
YORC: Yoruba Reading Comprehension dataset
Aremu Anuoluwapo
Jesujoba Oluwadara Alabi
In this paper, we create YORC: a new multi-choice Yoruba Reading Comprehension dataset that is based on Yoruba high-school reading comprehen… (voir plus)sion examination. We provide baseline results by performing cross-lingual transfer using existing English RACE dataset based on a pre-trained encoder-only model. Additionally, we provide results by prompting large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4.
Age-related bias and artificial intelligence: a scoping review
Charlene H Chu
Simon Donato-Woodger
Shehroz S Khan
Rune Nyrup
Kathleen Leslie
Alexandra Lyn
Tianyu Shi
Andria Bianchi
Amanda Grenier
Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Science of Consciousness
Patrick Mark Butlin
R. Long
Eric Elmoznino
Jonathan C. P. Birch
Axel Constant
George Deane
S. Fleming
C. Frith
Xuanxiu Ji
Ryota Kanai
C. Klein
Grace W. Lindsay
Matthias Michel
Liad Mudrik
Megan A. K. Peters
Eric Schwitzgebel
Jonathan Simon
Rufin Vanrullen
Hitting the High-Dimensional Notes: An ODE for SGD learning dynamics on GLMs and multi-index models
Elizabeth Collins-Woodfin
Elliot Paquette
Inbar Seroussi
AstroPhot: Fitting Everything Everywhere All at Once in Astronomical Images
Connor J Stone
Stéphane Courteau
Jean-Charles Cuillandre
Nikhil Arora
BamQuery: a proteogenomic tool to explore the immunopeptidome and prioritize actionable tumor antigens
Maria-Virginia Ruiz Cuevas
Marie-Pierre Hardy
Jean-David Larouche
Anca Apavaloaei
Eralda Kina
Krystel Vincent
Patrick Gendron
Jean-Philippe Laverdure
Chantal Durette
Pierre Thibault
Claude Perreault
Grégory Ehx
Morphological Parameters and Associated Uncertainties for 8 Million Galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide Survey
Aritra Ghosh
C. Urry
Aayush Mishra
P. Natarajan
D. Sanders
Daisuke Nagai
Chuan Tian
Nico Cappelluti
J. Kartaltepe
M. Powell
Amrit Rau
Ezequiel Treister
We use the Galaxy Morphology Posterior Estimation Network (GaMPEN) to estimate morphological parameters and associated uncertainties for ∼… (voir plus)8 million galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Wide survey with z ≤ 0.75 and m ≤ 23. GaMPEN is a machine-learning framework that estimates Bayesian posteriors for a galaxy’s bulge-to-total light ratio (L B /L T ), effective radius (R e ), and flux (F). By first training on simulations of galaxies and then applying transfer learning using real data, we trained GaMPEN with 1% of our data set. This two-step process will be critical for applying machine-learning algorithms to future large imaging surveys, such a
The evolution of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in Canada: a time-series study, 2020–2023
Tanya J. Murphy
Hanna Swail
Jaspreet Jain
Maureen Anderson
Philip Awadalla
Lesley Behl
P. Brown
C. Charlton
Karen Colwill
S. Drews
A. Gingras
Deena Hinshaw
P. Jha
J. Kanji
Victoria A. Kirsh
Amanda Lang
Marc-andré Langlois
Stephen Lee
Antoine Lewin
Sheila F O’Brien … (voir 10 de plus)
Chantale Pambrun
Kimberly Skead
David A. Stephens
Derek R. Stein
G. Tipples
Paul G. Van Caeseele
Timothy Grant Evans
Olivia Oxlade
Bruce D. Mazer
Background: During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the proportion of reported cases of COVID-19 among Canadians was under 6%. Altho… (voir plus)ugh high vaccine coverage was achieved in Canada by fall 2021, the Omicron variant caused unprecedented numbers of infections, overwhelming testing capacity and making it difficult to quantify the trajectory of population immunity. Methods: Using a time-series approach and data from more than 900 000 samples collected by 7 research studies collaborating with the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF), we estimated trends in SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence owing to infection and vaccination for the Canadian population over 3 intervals: prevaccination (March to November 2020), vaccine roll-out (December 2020 to November 2021), and the arrival of the Omicron variant (December 2021 to March 2023). We also estimated seroprevalence by geographical region and age. Results: By November 2021, 9.0% (95% credible interval [CrI] 7.3%–11%) of people in Canada had humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 from an infection. Seroprevalence increased rapidly after the arrival of the Omicron variant — by Mar. 15, 2023, 76% (95% CrI 74%–79%) of the population had detectable antibodies from infections. The rapid rise in infection-induced antibodies occurred across Canada and was most pronounced in younger age groups and in the Western provinces: Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Interpretation: Data up to March 2023 indicate that most people in Canada had acquired antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 through natural infection and vaccination. However, given variations in population seropositivity by age and geography, the potential for waning antibody levels, and new variants that may escape immunity, public health policy and clinical decisions should be tailored to local patterns of population immunity.
