
Healthsheet: Development of a Transparency Artifact for Health Datasets
Diana Mincu
Subhrajit Roy
Andrew J Smart
Lauren Wilcox
Mahima Pushkarna
Jessica Schrouff
Razvan Amironesei
Nyalleng Moorosi
Katherine Heller
Only Tails Matter: Average-Case Universality and Robustness in the Convex Regime
Leonardo Cunha
Fabian Pedregosa
Damien Scieur
Uniform Priors for Data-Efficient Learning
Samarth Sinha
Karsten Roth
Anirudh Goyal
Marzyeh Ghassemi
Zeynep Akata
Animesh Garg
Few or zero-shot adaptation to novel tasks is important for the scalability and deployment of machine learning models. It is therefore cruci… (voir plus)al to find properties that encourage more transferable features in deep networks for generalization. In this paper, we show that models that learn uniformly distributed features from the training data, are able to perform better transfer learning at test-time. Motivated by this, we evaluate our method: uniformity regularization (UR) on its ability to facilitate adaptation to unseen tasks and data on six distinct domains: Few-Learning with Images, Few-shot Learning with Language, Deep Metric Learning, 0-Shot Domain Adaptation, Out-of-Distribution classification, and Neural Radiance Fields. Across all experiments, we show that using UR, we are able to learn robust vision systems which consistently offer benefits over baselines trained without uniformity regularization and are able to achieve state-of-the-art performance in Deep Metric Learning, Few-shot learning with images and language.
Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
Klaus Greff
Francois Belletti
Lucas Beyer
Carl Doersch
Yilun Du
Daniel Duckworth
David J Fleet
Dan Gnanapragasam
Florian Golemo
Charles Herrmann
Thomas Kipf
Abhijit Kundu
Dmitry Lagun
Issam Hadj Laradji
Hsueh-Ti Liu
Henning Meyer
Yishu Miao
Cengiz Oztireli
Etienne Pot … (voir 14 de plus)
Noha Radwan
Daniel Rebain
Sara Sabour
Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi
Matan Sela
Vincent Sitzmann
Austin Stone
Deqing Sun
Suhani Vora
Ziyu Wang
Tianhao Wu
Kwang Moo Yi
Fangcheng Zhong
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Data is the driving force of machine learning, with the amount and quality of training data often being more important for the performance o… (voir plus)f a system than architecture and training details. But collecting, processing and annotating real data at scale is difficult, expensive, and frequently raises additional privacy, fairness and legal concerns. Synthetic data is a powerful tool with the potential to address these shortcomings: 1) it is cheap 2) supports rich ground-truth annotations 3) offers full control over data and 4) can circumvent or mitigate problems regarding bias, privacy and licensing. Unfortunately, software tools for effective data generation are less mature than those for architecture design and training, which leads to fragmented generation efforts. To address these problems we introduce Kubric, an open-source Python framework that interfaces with PyBullet and Blender to generate photo-realistic scenes, with rich annotations, and seamlessly scales to large jobs distributed over thousands of machines, and generating TBs of data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Kubric by presenting a series of 13 different generated datasets for tasks ranging from studying 3D NeRF models to optical flow estimation. We release Kubric, the used assets, all of the generation code, as well as the rendered datasets for reuse and modification.
Matching Feature Sets for Few-Shot Image Classification
Arman Afrasiyabi
Jean‐François Lalonde
In image classification, it is common practice to train deep networks to extract a single feature vector per input image. Few-shot classific… (voir plus)ation methods also mostly follow this trend. In this work, we depart from this established direction and instead propose to extract sets of feature vectors for each image. We argue that a set-based representation intrinsically builds a richer representation of images from the base classes, which can subsequently better transfer to the few-shot classes. To do so, we propose to adapt existing feature extractors to instead produce sets of feature vectors from images. Our approach, dubbed SetFeat, embeds shallow self-attention mechanisms inside existing encoder architectures. The attention modules are lightweight, and as such our method results in encoders that have approximately the same number of parameters as their original versions. During training and inference, a set-to-set matching metric is used to perform image classification. The effectiveness of our proposed architecture and metrics is demonstrated via thorough experiments on standard few-shot datasets-namely miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, and CUB-in both the 1- and 5-shot scenarios. In all cases but one, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art.
Medial Spectral Coordinates for 3D Shape Analysis
Morteza Rezanejad
Mohammad Khodadad
Hamidreza Mahyar
Michael Gruninger
Dirk B. Walther
In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in our community in the shape analysis of 3D objects repre-sented by surface meshes,… (voir plus) their voxelized interiors, or surface point clouds. In part, this interest has been stimulated by the increased availability of RGBD cameras, and by applications of computer vision to autonomous driving, medical imaging, and robotics. In these settings, spectral co-ordinates have shown promise for shape representation due to their ability to incorporate both local and global shape properties in a manner that is qualitatively invariant to iso-metric transformations. Yet, surprisingly, such coordinates have thus far typically considered only local surface positional or derivative information. In the present article, we propose to equip spectral coordinates with medial (object width) information, so as to enrich them. The key idea is to couple surface points that share a medial ball, via the weights of the adjacency matrix. We develop a spectral feature using this idea, and the algorithms to compute it. The incorporation of object width and medial coupling has direct benefits, as illustrated by our experiments on object classification, object part segmentation, and surface point correspondence.
