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Max Schwarzer

Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


Large Language Models as Generalizable Policies for Embodied Tasks
Andrew Szot
Max Schwarzer
Harsh Agrawal
Bogdan Mazoure
Walter Talbott
Rin Metcalf
Natalie Mackraz
Alexander T Toshev
Learning and Controlling Silicon Dopant Transitions in Graphene using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Max Schwarzer
Jesse Farebrother
Joshua Greaves
Ekin Dogus Cubuk
Rishabh Agarwal
Sergei V. Kalinin
Igor Mordatch
Kevin M Roccapriore
We introduce a machine learning approach to determine the transition dynamics of silicon atoms on a single layer of carbon atoms, when stimu… (voir plus)lated by the electron beam of a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Our method is data-centric, leveraging data collected on a STEM. The data samples are processed and filtered to produce symbolic representations, which we use to train a neural network to predict transition probabilities. These learned transition dynamics are then leveraged to guide a single silicon atom throughout the lattice to pre-determined target destinations. We present empirical analyses that demonstrate the efficacy and generality of our approach.
Learning Silicon Dopant Transitions in Graphene using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Max Schwarzer
Jesse Farebrother
Joshua Greaves
Kevin Roccapriore
Ekin Dogus Cubuk
Rishabh Agarwal
Sergei Kalinin
Igor Mordatch
We introduce a machine learning approach to determine the transition rates of silicon atoms on a single layer of carbon atoms, when stimulat… (voir plus)ed by the electron beam of a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Our method is data-centric, leveraging data collected on a STEM. The data samples are processed and filtered to produce symbolic representations, which we use to train a neural network to predict transition rates. These rates are then applied to guide a single silicon atom throughout the lattice to pre-determined target destinations. We present empirical analyses that demonstrate the efficacy and generality of our approach.
Learning Silicon Dopant Transitions in Graphene using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Max Schwarzer
Jesse Farebrother
Joshua Greaves
Kevin Roccapriore
Ekin Dogus Cubuk
Rishabh Agarwal
Sergei Kalinin
Igor Mordatch
We introduce a machine learning approach to determine the transition rates of silicon atoms on a single layer of carbon atoms, when stimulat… (voir plus)ed by the electron beam of a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Our method is data-centric, leveraging data collected on a STEM. The data samples are processed and filtered to produce symbolic representations, which we use to train a neural network to predict transition rates. These rates are then applied to guide a single silicon atom throughout the lattice to pre-determined target destinations. We present empirical analyses that demonstrate the efficacy and generality of our approach.
Discovering the Electron Beam Induced Transition Rates for Silicon Dopants in Graphene with Deep Neural Networks in the STEM
Kevin M Roccapriore
Max Schwarzer
Joshua Greaves
Jesse Farebrother
Rishabh Agarwal
Colton Bishop
Maxim Ziatdinov
Igor Mordatch
Ekin Dogus Cubuk
Sergei V Kalinin
Bigger, Better, Faster: Human-level Atari with human-level efficiency
Max Schwarzer
Johan Samir Obando Ceron
Rishabh Agarwal
We introduce a value-based RL agent, which we call BBF, that achieves super-human performance in the Atari 100K benchmark. BBF relies on sca… (voir plus)ling the neural networks used for value estimation, as well as a number of other design choices that enable this scaling in a sample-efficient manner. We conduct extensive analyses of these design choices and provide insights for future work. We end with a discussion about updating the goalposts for sample-efficient RL research on the ALE. We make our code and data publicly available at https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/bigger_better_faster.
Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning by Breaking the Replay Ratio Barrier
Pierluca D'Oro
Max Schwarzer
Evgenii Nikishin
Increasing the replay ratio, the number of updates of an agent's parameters per environment interaction, is an appealing strategy for improv… (voir plus)ing the sample efficiency of deep reinforcement learning algorithms. In this work, we show that fully or partially resetting the parameters of deep reinforcement learning agents causes better replay ratio scaling capabilities to emerge. We push the limits of the sample efficiency of carefully-modified algorithms by training them using an order of magnitude more updates than usual, significantly improving their performance in the Atari 100k and DeepMind Control Suite benchmarks. We then provide an analysis of the design choices required for favorable replay ratio scaling to be possible and discuss inherent limits and tradeoffs.
Simplicial Embeddings in Self-Supervised Learning and Downstream Classification
Samuel Lavoie
Christos Tsirigotis
Max Schwarzer
Kenji Kawaguchi
Ankit Vani
Michael Noukhovitch
Simplicial Embeddings (SEM) are representations learned through self-supervised learning (SSL), wherein a representation is projected into …
Bigger, Better, Faster: Human-level Atari with human-level efficiency
Max Schwarzer
Johan Samir Obando Ceron
Rishabh Agarwal
We introduce a value-based RL agent, which we call BBF, that achieves super-human performance in the Atari 100K benchmark. BBF relies on sca… (voir plus)ling the neural networks used for value estimation, as well as a number of other design choices that enable this scaling in a sample-efficient manner. We conduct extensive analyses of these design choices and provide insights for future work. We end with a discussion about updating the goalposts for sample-efficient RL research on the ALE. We make our code and data publicly available at https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/bigger_better_faster.
Reincarnating Reinforcement Learning: Reusing Prior Computation to Accelerate Progress
Deep Reinforcement Learning at the Edge of the Statistical Precipice
Deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are predominantly evaluated by comparing their relative performance on a large suite of tasks. M… (voir plus)ost published results on deep RL benchmarks compare point estimates of aggregate performance such as mean and median scores across tasks, ignoring the statistical uncertainty implied by the use of a finite number of training runs. Beginning with the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE), the shift towards computationally-demanding benchmarks has led to the practice of evaluating only a small number of runs per task, exacerbating the statistical uncertainty in point estimates. In this paper, we argue that reliable evaluation in the few run deep RL regime cannot ignore the uncertainty in results without running the risk of slowing down progress in the field. We illustrate this point using a case study on the Atari 100k benchmark, where we find substantial discrepancies between conclusions drawn from point estimates alone versus a more thorough statistical analysis. With the aim of increasing the field's confidence in reported results with a handful of runs, we advocate for reporting interval estimates of aggregate performance and propose performance profiles to account for the variability in results, as well as present more robust and efficient aggregate metrics, such as interquartile mean scores, to achieve small uncertainty in results. Using such statistical tools, we scrutinize performance evaluations of existing algorithms on other widely used RL benchmarks including the ALE, Procgen, and the DeepMind Control Suite, again revealing discrepancies in prior comparisons. Our findings call for a change in how we evaluate performance in deep RL, for which we present a more rigorous evaluation methodology, accompanied with an open-source library rliable, to prevent unreliable results from stagnating the field. This work received an outstanding paper award at NeurIPS 2021.
Pretraining Representations for Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Max Schwarzer
Nitarshan Rajkumar
Michael Noukhovitch
Ankesh Anand
Philip Bachman
Data efficiency is a key challenge for deep reinforcement learning. We address this problem by using unlabeled data to pretrain an encoder w… (voir plus)hich is then finetuned on a small amount of task-specific data. To encourage learning representations which capture diverse aspects of the underlying MDP, we employ a combination of latent dynamics modelling and unsupervised goal-conditioned RL. When limited to 100k steps of interaction on Atari games (equivalent to two hours of human experience), our approach significantly surpasses prior work combining offline representation pretraining with task-specific finetuning, and compares favourably with other pretraining methods that require orders of magnitude more data. Our approach shows particular promise when combined with larger models as well as more diverse, task-aligned observational data -- approaching human-level performance and data-efficiency on Atari in our best setting.