
Imbalanced social-communicative and restricted repetitive behavior subtypes of autism spectrum disorder exhibit different neural circuitry
Natasha Bertelsen
Isotta Landi
Richard A.I. Bethlehem
Jakob Seidlitz
Elena Maria Busuoli
Veronica Mandelli
Eleonora Satta
Stavros Trakoshis
Bonnie Auyeung
Prantik Kundu
Eva Loth
Sarah Baumeister
Christian Beckmann
Sven Bölte
Thomas Bourgeron
Tony Charman
Sarah Durston
Christine Ecker
Rosemary Holt … (voir 57 de plus)
Mark Johnson
Emily J. H. Jones
Luke Mason
Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg
Carolin Moessnang
Marianne Oldehinkel
Antonio Persico
Julian Tillmann
Steve C. R. Williams
Will Spooren
Declan Murphy
Jan K. Buitelaar
Jumana Sara Tobias Carsten Michael Daniel Claudia Yvette Bhismadev Chris Ineke Daisy Flavio Jessica Vincent Pilar David Lindsay Hannah Joerg Rosemary J. Xavier Liogier David J. René Andre Maarten Nico Bethany Laurence Bob Gahan Antonio M. Barbara Amber N. V. Jessica Roberto Antonia San José Emily Roberto Heike Jack Steve C. R. Caroline Marcel P. Ahmad
Simon Baron-Cohen
Jumana Ahmad
Meng-Chuan Lai
Sara Ambrosino
Michael V. Lombardo
Tobias Banaschewski
Carsten Bours
Michael Brammer
Daniel Brandeis
Claudia Brogna
Yvette de Bruijn
Bhismadev Chakrabarti
Christopher H. Chatham
Ineke Cornelissen
Daisy Crawley
Flavio Dell’Acqua
Jessica Faulkner
Vincent Frouin
Pilar Garcés
David Goyard
Lindsay Ham
Hannah Hayward
Joerg F. Hipp
Xavier Liogier D’ardhuy
David J. Lythgoe
René Mandl
Andre Marquand
Maarten Mennes
Nico Mueller
Beth Oakley
Laurence O’Dwyer
Bob Oranje
Gahan Pandina
Barbara Ruggeri
Amber N. V. Ruigrok
Jessica Sabet
Roberto Sacco
Antonia San José Cáceres
Emily Simonoff
Roberto Toro
Heike Tost
Jack Waldman
Caroline Wooldridge
Marcel P. Zwiers
Recurrent Traumatic Brain Injury Surveillance Using Administrative Health Data: A Bayesian Latent Class Analysis
Oliver Lasry
Nandini Dendukuri
Judith Marcoux
Background: The initial injury burden from incident TBI is significantly amplified by recurrent TBI (rTBI). Unfortunately, research assessin… (voir plus)g the accuracy to conduct rTBI surveillance is not available. Accurate surveillance information on recurrent injuries is needed to justify the allocation of resources to rTBI prevention and to conduct high quality epidemiological research on interventions that mitigate this injury burden. This study evaluates the accuracy of administrative health data (AHD) surveillance case definitions for rTBI and estimates the 1-year rTBI incidence adjusted for measurement error. Methods: A 25% random sample of AHD for Montreal residents from 2000 to 2014 was used in this study. Four widely used TBI surveillance case definitions, based on the International Classification of Disease and on radiological exams of the head, were applied to ascertain suspected rTBI cases. Bayesian latent class models were used to estimate the accuracy of each case definition and the 1-year rTBI measurement-error-adjusted incidence without relying on a gold standard rTBI definition that does not exist, across children (18 years), adults (18-64 years), and elderly (> =65 years). Results: The adjusted 1-year rTBI incidence was 4.48 (95% CrI 3.42, 6.20) per 100 person-years across all age groups, as opposed to a crude estimate of 8.03 (95% CrI 7.86, 8.21) per 100 person-years. Patients with higher severity index TBI had a significantly higher incidence of rTBI compared to patients with lower severity index TBI. The case definition that identified patients undergoing a radiological examination of the head in the context of any traumatic injury was the most sensitive across children [0.46 (95% CrI 0.33, 0.61)], adults [0.79 (95% CrI 0.64, 0.94)], and elderly [0.87 (95% CrI 0.78, 0.95)]. The most specific case definition was the discharge abstract database in children [0.99 (95% CrI 0.99, 1.00)], and emergency room visits claims in adults/elderly [0.99 (95% CrI 0.99, 0.99)]. Median time to rTBI was the shortest in adults (75 days) and the longest in children (120 days). Conclusion: Conducting accurate surveillance and valid epidemiological research for rTBI using AHD is feasible when measurement error is accounted for.
