
Scalable Change Point Detection for Dynamic Graphs
Shenyang Huang
Guillaume Rabusseau
Real world networks often evolve in complex ways over time. Understanding anomalies in dynamic networks is crucial for applications such as … (voir plus)traffic accident detection, intrusion identification and detection of ecosystem disturbances. In this work, we focus on the problem of change point detection in dynamic graphs. The goal is to identify time steps where the graph structure deviates significantly from the norm. Despite empirical success of recent methods, building a change point detection method for real world dynamic graphs, which often scale to millions of nodes, remains an open question. To fill this gap, we propose LADdos, a scalable method for change point detection in dynamic graphs. LADdos brings together ideas from two recent works: an accurate change point detection method for graphs called LAD [10] which detects the changes in the full Laplacian spectrum of the graph in each timestamp, and the general framework of network density of states (DOS) [5] which models the distribution of the singular values through efficient approximation methods. In experiments with two common graph models –the Stochastic Block Model (SBM) and the Barabási-Albert (BA) model – we show that LADdos has equal performance to LAD, which is the current state-of-the-art, while being orders of magnitude faster. For instance, on a dynamic graph with total 21 million edges over 150 timestamps, LADdos achieves 100x speedup when compared to LAD.
Temporally Abstract Partial Models
Zafarali Ahmed
Gheorghe Comanici
Humans and animals have the ability to reason and make predictions about different courses of action at many time scales. In reinforcement l… (voir plus)earning, option models (Sutton, Precup \& Singh, 1999; Precup, 2000) provide the framework for this kind of temporally abstract prediction and reasoning. Natural intelligent agents are also able to focus their attention on courses of action that are relevant or feasible in a given situation, sometimes termed affordable actions. In this paper, we define a notion of affordances for options, and develop temporally abstract partial option models, that take into account the fact that an option might be affordable only in certain situations. We analyze the trade-offs between estimation and approximation error in planning and learning when using such models, and identify some interesting special cases. Additionally, we empirically demonstrate the ability to learn both affordances and partial option models online resulting in improved sample efficiency and planning time in the Taxi domain.
Textual Time Travel: A Temporally Informed Approach to Theory of Mind
Akshatha Arodi
Natural language processing systems such as dialogue agents should be able to reason about other people’s beliefs, intentions and desires.… (voir plus) This capability, called theory of mind (ToM), is crucial, as it allows a model to predict and interpret the needs of users based on their mental states. A recent line of research evaluates the ToM capability of existing memoryaugmented neural models through questionanswering. These models perform poorly on false belief tasks where beliefs differ from reality, especially when the dataset contains distracting sentences. In this paper, we propose a new temporally informed approach for improving the ToM capability of memory-augmented neural models. Our model incorporates priors about the entities’ minds and tracks their mental states as they evolve over time through an extended passage. It then responds to queries through textual time travel—i.e., by accessing the stored memory of an earlier time step. We evaluate our model on ToM datasets and find that this approach improves performance, particularly by correcting the predicted mental states to match the false belief.
The Machine Learning for Combinatorial Optimization Competition (ML4CO): Results and Insights
Simon Bowly
Jonas Charfreitag
Didier Chételat
Antonia Chmiela
Justin Dumouchelle
Ambros Gleixner
Aleksandr Kazachkov
Elias Boutros Khalil
Paweł Lichocki
Miles Lubin
Chris J. Maddison
Christopher Morris
D. Papageorgiou
Augustin Parjadis
Sebastian Pokutta
Antoine Prouvost … (voir 22 de plus)
Lara Scavuzzo
Giulia Zarpellon
Linxin Yangm
Sha Lai
Akang Wang
Xiaodong Luo
Xiang Zhou
Haohan Huang
Sheng Cheng Shao
Yuanming Zhu
Dong Dong Zhang
Tao Manh Quan
Zixuan Cao
Yang Xu
Zhewei Huang
Shuchang Zhou
C. Binbin
He Minggui
Haoren Ren Hao
Zhang Zhiyu
An Zhiwu
Mao Kun
Combinatorial optimization is a well-established area in operations research and computer science. Until recently, its methods have focused … (voir plus)on solving problem instances in isolation, ignoring that they often stem from related data distributions in practice. However, recent years have seen a surge of interest in using machine learning as a new approach for solving combinatorial problems, either directly as solvers or by enhancing exact solvers. Based on this context, the ML4CO aims at improving state-of-the-art combinatorial optimization solvers by replacing key heuristic components. The competition featured three challenging tasks: finding the best feasible solution, producing the tightest optimality certificate, and giving an appropriate solver configuration. Three realistic datasets were considered: balanced item placement, workload apportionment, and maritime inventory routing. This last dataset was kept anonymous for the contestants.
