
Beyond variance reduction: Understanding the true impact of baselines on policy optimization
Wesley Chung
Valentin Thomas
Marlos C. Machado
Directional Graph Networks
Saro Passaro
Vincent Létourneau
William Hamilton
Gabriele Corso
Pietro Lio
The lack of anisotropic kernels in graph neural networks (GNNs) strongly limits their expressiveness, contributing to well-known issues such… (voir plus) as over-smoothing. To overcome this limitation, we propose the first globally consistent anisotropic kernels for GNNs, allowing for graph convolutions that are defined according to topologicaly-derived directional flows. First, by defining a vector field in the graph, we develop a method of applying directional derivatives and smoothing by projecting node-specific messages into the field. Then, we propose the use of the Laplacian eigenvectors as such vector field. We show that the method generalizes CNNs on an
RNN with Particle Flow for Probabilistic Spatio-temporal Forecasting
Soumyasundar Pal
Liheng Ma
Yingxue Zhang
Spatio-temporal forecasting has numerous applications in analyzing wireless, traffic, and financial networks. Many classical statistical mod… (voir plus)els often fall short in handling the complexity and high non-linearity present in time-series data. Recent advances in deep learning allow for better modelling of spatial and temporal dependencies. While most of these models focus on obtaining accurate point forecasts, they do not characterize the prediction uncertainty. In this work, we consider the time-series data as a random realization from a nonlinear state-space model and target Bayesian inference of the hidden states for probabilistic forecasting. We use particle flow as the tool for approximating the posterior distribution of the states, as it is shown to be highly effective in complex, high-dimensional settings. Thorough experimentation on several real world time-series datasets demonstrates that our approach provides better characterization of uncertainty while maintaining comparable accuracy to the state-of-the art point forecasting methods.
Smart About Meds (SAM): a pilot randomized controlled trial of a mobile application to improve medication adherence following hospital discharge
Bettina Habib
Melissa Bustillo
Santiago Nicolas Marquez
Manish Thakur
Thai Tran
Daniala L Weir
Robyn Tamblyn
Structure-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Node-Overload Protection in Mobile Edge Computing
Anirudha Jitani
Zhongwen Zhu
Hatem Abou-Zeid
Emmanuel Thepie Fapi
Hakimeh Purmehdi
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) involves placing computational capability and applications at the edge of the network, providing benefits such a… (voir plus)s reduced latency, reduced network congestion, and improved performance of applications. The performance and reliability of MEC degrades significantly when the edge server(s) in the cluster are overloaded. In this work, an adaptive admission control policy to prevent edge node from getting overloaded is presented. This approach is based on a recently-proposed low complexity RL (Reinforcement Learning) algorithm called SALMUT (Structure-Aware Learning for Multiple Thresholds), which exploits the structure of the optimal admission control policy in multi-class queues for an average-cost setting. We extend the framework to work for node overload-protection problem in a discounted-cost setting. The proposed solution is validated using several scenarios mimicking real-world deployments in two different settings — computer simulations and a docker testbed. Our empirical evaluations show that the total discounted cost incurred by SALMUT is similar to state-of-the-art deep RL algorithms such as PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) and A2C (Advantage Actor Critic) but requires an order of magnitude less time to train, outputs easily interpretable policy, and can be deployed in an online manner.
Measures of balance in combinatorial optimization
Philippe Olivier
Gilles Pesant
Measures of balance in combinatorial optimization
Philippe Olivier
G. Pesant
A parsimonious description of global functional brain organization in three spatiotemporal patterns
Taylor Bolt
Jason S. Nomi
Jorge A. Salas
Catie Chang
B. T. Thomas Yeo
Lucina Q. Uddin
S. Keilholz
A Data Mining Analysis of Cross-Regional Study of Apparel Consumption
Osmud Rahman
Smart about medications (SAM): a digital solution to enhance medication management following hospital discharge
Santiago Márquez Fosser
Nadar Mahmoud
Bettina Habib
Daniala L Weir
Fiona Chan
Rola El Halabieh
Jeanne Vachon
Manish Thakur
Thai Tran
Melissa Bustillo
Caroline Beauchamp
André Bonnici
Robyn Tamblyn
SPeCiaL: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Continual Learning
Lucas Caccia
Comparative Study of Learning Outcomes for Online Learning Platforms
Francois St-Hilaire
Nathan J. Burns
Robert Belfer
Muhammad Shayan
Ariella Smofsky
Dung D. Vu
Antoine Frau
Joseph Potochny
Farid Faraji
Vincent Pavero
Neroli Ko
Ansona Onyi Ching
Sabina Elkins
A. Stepanyan
Adela Matajova
Iulian V. Serban
Ekaterina Kochmar