, triggering RIG-I and MDA5 signaling and 33 explaining why thymic pDCs constitutively secrete IFN ɑ/β. This study illustrates the diversity of 34 interactions between TEs and the adaptive immune system. TEs are genetic parasites, and the two thymic 35 cell types most affected by TEs (mTEcs and pDCs) are essential to establishing central T-cell tolerance. 36 Therefore, we propose that the orchestration of TE expression in thymic cells is critical to prevent 37 autoimmunity in vertebrates. 38
Trophic interaction models predict interactions across space, not food webs.
Dominique Caron
Ulrich Brose
Miguel Lurgi
F. Guillaume Blanchet
Dominique Gravel
Aim: Trophic interactions are central to our understanding of essential ecosystem functions as well as their stability. Predicting these int… (voir plus)eractions has become increasingly common due to the lack of empirical data on trophic interactions for most taxa in most ecosystems. We aim to determine how far and accurately trophic interaction models extrapolate to new communities both in terms of pairwise predator-prey interactions and higher level food web attributes (i.e., species position, food web-level properties).
Ultrastructure Analysis of Cardiomyocytes and Their Nuclei
Tabish A Syed
Yanan Wang
Drisya Dileep
Minhajuddin Sirajuddin
Use of machine learning in pediatric surgical clinical prediction tools: A systematic review.
Amanda Bianco
Zaid A.M. Al-Azzawi
Elena Guadagno
Esli Osmanlliu
Jocelyn Gravel
Using Confounded Data in Latent Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
Guillaume Gaudron
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Using Representation Expressiveness and Learnability to Evaluate Self-Supervised Learning Methods
Yuchen Lu
Zhen Liu
Aristide Baratin
Romain Laroche
Variance Reduction is an Antidote to Byzantines: Better Rates, Weaker Assumptions and Communication Compression as a Cherry on the Top
Eduard Gorbunov
Samuel Horváth
Peter Richtárik
Byzantine-robustness has been gaining a lot of attention due to the growth of the interest in collaborative and federated learning. However,… (voir plus) many fruitful directions, such as the usage of variance reduction for achieving robustness and communication compression for reducing communication costs, remain weakly explored in the field. This work addresses this gap and proposes Byz-VR-MARINA - a new Byzantine-tolerant method with variance reduction and compression. A key message of our paper is that variance reduction is key to fighting Byzantine workers more effectively. At the same time, communication compression is a bonus that makes the process more communication efficient. We derive theoretical convergence guarantees for Byz-VR-MARINA outperforming previous state-of-the-art for general non-convex and Polyak-Lojasiewicz loss functions. Unlike the concurrent Byzantine-robust methods with variance reduction and/or compression, our complexity results are tight and do not rely on restrictive assumptions such as boundedness of the gradients or limited compression. Moreover, we provide the first analysis of a Byzantine-tolerant method supporting non-uniform sampling of stochastic gradients. Numerical experiments corroborate our theoretical findings.