The Topic Confusion Task: A Novel Scenario for Authorship Attribution
Malik H. Altakrori
Authorship attribution is the problem of identifying the most plausible author of an anonymous text from a set of candidate authors. Researc… (voir plus)hers have investigated same-topic and cross-topic scenarios of authorship attribution, which differ according to whether unseen topics are used in the testing phase. However, neither scenario allows us to explain whether errors are caused by failure to capture authorship style, by the topic shift or by other factors. Motivated by this, we propose the topic confusion task, where we switch the author-topic config-uration between training and testing set. This setup allows us to probe errors in the attribution process. We investigate the accuracy and two error measures: one caused by the models’ confusion by the switch because the features capture the topics, and one caused by the features’ inability to capture the writing styles, leading to weaker models. By evaluating different features, we show that stylometric features with part-of-speech tags are less susceptible to topic variations and can increase the accuracy of the attribution process. We further show that combining them with word-level n - grams can outperform the state-of-the-art technique in the cross-topic scenario. Finally, we show that pretrained language models such as BERT and RoBERTa perform poorly on this task, and are outperformed by simple n -gram features.
A Theoretical Analysis of Catastrophic Forgetting through the NTK Overlap Matrix
Thang Doan
Mehdi Abbana Bennani
Bogdan Mazoure
Guillaume Rabusseau
Pierre Alquier
Towards a Trace-Preserving Tensor Network Representation of Quantum Channels
Siddarth Srinivasan
Sandesh M. Adhikary
Jacob Miller
Bibek Pokharel
Guillaume Rabusseau
Byron Boots
The problem of characterizing quantum channels arises in a number of contexts such as quantum process tomography and quantum error correctio… (voir plus)n. However, direct approaches to parameterizing and optimizing the Choi matrix representation of quantum channels face a curse of dimensionality: the number of parameters scales exponentially in the number of qubits. Recently, Torlai et al. [2020] proposed using locally purified density operators (LPDOs), a tensor network representation of Choi matrices, to overcome the unfavourable scaling in parameters. While the LPDO structure allows it to satisfy a ‘complete positivity’ (CP) constraint required of physically valid quantum channels, it makes no guarantees about a similarly required ‘trace preservation’ (TP) constraint. In practice, the TP constraint is violated, and the learned quantum channel may even be trace-increasing, which is non-physical. In this work, we present the problem of optimizing over TP LPDOs, discuss two approaches to characterizing the TP constraints on LPDOs, and outline the next steps for developing an optimization scheme.
A Unified Few-Shot Classification Benchmark to Compare Transfer and Meta Learning Approaches
Vincent Dumoulin
Neil Houlsby
Utku Evci
Xiaohua Zhai
Ross Goroshin
Sylvain Gelly
Meta and transfer learning are two successful families of approaches to few-shot 1 learning. Despite highly related goals, state-of-the-art … (voir plus)advances in each family are 2 measured largely in isolation of each other. As a result of diverging evaluation 3 norms, a direct or thorough comparison of different approaches is challenging. 4 To bridge this gap, we introduce a few-shot classification evaluation protocol 5 named VTAB+MD with the explicit goal of facilitating sharing of insights from 6 each community. We demonstrate its accessibility in practice by performing a 7 cross-family study of the best transfer and meta learners which report on both a 8 large-scale meta-learning benchmark (Meta-Dataset, MD), and a transfer learning 9 benchmark (Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark, VTAB). We find that, on average, 10 large-scale transfer methods (Big Transfer, BiT) outperform competing approaches 11 on MD, even when trained only on ImageNet. In contrast, meta-learning approaches 12 struggle to compete on VTAB when trained and validated on MD. However, BiT 13 is not without limitations, and pushing for scale does not improve performance 14 on highly out-of-distribution MD tasks. We hope that this work contributes to 15 accelerating progress on few-shot learning research. 16
A Universal Representation Transformer Layer for Few-Shot Image Classification
Lu Liu
William Hamilton
Guodong Long
Jing Jiang
Few-shot classification aims to recognize unseen classes when presented with only a small number of samples. We consider the problem of mult… (voir plus)i-domain few-shot image classification, where unseen classes and examples come from diverse data sources. This problem has seen growing interest and has inspired the development of benchmarks such as Meta-Dataset. A key challenge in this multi-domain setting is to effectively integrate the feature representations from the diverse set of training domains. Here, we propose a Universal Representation Transformer (URT) layer, that meta-learns to leverage universal features for few-shot classification by dynamically re-weighting and composing the most appropriate domain-specific representations. In experiments, we show that URT sets a new state-of-the-art result on Meta-Dataset. Specifically, it achieves top-performance on the highest number of data sources compared to competing methods. We analyze variants of URT and present a visualization of the attention score heatmaps that sheds light on how the model performs cross-domain generalization.