Multi-label Iterated Learning for Image Classification with Label Ambiguity
Sai Rajeswar
Pau Rodriguez
Soumye Singhal
David Vazquez
Transfer learning from large-scale pre-trained models has become essential for many computer vision tasks. Recent studies have shown that da… (voir plus)tasets like ImageNet are weakly labeled since images with multiple object classes present are assigned a single label. This ambiguity biases models towards a single prediction, which could result in the suppression of classes that tend to co-occur in the data. Inspired by language emergence literature, we propose multi-label iterated learning (MILe) to incorporate the inductive biases of multi-label learning from single labels using the framework of iterated learning. MILe is a simple yet effective procedure that builds a multi-label description of the image by propagating binary predictions through successive generations of teacher and student networks with a learning bottleneck. Experiments show that our approach exhibits systematic benefits on ImageNet accuracy as well as ReaL F1 score, which indicates that MILe deals better with label ambiguity than the standard training procedure, even when fine-tuning from self-supervised weights. We also show that MILe is effective reducing label noise, achieving state-of-the-art performance on real-world large-scale noisy data such as WebVision. Furthermore, MILe improves performance in class incremental settings such as IIRC and it is robust to distribution shifts. Code:
Parametric Scattering Networks
Shanel Gauthier
Benjamin Thérien
Laurent Alséne-Racicot
Muawiz Chaudhary
Michael Eickenberg
Guy Wolf
The wavelet scattering transform creates geometric in-variants and deformation stability. In multiple signal do-mains, it has been shown to … (voir plus)yield more discriminative rep-resentations compared to other non-learned representations and to outperform learned representations in certain tasks, particularly on limited labeled data and highly structured signals. The wavelet filters used in the scattering trans-form are typically selected to create a tight frame via a pa-rameterized mother wavelet. In this work, we investigate whether this standard wavelet filterbank construction is op-timal. Focusing on Morlet wavelets, we propose to learn the scales, orientations, and aspect ratios of the filters to produce problem-specific parameterizations of the scattering transform. We show that our learned versions of the scattering transform yield significant performance gains in small-sample classification settings over the standard scat-tering transform. Moreover, our empirical results suggest that traditional filterbank constructions may not always be necessary for scattering transforms to extract effective rep-resentations.
Probing Representation Forgetting in Supervised and Unsupervised Continual Learning
MohammadReza Davari
Nader Asadi
Sudhir Mudur
Rahaf Aljundi
Continual Learning (CL) research typically focuses on tackling the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting in neural networks. Catastrophic fo… (voir plus)rgetting is associated with an abrupt loss of knowledge previously learned by a model when the task, or more broadly the data distribution, being trained on changes. In supervised learning problems this forgetting, resulting from a change in the model's representation, is typically measured or observed by evaluating the decrease in old task performance. However, a model's representation can change without losing knowledge about prior tasks. In this work we consider the concept of representation forgetting, observed by using the difference in performance of an optimal linear classifier before and after a new task is introduced. Using this tool we revisit a number of standard continual learning benchmarks and observe that, through this lens, model representations trained without any explicit control for forgetting often experience small representation forgetting and can sometimes be comparable to methods which explicitly control for forgetting, especially in longer task sequences. We also show that representation forgetting can lead to new insights on the effect of model capacity and loss function used in continual learning. Based on our results, we show that a simple yet competitive approach is to learn representations continually with standard supervised contrastive learning while constructing prototypes of class samples when queried on old samples.11The code to reproduce our results is publicly available at:
Revisiting Learnable Affines for Batch Norm in Few-Shot Transfer Learning
Moslem Yazdanpanah
Aamer Abdul Rahman
Muawiz Chaudhary
Christian Desrosiers
Mohammad Havaei
Batch normalization is a staple of computer vision models, including those employed in few-shot learning. Batch nor-malization layers in con… (voir plus)volutional neural networks are composed of a normalization step, followed by a shift and scale of these normalized features applied via the per-channel trainable affine parameters
Robust Contrastive Learning against Noisy Views
Ching-Yao Chuang
Xin Wang
Vibhav Vineet
Neel Joshi
Antonio Torralba
Stefanie Jegelka
Yale Song
Contrastive learning relies on an assumption that positive pairs contain related views that share certain underlying information about an in… (voir plus)stance, e.g., patches of an image or co-occurring multimodal signals of a video. What if this assumption is violated? The literature suggests that contrastive learning produces suboptimal representations in the presence of noisy views, e.g., false positive pairs with no apparent shared information. In this work, we pro-pose a new contrastive loss function that is robust against noisy views. We provide rigorous theoretical justifications by showing connections to robust symmetric losses for noisy binary classification and by establishing a new contrastive bound for mutual information maximization based on the Wasserstein distance measure. The proposed loss is completely modality-agnostic and a simple drop-in replacement for the InfoNCE loss, which makes it easy to apply to ex-isting contrastive frameworks. We show that our approach provides consistent improvements over the state-of-the-art on image, video, and graph contrastive learning bench-marks that exhibit a variety of real-world noise patterns.
Heterogeneous Supervised Topic Models
Hal Daumé III
David Blei