
Iterated Denoising Energy Matching for Sampling from Boltzmann Densities
Tara Akhound-Sadegh
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Joey Bose
Sarthak Mittal
Pablo Lemos
Cheng-Hao Liu
Marcin Sendera
Nikolay Malkin
Alexander Tong
Efficiently generating statistically independent samples from an unnormalized probability distribution, such as equilibrium samples of many-… (see more)body systems, is a foundational problem in science. In this paper, we propose Iterated Denoising Energy Matching (iDEM), an iterative algorithm that uses a novel stochastic score matching objective leveraging solely the energy function and its gradient---and no data samples---to train a diffusion-based sampler. Specifically, iDEM alternates between (I) sampling regions of high model density from a diffusion-based sampler and (II) using these samples in our stochastic matching objective to further improve the sampler. iDEM is scalable to high dimensions as the inner matching objective, is *simulation-free*, and requires no MCMC samples. Moreover, by leveraging the fast mode mixing behavior of diffusion, iDEM smooths out the energy landscape enabling efficient exploration and learning of an amortized sampler. We evaluate iDEM on a suite of tasks ranging from standard synthetic energy functions to invariant
Language-guided Skill Learning with Temporal Variational Inference
Haotian Fu
Pratyusha Sharma
Elias Stengel-Eskin
George Konidaris
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Xingdi Yuan
Learning to Scale Logits for Temperature-Conditional GFlowNets
Minsu Kim
Joohwan Ko
Dinghuai Zhang
Ling Pan
Taeyoung Yun
Woo Chang Kim
Jinkyoo Park
Emmanuel Bengio
GFlowNets are probabilistic models that sequentially generate compositional structures through a stochastic policy. Among GFlowNets, tempera… (see more)ture-conditional GFlowNets can introduce temperature-based controllability for exploration and exploitation. We propose \textit{Logit-scaling GFlowNets} (Logit-GFN), a novel architectural design that greatly accelerates the training of temperature-conditional GFlowNets. It is based on the idea that previously proposed approaches introduced numerical challenges in the deep network training, since different temperatures may give rise to very different gradient profiles as well as magnitudes of the policy's logits. We find that the challenge is greatly reduced if a learned function of the temperature is used to scale the policy's logits directly. Also, using Logit-GFN, GFlowNets can be improved by having better generalization capabilities in offline learning and mode discovery capabilities in online learning, which is empirically verified in various biological and chemical tasks. Our code is available at
Memory Efficient Neural Processes via Constant Memory Attention Block
Leo Feng
Frederick Tung
Hossein Hajimirsadeghi
Mohamed Osama Ahmed
Neural Processes (NPs) are popular meta-learning methods for efficiently modelling predictive uncertainty. Recent state-of-the-art methods, … (see more)however, leverage expensive attention mechanisms, limiting their applications, particularly in low-resource settings. In this work, we propose Constant Memory Attention Block (CMAB), a novel general-purpose attention block that (1) is permutation invariant, (2) computes its output in constant memory, and (3) performs updates in constant computation. Building on CMAB, we propose Constant Memory Attentive Neural Processes (CMANPs), an NP variant which only requires \textbf{constant} memory. Empirically, we show CMANPs achieve state-of-the-art results on popular NP benchmarks (meta-regression and image completion) while being significantly more memory efficient than prior methods.
Mixtures of Experts Unlock Parameter Scaling for Deep RL
Johan Samir Obando Ceron
Ghada Sokar
Timon Willi
Clare Lyle
Jesse Farebrother
Jakob Nicolaus Foerster
The recent rapid progress in (self) supervised learning models is in large part predicted by empirical scaling laws: a model's performance s… (see more)cales proportionally to its size. Analogous scaling laws remain elusive for reinforcement learning domains, however, where increasing the parameter count of a model often hurts its final performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that incorporating Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) modules, and in particular Soft MoEs (Puigcerver et al., 2023), into value-based networks results in more parameter-scalable models, evidenced by substantial performance increases across a variety of training regimes and model sizes. This work thus provides strong empirical evidence towards developing scaling laws for reinforcement learning.
