
Multitask Metric Learning: Theory and Algorithm
Boyu Wang
Hejia Zhang
Peng Liu
Zebang Shen
In this paper, we study the problem of multitask metric learning (mtML). We first examine the generalization bound of the regularized mtML f… (voir plus)ormulation based on the notion of algorithmic stability, proving the convergence rate of mtML and revealing the trade-off between the tasks. Moreover, we also establish the theoretical connection between the mtML, single-task learning and pooling-task learning approaches. In addition, we present a novel boosting-based mtML (mt-BML) algorithm, which scales well with the feature dimension of the data. Finally, we also devise an efficient second-order Riemannian retraction operator which is tailored specifically to our mt-BML algorithm. It produces a low-rank solution of mtML to reduce the model complexity, and may also improve generalization performances. Extensive evaluations on several benchmark data sets verify the effectiveness of our learning algorithm.
Negative Momentum for Improved Game Dynamics
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Mohammad Pezeshki
Gabriel Huang
Games generalize the single-objective optimization paradigm by introducing different objective functions for different players. Differentiab… (voir plus)le games often proceed by simultaneous or alternating gradient updates. In machine learning, games are gaining new importance through formulations like generative adversarial networks (GANs) and actor-critic systems. However, compared to single-objective optimization, game dynamics are more complex and less understood. In this paper, we analyze gradient-based methods with momentum on simple games. We prove that alternating updates are more stable than simultaneous updates. Next, we show both theoretically and empirically that alternating gradient updates with a negative momentum term achieves convergence in a difficult toy adversarial problem, but also on the notoriously difficult to train saturating GANs.
A Survey on Practical Applications of Multi-Armed and Contextual Bandits
Djallel Bouneffouf
In recent years, multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework has attracted a lot of attention in various applications, from recommender systems and i… (voir plus)nformation retrieval to healthcare and finance, due to its stellar performance combined with certain attractive properties, such as learning from less feedback. The multi-armed bandit field is currently flourishing, as novel problem settings and algorithms motivated by various practical applications are being introduced, building on top of the classical bandit problem. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of top recent developments in multiple real-life applications of the multi-armed bandit. Specifically, we introduce a taxonomy of common MAB-based applications and summarize state-of-art for each of those domains. Furthermore, we identify important current trends and provide new perspectives pertaining to the future of this exciting and fast-growing field.
Multi-Agent Estimation and Filtering for Minimizing Team Mean-Squared Error
Mohammad Afshari
Motivated by estimation problems arising in autonomous vehicles and decentralized control of unmanned aerial vehicles, we consider multi-age… (voir plus)nt estimation and filtering problems in which multiple agents generate state estimates based on decentralized information and the objective is to minimize a coupled mean-squared error which we call team mean-square error. We call the resulting estimates as minimum team mean-squared error (MTMSE) estimates. We show that MTMSE estimates are different from minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) estimates. We derive closed-form expressions for MTMSE estimates, which are linear function of the observations where the corresponding gain depends on the weight matrix that couples the estimation error. We then consider a filtering problem where a linear stochastic process is monitored by multiple agents which can share their observations (with delay) over a communication graph. We derive expressions to recursively compute the MTMSE estimates. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme we consider an example of estimating the distances between vehicles in a platoon and show that MTMSE estimates significantly outperform MMSE estimates and consensus Kalman filtering estimates.
Interpolation Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Learning
Vikas Verma
Alex Lamb
Juho Kannala
David Lopez-Paz
LF-PPL: A Low-Level First Order Probabilistic Programming Language for Non-Differentiable Models
Yuanshuo Zhou
Bradley Gram-Hansen
Tobias Kohn
Tom Rainforth
Hongseok Yang
We develop a new Low-level, First-order Probabilistic Programming Language~(LF-PPL) suited for models containing a mix of continuous, discre… (voir plus)te, and/or piecewise-continuous variables. The key success of this language and its compilation scheme is in its ability to automatically distinguish parameters the density function is discontinuous with respect to, while further providing runtime checks for boundary crossings. This enables the introduction of new inference engines that are able to exploit gradient information, while remaining efficient for models which are not everywhere differentiable. We demonstrate this ability by incorporating a discontinuous Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (DHMC) inference engine that is able to deliver automated and efficient inference for non-differentiable models. Our system is backed up by a mathematical formalism that ensures that any model expressed in this language has a density with measure zero discontinuities to maintain the validity of the inference engine.
Reinforcement Learning in Stationary Mean-field Games
Jayakumar Subramanian
Multi-agent reinforcement learning has made significant progress in recent years, but it remains a hard problem. Hence, one often resorts to… (voir plus) developing learning algorithms for specific classes of multi-agent systems. In this paper we study reinforcement learning in a specific class of multi-agent systems systems called mean-field games. In particular, we consider learning in stationary mean-field games. We identify two different solution concepts---stationary mean-field equilibrium and stationary mean-field social-welfare optimal policy---for such games based on whether the agents are non-cooperative or cooperative, respectively. We then generalize these solution concepts to their local variants using bounded rationality based arguments. For these two local solution concepts, we present two reinforcement learning algorithms. We show that the algorithms converge to the right solution under mild technical conditions and demonstrate this using two numerical examples.