A Two-Stage Optimization Framework for Electric Vehicle Fleet Day-ahead Charging Management
Arian Shah Kamrani
Nowadays electric vehicles (EVs) have become one of the important means of transportation all over the world. The importance of EV owners’… (voir plus) privacy as well as smart EV fleet charging has always been one of the challenges in smart charging planning and management. Furthermore, in smart charging, the distribution system operator must also coordinate with EV aggregators to insure that the power system is operated within security limits while reducing charging costs and satisfying EV users’ energy needs. In this paper, a semi-private framework for EV owners has been introduced which solves a two-stage optimization problem for the smart control of EV charging. This framework considers charging cost reduction and peak load shaving as well as satisfying power grid constraints. At the higher stage, based on optimal power flow calculations, the proposed control signals are transferred to the lower stage in order to facilitate optimal scheduling in accordance with the mentioned goals. The obtained results based on the proposed optimal method implemented on the IEEE 33-bus network show that compared to uncontrolled charging, the cost of charging and the peak of the network are reduced by 5.31% and 4.90%, respectively. Moreover, all the constraints of the power grid are satisfied.
A Systematic Literature Review of Fashion, Sustainability, and Consumption Using a Mixed Methods Approach
Osmud Rahman
Dingtao Hu
With the growing global awareness of the environmental impact of clothing consumption, there has been a notable surge in the publication of … (voir plus)journal articles dedicated to “fashion sustainability” in the past decade, specifically from 2010 to 2020. However, despite this wealth of research, many studies remain disconnected and fragmented due to varying research objectives, focuses, and approaches. Conducting a systematic literature review with a mixed methods research approach can help identify key research themes, trends, and developmental patterns, while also shedding light on the complexity of fashion, sustainability, and consumption. To enhance the literature review and analytical process, the current systematic literature review employed text mining techniques and bibliometric visualization tools, including RAKE, VOSviewer, and CitNetExplorer. The findings revealed an increase in the number of publications focusing on “fashion and sustainability” between 2010 and 2021. Most studies were predominantly conducted in the United States, with a specific focus on female consumers. Moreover, a greater emphasis was placed on non-sustainable cues rather than the sustainable cues. Additionally, a higher number of case studies was undertaken to investigate three fast-fashion companies. To enhance our knowledge and understanding of this subject, this article highlights several valuable contributions and provides recommendations for future research.
AI4GCC - Track 3: Consumption and the Challenges of Multi-Agent RL
Marco Jiralerspong
Teacher-Student Architecture for Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
Chengming Hu
Xuan Li
Danyang Liu
Haolun Wu
Xi Chen
Ju Wang
Although Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown a strong capacity to solve large-scale problems in many areas, such DNNs are hard to be depl… (voir plus)oyed in real-world systems due to their voluminous parameters. To tackle this issue, Teacher-Student architectures were proposed, where simple student networks with a few parameters can achieve comparable performance to deep teacher networks with many parameters. Recently, Teacher-Student architectures have been effectively and widely embraced on various knowledge distillation (KD) objectives, including knowledge compression, knowledge expansion, knowledge adaptation, and knowledge enhancement. With the help of Teacher-Student architectures, current studies are able to achieve multiple distillation objectives through lightweight and generalized student networks. Different from existing KD surveys that primarily focus on knowledge compression, this survey first explores Teacher-Student architectures across multiple distillation objectives. This survey presents an introduction to various knowledge representations and their corresponding optimization objectives. Additionally, we provide a systematic overview of Teacher-Student architectures with representative learning algorithms and effective distillation schemes. This survey also summarizes recent applications of Teacher-Student architectures across multiple purposes, including classification, recognition, generation, ranking, and regression. Lastly, potential research directions in KD are investigated, focusing on architecture design, knowledge quality, and theoretical studies of regression-based learning, respectively. Through this comprehensive survey, industry practitioners and the academic community can gain valuable insights and guidelines for effectively designing, learning, and applying Teacher-Student architectures on various distillation objectives.