Common limitations of performance metrics in biomedical image analysis
Annika Reinke
Matthias Eisenmann
Minu Dietlinde Tizabi
Carole H. Sudre
Michela Antonelli
Spyridon Bakas
M. Jorge Cardoso
Veronika Cheplygina
Keyvan Farahani
Ben Glocker
Fabian Isensee
Pierre Jannin
Charles Kahn
Jens Kleesiek
Tahsin Kurc
Michal Kozubek
Bennett Landman … (voir 15 de plus)
Klaus Maier-Hein
Anne Lousise Martel
Bjoern Menze
Henning Müller
Jens Petersen
Mauricio Reyes
Nicola Rieke
Bram Stieltjes
Ronald M. Summers
Sotirios A. Tsaftaris
Bram van Ginneken
Annette Kopp-Schneider
Paul Jäger
Lena Maier-Hein
Optimizing Operating Points for High Performance Lesion Detection and Segmentation Using Lesion Size Reweighting
Brennan Nichyporuk
Justin Szeto
Douglas Arnold
There are many clinical contexts which require accurate detection and segmentation of all focal pathologies (e.g. lesions, tumours) in patie… (voir plus)nt images. In cases where there are a mix of small and large lesions, standard binary cross entropy loss will result in better segmentation of large lesions at the expense of missing small ones. Adjusting the operating point to accurately detect all lesions generally leads to oversegmentation of large lesions. In this work, we propose a novel reweighing strategy to eliminate this performance gap, increasing small pathology detection performance while maintaining segmentation accuracy. We show that our reweighing strategy vastly outperforms competing strategies based on experiments on a large scale, multi-scanner, multi-center dataset of Multiple Sclerosis patient images.
Graph Attention Networks with Positional Embeddings
SigTran: Signature Vectors for Detecting Illicit Activities in Blockchain Transaction Networks
Farimah Poursafaei
Željko Žilić
Facilitating Asynchronous Participatory Design of Open Source Software: Bringing End Users into the Loop
Jazlyn Hellman
Jinghui Cheng
Interprofessional collaboration and health policy: results from a Quebec mixed method legal research
Marie-Andree Girard
Jean-Louis Denis
ABSTRACT Interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is central to effective care. This practice is structured by an array of laws, regulations an… (voir plus)d policies but the literature on their impact on IPC is scarce. This study aims to illustrate the gap between the texts and clinicians’ knowledge of the legal framework using an anonymous web-based survey. The survey, sent to nurses and physicians in Quebec, Canada, focused on the IPC legal framework, legal knowledge sources and IPC perceptions or beliefs. The primary outcome was to determine the gap between the law and understanding of the law. The secondary outcome was to identify legal knowledge sources for clinicians in Quebec. A total of 267 participants filled in the survey. For knowledge acquisition, 40% of physicians turned to insurers whereas 43% of nurses turned to their regulatory body. Only 30% of physicians correctly identified what activity is reserved for physicians while 39% of nurses correctly identified their reserved activity. Regarding legal perceptions, 28% of physicians and 39% of nurses thought IPC could increase their liability. These participants have a higher tendency to name liability-related issues as barriers to IPC. These results show an important discrepancy between clinicians’ knowledge about law and policies, and the actual texts themselves. This gap can lead to misinterpretations of the law by clinicians, ineffective policy changes by policymakers and can perpetuate ineffective implementation of IPC.
Interprofessional collaboration and health policy: results from a Quebec mixed method legal research
Marie-Andree Girard
Jean-Louis Denis
Pharmacists' perceptions of a machine learning model for the identification of atypical medication orders
Sophie-Camille Hogue
Flora Chen
Geneviève Brassard
Denis Lebel
Jean-François Bussières
Maxime Thibault
PNS-GAN: Conditional Generation of Peripheral Nerve Signals in the Wavelet Domain via Adversarial Networks
Olivier Tessier-Lariviere
Luke Y. Prince
Pascal Fortier-Poisson
Lorenz Wernisch
Oliver Armitage
Emil Hewage
Simulated datasets of neural recordings are a crucial tool in neural engineering for testing the ability of decoding algorithms to recover k… (voir plus)nown ground-truth. In this work, we introduce PNS-GAN, a generative adversarial network capable of producing realistic nerve recordings conditioned on physiological biomarkers. PNS-GAN operates in the wavelet domain to preserve both the timing and frequency of neural events with high resolution. PNS-GAN generates sequences of scaleograms from noise using a recurrent neural network and 2D transposed convolution layers. PNS-GAN discriminates over stacks of scaleograms with a network of 3D convolution layers. We find that our generated signal reproduces a number of characteristics of the real signal, including similarity in a canonical time-series feature-space, and contains physiologically related neural events including respiration modulation and similar distributions of afferent and efferent signalling.
Design and Implementation of Smooth Renewable Power in Cloud Data Centers
Xinxin Liu
Yu Hua
Ling Yang
Yuanyuan Sun
The renewable power has been widely used in modern cloud data centers, which also produce large electricity bills and the negative impacts o… (voir plus)n environments. However, frequent fluctuation and intermittency of renewable power often cause the challenges in terms of the stability of both electricity grid and data centers, as well as decreasing the utilization of renewable power. Existing schemes fail to alleviate the renewable power fluctuation, which is caused by the essential properties of renewable power. In order to address this problem, we propose an efficient and easy-to-use smooth renewable power-aware scheme, called Smoother, which consists of Flexible Smoothing (FS) and Active Delay (AD). First, in order to smooth the fluctuation of renewable power, FS carries out the optimized charge/discharge operation via computing the minimum variance of the renewable power that is supplied to data centers per interval. Second, AD improves the utilization of renewable power via actively adjusting the execution time of deferrable workloads. Extensive experimental results via examining the traces of real-world data centers demonstrate that Smoother significantly reduces the negative impact of renewable power fluctuations on data centers and improves the utilization of renewable power by 250.88 percent on average. We have released the source codes for public use.