Mila Visit Day 2024 will take place on March 15

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Mila is thrilled to announce that its Visit Day, a unique opportunity for invited prospective graduate students to discover our esteemed research institution, will take place on March 15, 2024. Students will have a chance to explore our facilities, engage with our faculty and staff, and get a taste of the vibrant community that thrives within Mila’s walls. From state-of-the-art facilities to an incredibly dynamic learning environment to groundbreaking research initiatives, there's so much to discover.

Here's what students can expect during the visit:

  • Mila Tour: Led by our knowledgeable student ambassadors, our tours will give you an insider's look at our research buildings, recreational facilities, and more. Get ready to immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of our research lab and envision yourself as part of our Mila community. 
  • Research Talks: Dive deep into your areas of research interest with our faculty members who are at the forefront of their fields. Our research sessions will provide valuable insights into research opportunities and the support services available to help you succeed in your research journey at Mila. 
  • Researcher Life Showcase: Discover the countless ways to get involved outside the classroom. Through reading groups and extracurricular activities, there's something for everyone to explore their passions and make lifelong connections. 
  • One-on-one meetings: Engage in individual meetings with professors meant to provide valuable information tailored to individual interests and goals. This will help students make informed decisions about their academic pursuits, clarify any doubts they may have about course requirements, curriculum structure, academic expectations and research opportunities. 

Agenda (subject to change - all ET time)

9:30am Welcome Tour

10:00am Welcome Refreshments

10:20am Welcome Word from Laurence Beaulieu, VP, Academic Affairs

10:30am Tea Talk - Invited Speaker Krikamol Muandet 

12:00pm Lunch Break

1:00pm Welcome Word from Yoshua Bengio

1:05pm Research Talks and Spotlights by Mila Professors

2:00pm Panel with lab representatives and researchers

3:00pm One-on-one meetings for professors and prospective students

4:00pm Social