
Unsupervised Discovery of Steerable Factors When Graph Deep Generative Models Are Entangled
Shengchao Liu
Chengpeng Wang
Jiarui Lu
Weili Nie
Hanchen Wang
Zhuoxinran Li
Bolei Zhou
Asymmetric stimulus representations bias visual perceptual learning
Pooya Laamerad
Asmara Awada
Christopher C. Pack
The primate visual cortex contains various regions that exhibit specialization for different stimulus properties, such as motion, shape, and… (voir plus) color. Within each region there is often further specialization, such that particular stimulus features, such as horizontal and vertical orientations, are overrepresented. These asymmetries are associated with well-known perceptual biases, but little is known about how they influence visual learning. Most theories would predict that learning is optimal, in the sense that it is unaffected by these asymmetries. But other approaches to learning would result in specific patterns of perceptual biases. To distinguish between these possibilities, we trained human observers to discriminate between expanding and contracting motion patterns, which have a highly asymmetrical representation in visual cortex. Observers exhibited biased percepts of these stimuli, and these biases were affected by training in ways that were often suboptimal. We simulated different neural network models and found that a learning rule that involved only adjustments to decision criteria, rather than connection weights, could account for our data. These results suggest that cortical asymmetries influence visual perception and that human observers often rely on suboptimal strategies for learning.
A comparison of RL-based and PID controllers for 6-DOF swimming robots: hybrid underwater object tracking
Faraz Lotfi
Khalil Virji
Nicholas Dudek
Trait‐matching models predict pairwise interactions across regions, not food web properties
Dominique Caron
Ulrich Brose
Miguel Lurgi
F. Guillaume Blanchet
Dominique Gravel
Efficient Data-Driven MPC for Demand Response of Commercial Buildings
Marie-Christine Par'e
Vasken Dermardiros
Model predictive control (MPC) has been shown to significantly improve the energy efficiency of buildings while maintaining thermal comfort.… (voir plus) Data-driven approaches based on neural networks have been proposed to facilitate system modelling. However, such approaches are generally nonconvex and result in computationally intractable optimization problems. In this work, we design a readily implementable energy management method for small commercial buildings. We then leverage our approach to formulate a real-time demand bidding strategy. We propose a data-driven and mixed-integer convex MPC which is solved via derivative-free optimization given a limited computational time of 5 minutes to respect operational constraints. We consider rooftop unit heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems with discrete controls to accurately model the operation of most commercial buildings. Our approach uses an input convex recurrent neural network to model the thermal dynamics. We apply our approach in several demand response (DR) settings, including a demand bidding, a time-of-use, and a critical peak rebate program. Controller performance is evaluated on a state-of-the-art building simulation. The proposed approach improves thermal comfort while reducing energy consumption and cost through DR participation, when compared to other data-driven approaches or a set-point controller.
Graphylo: A deep learning approach for predicting regulatory DNA and RNA sites from whole-genome multiple alignments
Dongjoon Lim
Changhyun Baek
MiRGraph: A transformer-based feature learning approach to identify microRNA-target interactions by integrating heterogeneous graph network and sequence information
Pei Liu
Ying Liu
Jiawei Luo
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression by targeting specific mRNAs. They can function as both tumor sup… (voir plus)pressors and oncogenes depending on the specific miRNA and its target genes. Detecting miRNA-target interactions (MTIs) is critical for unraveling the complex mechanisms of gene regulation and identifying therapeutic targets and diagnostic markers. There is currently a lack of MTIs prediction method that simultaneously performs feature learning on heterogeneous graph network and sequence information. To improve the prediction performance of MTIs, we present a novel transformer-based multi-view feature learning method, named MiRGraph. It consists of two main modules for learning the sequence and heterogeneous graph network, respectively. For learning the sequence-based feaature embedding, we utilize the mature miRNA sequence and the complete 3’UTR sequence of the target mRNAs to encode sequence features. Specifically, a transformer-based CNN (TransCNN) module is designed for miRNAs and genes respectively to extract their personalized sequence features. For learning the network-based feature embedding, we utilize a heterogeneous graph transformer (HGT) module to extract the relational and structural information in a heterogeneous graph consisting of miRNA-miRNA, gene-gene and miRNA-target interactions. We learn the TransCNN and HGT modules end-to-end by utilizing a feedforward network, which takes the combined embedded features of the miRNA-gene pair to predict MTIs. Comparisons with other existing MTIs prediction methods illustrates the superiority of MiRGraph under standard criteria. In a case study on breast cancer, we identified plausible target genes of an oncomir hsa-MiR-122-5p and plausible miRNAs that regulate the oncogene BRCA1.
