
OSSEM: one-shot speaker adaptive speech enhancement using meta learning
Cheng Yu
Szu-Wei Fu
Tsun-An Hsieh
Yu Tsao
SoundChoice: Grapheme-to-Phoneme Models with Semantic Disambiguation
Artem Ploujnikov
Intervertebral Disc Labeling With Learning Shape Information, A Look Once Approach
Reza Azad
Moein Heidari
Ehsan Adeli
Dorit Merhof
Accurate and automatic segmentation of intervertebral discs from medical images is a critical task for the assessment of spine-related disea… (see more)ses such as osteoporosis, vertebral fractures, and intervertebral disc herniation. To date, various approaches have been developed in the literature which routinely relies on detecting the discs as the primary step. A disadvantage of many cohort studies is that the localization algorithm also yields false-positive detections. In this study, we aim to alleviate this problem by proposing a novel U-Net-based structure to predict a set of candidates for intervertebral disc locations. In our design, we integrate the image shape information (image gradients) to encourage the model to learn rich and generic geometrical information. This additional signal guides the model to selectively emphasize the contextual representation and suppress the less discriminative features. On the post-processing side, to further decrease the false positive rate, we propose a permutation invariant 'look once' model, which accelerates the candidate recovery procedure. In comparison with previous studies, our proposed approach does not need to perform the selection in an iterative fashion. The proposed method was evaluated on the spine generic public multi-center dataset and demonstrated superior performance compared to previous work. We have provided the implementation code in
Video Game Bad Smells: What They Are and How Developers Perceive Them
Vittoria Nardone
Biruk Asmare Muse
Mouna Abidi
Massimiliano Di Penta
Video games represent a substantial and increasing share of the software market. However, their development is particularly challenging as i… (see more)t requires multi-faceted knowledge, which is not consolidated in computer science education yet. This article aims at defining a catalog of bad smells related to video game development. To achieve this goal, we mined discussions on general-purpose and video game-specific forums. After querying such a forum, we adopted an open coding strategy on a statistically significant sample of 572 discussions, stratified over different forums. As a result, we obtained a catalog of 28 bad smells, organized into five categories, covering problems related to game design and logic, physics, animation, rendering, or multiplayer. Then, we assessed the perceived relevance of such bad smells by surveying 76 game development professionals. The survey respondents agreed with the identified bad smells but also provided us with further insights about the discussed smells. Upon reporting results, we discuss bad smell examples, their consequences, as well as possible mitigation/fixing strategies and trade-offs to be pursued by developers. The catalog can be used not only as a guideline for developers and educators but also can pave the way toward better automated tool support for video game developers.
Measuring Commonality in Recommendation of Cultural Content: Recommender Systems to Enhance Cultural Citizenship
Andres Ferraro
Gustavo Ferreira
Georgina Born
Towards Fair Federated Recommendation Learning: Characterizing the Inter-Dependence of System and Data Heterogeneity
Kiwan Maeng
Haiyu Lu
Luca Melis
John Nguyen
Carole-Jean Wu
Processing visual ambiguity in fractal patterns: Pareidolia as a sign of creativity
Antoine Bellemare Pépin
Yann Harel
Jordan O’Byrne
Geneviève Mageau
Arne Dietrich
Rapidly Inferring Personalized Neurostimulation Parameters with Meta-Learning: A Case Study of Individualized Fiber Recruitment in Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Ximeng Mao
Yao-Chuan Chang
Stavros Zanos
Assessing Intrapartum Risk of Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Using Fetal Heart Rate With Long Short-Term Memory Networks
"Derek Kweku DEGBEDZUI
Michael W Kuzniewicz
Marie-Coralie Cornet
Yvonne Wu
Heather Forquer
Lawrence Gerstley
Emily F. Hamilton
P. Warrick
Robert E. Kearney
This study investigated the prediction of the risk of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy using intrapartum cardiotocography records with a long… (see more) short-term memory re-current neural network. Across the 12 hours of labour, HIE sensitivity rose from 0.25 to 0.56 as delivery approached while specificity remained approximately constant with a mean of 0.71 and standard deviation of 0.04. The results show that classification improves as delivery approaches but that performance needs improvement. Future work will address the limitations of this preliminary study by investigating input signal transformations and the use of other network architectures to improve the model performance.
Re-expression of CA1 and entorhinal activity patterns preserves temporal context memory at long timescales
Futing Zou
Wanjia Guo
Emily J. Allen
Yihan Wu
Thomas Naselaris
Kendrick Kay
Brice A. Kuhl
J. Benjamin Hutchinson
Sarah DuBrow
Converging, cross-species evidence indicates that memory for time is supported by hippocampal area CA1 and entorhinal cortex. However, limit… (see more)ed evidence characterizes how these regions preserve temporal memories over long timescales (e.g., months). At long timescales, memoranda may be encountered in multiple temporal contexts, potentially creating interference. Here, using 7T fMRI, we measured CA1 and entorhinal activity patterns as human participants viewed thousands of natural scene images distributed, and repeated, across many months. We show that memory for an image’s original temporal context was predicted by the degree to which CA1/entorhinal activity patterns from the first encounter with an image were re-expressed during re-encounters occurring minutes to months later. Critically, temporal memory signals were dissociable from predictors of recognition confidence, which were carried by distinct medial temporal lobe expressions. These findings suggest that CA1 and entorhinal cortex preserve temporal memories across long timescales by coding for and reinstating temporal context information.
Digitalization and the Anthropocene
Felix Creutzig
Daron Acemoglu
Xuemei Bai
Paul N. Edwards
Marie Josefine Hintz
Lynn H. Kaack
Siir Kilkis
Stefanie Kunkel
Amy Luers
Nikola Milojevic-Dupont
Dave Rejeski
Jürgen Renn
Christoph Rosol
Daniela Russ
Thomas Turnbull
Elena Verdolini
Felix Wagner
Charlie Wilson
Aicha Zekar … (see 1 more)
Marius Zumwald
Great claims have been made about the benefits of dematerialization in a digital service economy. However, digitalization has historically i… (see more)ncreased environmental impacts at local and planetary scales, affecting labor markets, resource use, governance, and power relationships. Here we study the past, present, and future of digitalization through the lens of three interdependent elements of the Anthropocene: ( a) planetary boundaries and stability, ( b) equity within and between countries, and ( c) human agency and governance, mediated via ( i) increasing resource efficiency, ( ii) accelerating consumption and scale effects, ( iii) expanding political and economic control, and ( iv) deteriorating social cohesion. While direct environmental impacts matter, the indirect and systemic effects of digitalization are more profoundly reshaping the relationship between humans, technosphere and planet. We develop three scenarios: planetary instability, green but inhumane, and deliberate for the good. We conclude with identifying leverage points that shift human–digital–Earth interactions toward sustainability. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Volume 47 is October 2022. Please see for revised estimates.
Researcher perspectives on ethics considerations in epigenetics: an international survey
Charles Dupras
Terese Knoppers
Nicole Palmour
Elisabeth Beauchamp
Stamatina Liosi
Reiner Siebert
Alison May Berner
Stephan Beck
Yann Joly