
Provable Guarantees for General Two-sided Sequential Matching Markets
Two-sided markets have become increasingly more important during the last years, mostly because of their numerous applications in housing, l… (voir plus)abor and dating. Consumer-supplier matching platforms pose several technical challenges, specially due to the trade-off between recommending suitable suppliers to consumers and avoiding collisions among consumers' preferences. In this work, we study a general version of the two-sided sequential matching model introduced by Ashlagi et al. (2019). The setting is the following: we (the platform) offer a menu of suppliers to each consumer. Then, every consumer selects, simultaneously and independently, to match with a supplier or to remain unmatched. Suppliers observe the subset of consumers that selected them, and choose either to match a consumer or leave the system. Finally, a match takes place if both the consumer and the supplier sequentially select each other. Each agent's behavior is probabilistic and determined by a regular discrete choice model. Our objective is to choose an assortment family that maximizes the expected cardinality of the matching. Given the computational complexity of the problem, we show several provable guarantees for the general model, which in particular, significantly improve the approximation factors previously obtained.
Dark control: The default mode network as a reinforcement learning agent
Elvis Dohmatob
Prioritization of patients access to outpatient augmentative and alternative communication services in Quebec: a decision tool
Julien Dery
Marie‐eve Lamontagne
Ali Jamshidi
Emilie Lacroix
Angel B. Ruiz
Daoud Ait-Kadi
F. Routhier
Abstract Purpose A large number of people living with a chronic disability wait a long time to access publicly funded rehabilitation service… (voir plus)s such as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) services, and there is no standardized tool to prioritize these patients. We aimed to develop a prioritization tool to improve the organization and access to the care for this population. Methods In this sequential mixed methods study, we began with a qualitative phase in which we conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 stakeholders including patients, their caregivers, and AAC service providers in Quebec City, Canada to gather their ideas about prioritization criteria. Then, during a half-day consensus group meeting with stakeholders, using a consensus-seeking technique (i.e. Technique for Research of Information by Animation of a Group of Experts), we reached consensus on the most important prioritization criteria. These criteria informed the quantitative phase in which used an electronic questionnaire to collect stakeholders’ views regarding the relative weights for each of the selected criteria. We analyzed these data using a hybrid quantitative method called group based fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, to obtain the importance weights of the selected eight criteria. Results Analyses of the interviews revealed 48 criteria. Collectively, the stakeholders reached consensus on eight criteria, and through the electronic questionnaire they defined the selected criteria’s importance weights. The selected eight prioritization criteria and their importance weights are: person’s safety (weight: 0.274), risks development potential (weight: 0.144), psychological well-being (weight: 0.140), physical well-being (weight: 0.124), life prognosis (weight: 0.106), possible impact on social environment (weight: 0.085), interpersonal relationships (weight: 0.073), and responsibilities and social role (weight: 0.054). Conclusion In this study, we co-developed a prioritization decision tool with the key stakeholders for prioritization of patients who are referred to AAC services in rehabilitation settings. IMPLICATIONS FOR REHABILIATION Studies in Canada have shown that people in Canada with a need for rehabilitation services are not receiving publicly available services in a timely manner. There is no standardized tool for the prioritization of AAC patients. In this mixed methods study, we co-developed a prioritization tool with key stakeholders for prioritization of patients who are referred to AAC services in a rehabilitation center in Quebec, Canada.
Prioritization of patients access to outpatient augmentative and alternative communication services in Quebec: a decision tool
Julien Dery
Marie-Eve Lamontagne
Afshin Jamshidi
Emilie Lacroix
Angel Ruiz
Daoud Ait-Kadi
François Routhier
Precision public health: Dream or reality?
Maureen Dobbins
Accelerating Smooth Games by Manipulating Spectral Shapes
Deep Active Learning: Unified and Principled Method for Query and Training
Changjian Shui
Fan Zhou
Boyu Wang
Efficient Planning under Partial Observability with Unnormalized Q Functions and Spectral Learning
Tianyu Li
Bogdan Mazoure
Guillaume Rabusseau
Old Dog Learns New Tricks: Randomized UCB for Bandit Problems
Sharan Vaswani
Abbas Mehrabian
Branislav Kveton
A principled approach for generating adversarial images under non-smooth dissimilarity metrics
Aram-Alexandre Pooladian
Chris Finlay
Tim Hoheisel
Adam Oberman
A Reduction from Reinforcement Learning to No-Regret Online Learning
Ching-An Cheng
Remi Tachet des Combes
Byron Boots
We present a reduction from reinforcement learning (RL) to no-regret online learning based on the saddle-point formulation of RL, by which "… (voir plus)any" online algorithm with sublinear regret can generate policies with provable performance guarantees. This new perspective decouples the RL problem into two parts: regret minimization and function approximation. The first part admits a standard online-learning analysis, and the second part can be quantified independently of the learning algorithm. Therefore, the proposed reduction can be used as a tool to systematically design new RL algorithms. We demonstrate this idea by devising a simple RL algorithm based on mirror descent and the generative-model oracle. For any
Stochastic Neural Network with Kronecker Flow
Chin-Wei Huang
Ahmed Touati
Alexandre Lacoste
Recent advances in variational inference enable the modelling of highly structured joint distributions, but are limited in their capacity to… (voir plus) scale to the high-dimensional setting of stochastic neural networks. This limitation motivates a need for scalable parameterizations of the noise generation process, in a manner that adequately captures the dependencies among the various parameters. In this work, we address this need and present the Kronecker Flow, a generalization of the Kronecker product to invertible mappings designed for stochastic neural networks. We apply our method to variational Bayesian neural networks on predictive tasks, PAC-Bayes generalization bound estimation, and approximate Thompson sampling in contextual bandits. In all setups, our methods prove to be competitive with existing methods and better than the baselines.