Nash Learning from Human Feedback
Remi Munos
Michal Valko
Daniele Calandriello
Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar
Mark Rowland
Zhaohan Daniel Guo
Yunhao Tang
Matthieu Geist
Thomas Mesnard
Côme Fiegel
Andrea Michi
Marco Selvi
Sertan Girgin
Nikola Momchev
Olivier Bachem
Daniel J Mankowitz
Bilal Piot
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has emerged as the main paradigm for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human pref… (see more)erences. Traditionally, RLHF involves the initial step of learning a reward model from pairwise human feedback, i.e., expressed as preferences between pairs of text generations. Subsequently, the LLM’s policy is fine-tuned to maximize the reward through a reinforcement learning algorithm. In this study, we introduce an alternative pipeline for the fine-tuning of LLMs using pairwise human feedback. Our approach entails the initial learning of a pairwise preference model, which is conditioned on two inputs (instead of a single input in the case of a reward model) given a prompt, followed by the pursuit of a policy that consistently generates responses preferred over those generated by any competing policy, thus defining the Nash equilibrium of this preference model. We term this approach Nash learning from human feedback (NLHF). In the context of a tabular policy representation, we present a novel algorithmic solution, Nash-MD, founded on the principles of mirror descent. This algorithm produces a sequence of policies, with the last iteration converging to the regularized Nash equilibrium. Additionally, we explore parametric representations of policies and introduce gradient descent algorithms for deep-learning architectures. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting experimental results on a text summarization task. We believe NLHF offers a compelling avenue for fine-tuning LLMs and enhancing the alignment of LLMs with human preferences.
Nash Learning from Human Feedback
Remi Munos
Michal Valko
Daniele Calandriello
Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar
Mark Rowland
Zhaohan Daniel Guo
Yunhao Tang
Matthieu Geist
Thomas Mesnard
Côme Fiegel
Andrea Michi
Marco Selvi
Sertan Girgin
Nikola Momchev
Olivier Bachem
Daniel J Mankowitz
Bilal Piot
Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has emerged as the main paradigm for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human pref… (see more)erences. Traditionally, RLHF involves the initial step of learning a reward model from pairwise human feedback, i.e., expressed as preferences between pairs of text generations. Subsequently, the LLM's policy is fine-tuned to maximize the reward through a reinforcement learning algorithm. In this study, we introduce an alternative pipeline for the fine-tuning of LLMs using pairwise human feedback. Our approach entails the initial learning of a pairwise preference model, which is conditioned on two inputs (instead of a single input in the case of a reward model) given a prompt, followed by the pursuit of a policy that consistently generates responses preferred over those generated by any competing policy, thus defining the Nash equilibrium of this preference model. We term this approach Nash learning from human feedback (NLHF). In the context of a tabular policy representation, we present a novel algorithmic solution, Nash-MD, founded on the principles of mirror descent. This algorithm produces a sequence of policies, with the last iteration converging to the regularized Nash equilibrium. Additionally, we explore parametric representations of policies and introduce gradient descent algorithms for deep-learning architectures. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by presenting experimental results on a text summarization task. We believe NLHF offers a compelling avenue for fine-tuning LLMs and enhancing the alignment of LLMs with human preferences.
Nilearn and Big Data Facilitates Transdiagnostic Brain Biomarkers
Hao-Ting Wang
Natasha Clarke
Quentin Dessain
Fraçois Paugam
Overcoming boundaries: Interdisciplinary challenges and opportunities in cognitive neuroscience
Arnaud Brignol
Anita Paas
Luis Sotelo-Castro
David St-Onge
Emily B.J. Coffey
Patient-Centered Surgical Care for Children in Low and Lower-Middle Income Countries (LMICs) - A Systematic Scoping Review of the Literature
Riya Sawhney
Kacylia Roy Proulx
Ayla Gerk
Elena Guadagno
Performance of generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) in Certification Examination of the College of Family Physicians of Canada
Mehdi Mousavi
Shabnam Shafiee
Jason M Harley
Introduction The application of large language models such as generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) has been promising in medical educa… (see more)tion, and its performance has been tested for different medical exams. This study aims to assess the performance of GPTs in responding to a set of sample questions of short-answer management problems (SAMPs) from the certification exam of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). Method Between August 8th and 25th, 2023, we used GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in five rounds to answer a sample of 77 SAMPs questions from the CFPC website. Two independent certified family physician reviewers scored AI-generated responses twice: first, according to the CFPC answer key (ie, CFPC score), and second, based on their knowledge and other references (ie, Reviews’ score). An ordinal logistic generalised estimating equations (GEE) model was applied to analyse repeated measures across the five rounds. Result According to the CFPC answer key, 607 (73.6%) lines of answers by GPT-3.5 and 691 (81%) by GPT-4 were deemed accurate. Reviewer’s scoring suggested that about 84% of the lines of answers provided by GPT-3.5 and 93% of GPT-4 were correct. The GEE analysis confirmed that over five rounds, the likelihood of achieving a higher CFPC Score Percentage for GPT-4 was 2.31 times more than GPT-3.5 (OR: 2.31; 95% CI: 1.53 to 3.47; p0.001). Similarly, the Reviewers’ Score percentage for responses provided by GPT-4 over 5 rounds were 2.23 times more likely to exceed th
Position: Application-Driven Innovation in Machine Learning
Alan Aspuru-Guzik
Sara Beery
Bistra Dilkina
Priya L. Donti
Marzyeh Ghassemi
Hannah Kerner
Claire Monteleoni
Esther Rolf
Milind Tambe
Adam White