Your head is there to move you around: Goal-driven models of the primate dorsal pathway
Patrick J Mineault
Christopher C. Pack
Neurons in the dorsal visual pathway of the mammalian brain are selective for motion stimuli, with the complexity of stimulus representation… (voir plus)s increasing along the hierarchy. This progression is similar to that of the ventral visual pathway, which is well characterized by artificial neural networks (ANNs) optimized for object recognition. In contrast, there are no image-computable models of the dorsal stream with comparable explanatory power. We hypothesized that the properties of dorsal stream neurons could be explained by a simple learning objective: the need for an organism to orient itself during self-motion. To test this hypothesis, we trained a 3D ResNet to predict an agent’s self-motion parameters from visual stimuli in a simulated environment. We found that the responses in this network accounted well for the selectivity of neurons in a large database of single-neuron recordings from the dorsal visual stream of non-human primates. In contrast, ANNs trained on an action recognition dataset through supervised or self-supervised learning could not explain responses in the dorsal stream, despite also being trained on naturalistic videos with moving objects. These results demonstrate that an ecologically relevant cost function can account for dorsal stream properties in the primate brain.
Mass‐spectrometry analysis of the human pineal proteome during night and day and in autism
Hany Goubran‐Botros
Mariette Matondo
Cécile Pagan
Cyril Boulègue
Thibault Chaze
Julia Chamot‐Rooke
Erik Maronde
Thomas Bourgeron
The human pineal gland regulates day‐night dynamics of multiple physiological processes, especially through the secretion of melatonin. Us… (voir plus)ing mass‐spectrometry‐based proteomics and dedicated analysis tools, we identify proteins in the human pineal gland and analyze systematically their variation throughout the day and compare these changes in the pineal proteome between control specimens and donors diagnosed with autism. Results reveal diverse regulated clusters of proteins with, among others, catabolic carbohydrate process and cytoplasmic membrane‐bounded vesicle‐related proteins differing between day and night and/or control versus autism pineal glands. These data show novel and unexpected processes happening in the human pineal gland during the day/night rhythm as well as specific differences between autism donor pineal glands and those from controls.
Phylogenetic Manifold Regularization: A semi-supervised approach to predict transcription factor binding sites
Faizy Ahsan
François Laviolette
The computational prediction of transcription factor binding sites remains a challenging problems in bioinformatics, despite significant met… (voir plus)hodological developments from the field of machine learning. Such computational models are essential to help interpret the non-coding portion of human genomes, and to learn more about the regulatory mechanisms controlling gene expression. In parallel, massive genome sequencing efforts have produced assembled genomes for hundred of vertebrate species, but this data is underused. We present PhyloReg, a new semi-supervised learning approach that can be used for a wide variety of sequence-to-function prediction problems, and that takes advantage of hundreds of millions of years of evolution to regularize predictors and improve accuracy. We demonstrate that PhyloReg can be used to better train a previously proposed deep learning model of transcription factor binding. Simulation studies further help delineate the benefits of the a pproach. G ains in prediction accuracy are obtained over a broad set of transcription factors and cell types.