Stochastic Bit-Wise Iterative Decoding of Polar Codes
Kaining Han
Junchao Wang
Jianhao Hu
Polar codes have received recent attention due to their potential to be applied in advanced wireless communication protocols such as the fif… (voir plus)th generation mobile communication system (5G). Among the existing decoding algorithms, Belief Propagation (BP) exhibits high-throughput, low-latency, and soft output with a high hardware cost. Stochastic computing, as a form of approximate computing, provides a potential low-cost implementation solution for the BP algorithm. However, existing stochastic BP decoders suffer from a relatively long decoding latency resulting in low hardware efficiency. In this paper, a novel bit-wise iterative stochastic decoding architecture for the BP algorithm is proposed to improve the throughput and hardware efficiency. By utilizing the frozen bits of polar codes and stochastic computing, multiple novel optimization methods are presented to further speed up convergence and increase the hardware efficiency.
Stochastic Bit-Wise Iterative Decoding of Polar Codes
Kaining Han
Junchao Wang
Jianhao Hu
Polar codes have received recent attention due to their potential to be applied in advanced wireless communication protocols such as the fif… (voir plus)th generation mobile communication system (5G). Among the existing decoding algorithms, Belief Propagation (BP) exhibits high-throughput, low-latency, and soft output with a high hardware cost. Stochastic computing, as a form of approximate computing, provides a potential low-cost implementation solution for the BP algorithm. However, existing stochastic BP decoders suffer from a relatively long decoding latency resulting in low hardware efficiency. In this paper, a novel bit-wise iterative stochastic decoding architecture for the BP algorithm is proposed to improve the throughput and hardware efficiency. By utilizing the frozen bits of polar codes and stochastic computing, multiple novel optimization methods are presented to further speed up convergence and increase the hardware efficiency.
Prediction of Progression in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Adrian Tousignant
Paul Lemaitre
Douglas Arnold
We present the first automatic end-to-end deep learning framework for the prediction of future patient disability progression (one year from… (voir plus) baseline) based on multi-modal brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The model uses parallel convolutional pathways, an idea introduced by the popular Inception net and is trained and tested on two large proprietary, multi-scanner, multi-center, clinical trial datasets of patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). Experiments on 465 patients on the placebo arms of the trials indicate that the model can accurately predict future disease progression, measured by a sustained increase in the extended disability status scale (EDSS) score over time. Using only the multi-modal MRI provided at baseline, the model achieves an AUC of 0.66 +- 0.055. However, when supplemental lesion label masks are provided as inputs as well, the AUC increases to 0.701 +- 0.027. Furthermore, we demonstrate that uncertainty estimates based on Monte Carlo dropout sample variance correlate with errors made by the model. Clinicians provided with the predictions computed by the model can therefore use the associated uncertainty estimates to assess which scans require further examination.
The Termination Critic
Anna Harutyunyan
Will Dabney
Diana L. Borsa
Nicolas Heess
Remi Munos
In this work, we consider the problem of autonomously discovering behavioral abstractions, or options, for reinforcement learning agents. We… (voir plus) propose an algorithm that focuses on the termination function, as opposed to - as is common - the policy. The termination function is usually trained to optimize a control objective: an option ought to terminate if another has better value. We offer a different, information-theoretic perspective, and propose that terminations should focus instead on the compressibility of the option’s encoding - arguably a key reason for using abstractions.To achieve this algorithmically, we leverage the classical options framework, and learn the option transition model as a “critic” for the termination function. Using this model, we derive gradients that optimize the desired criteria. We show that the resulting options are non-trivial, intuitively meaningful, and useful for learning.
Predicting conversion to psychosis in clinical high risk patients using resting-state functional MRI features
Jolie Mcdonnell
W. Hord
Jenna Reinen
Pablo Polosecki
Guillermo Cecchi
Recent progress in artificial intelligence provides researchers with a powerful set of machine learning tools for analyzing brain imaging da… (voir plus)ta. In this work, we explore a variety of classification algorithms and functional network features derived from resting-state fMRI data collected from clinical high-risk (prodromal schizophrenia) patients and controls, trying to identify features predictive of conversion to psychosis among a subset of CHR patients. While there are many existing studies suggesting that functional network features can be highly discriminative of schizophrenia when analyzing fMRI of patients suffering from the disease vs controls, few studies attempt to explore a similar approach to actual prediction of future psychosis development ahead of time, in the prodromal stage. Our preliminary results demonstrate the potential of fMRI functional network features to predict the conversion to psychosis in CHR patients. However, given the high variance of our results across different classifiers and subsets of data, a more extensive empirical investigation is required to reach more robust conclusions.