Black-Box Access is Insufficient for Rigorous AI Audits
Stephen Casper
Carson Ezell
Charlotte Siegmann
Noam Kolt
Taylor Lynn Curtis
Benjamin Bucknall
Andreas A. Haupt
Kevin Wei
J'er'emy Scheurer
Marius Hobbhahn
Lee Sharkey
Satyapriya Krishna
Marvin von Hagen
Silas Alberti
Alan Chan
Qinyi Sun
Michael Gerovitch
David Bau
Max Tegmark
Dylan Hadfield-Menell
External audits of AI systems are increasingly recognized as a key mechanism for AI governance. The effectiveness of an audit, however, depe… (voir plus)nds on the degree of system access granted to auditors. Recent audits of state-of-the-art AI systems have primarily relied on black-box access, in which auditors can only query the system and observe its outputs. However, white-box access to the system's inner workings (e.g., weights, activations, gradients) allows an auditor to perform stronger attacks, more thoroughly interpret models, and conduct fine-tuning. Meanwhile, outside-the-box access to its training and deployment information (e.g., methodology, code, documentation, hyperparameters, data, deployment details, findings from internal evaluations) allows for auditors to scrutinize the development process and design more targeted evaluations. In this paper, we examine the limitations of black-box audits and the advantages of white- and outside-the-box audits. We also discuss technical, physical, and legal safeguards for performing these audits with minimal security risks. Given that different forms of access can lead to very different levels of evaluation, we conclude that (1) transparency regarding the access and methods used by auditors is necessary to properly interpret audit results, and (2) white- and outside-the-box access allow for substantially more scrutiny than black-box access alone.
Human-Centered AI
Jean-Louis Denis
Maria Luciana Axente
Atsuo Kishimoto
Neighbor-Aware Calibration of Segmentation Networks with Penalty-Based Constraints
Balamurali Murugesan
Sukesh Adiga Vasudeva
Bingyuan Liu
Ismail Ben Ayed
Jose Dolz
Ensuring reliable confidence scores from deep neural networks is of paramount significance in critical decision-making systems, particularly… (voir plus) in real-world domains such as healthcare. Recent literature on calibrating deep segmentation networks has resulted in substantial progress. Nevertheless, these approaches are strongly inspired by the advancements in classification tasks, and thus their uncertainty is usually modeled by leveraging the information of individual pixels, disregarding the local structure of the object of interest. Indeed, only the recent Spatially Varying Label Smoothing (SVLS) approach considers pixel spatial relationships across classes, by softening the pixel label assignments with a discrete spatial Gaussian kernel. In this work, we first present a constrained optimization perspective of SVLS and demonstrate that it enforces an implicit constraint on soft class proportions of surrounding pixels. Furthermore, our analysis shows that SVLS lacks a mechanism to balance the contribution of the constraint with the primary objective, potentially hindering the optimization process. Based on these observations, we propose NACL (Neighbor Aware CaLibration), a principled and simple solution based on equality constraints on the logit values, which enables to control explicitly both the enforced constraint and the weight of the penalty, offering more flexibility. Comprehensive experiments on a wide variety of well-known segmentation benchmarks demonstrate the superior calibration performance of the proposed approach, without affecting its discriminative power. Furthermore, ablation studies empirically show the model agnostic nature of our approach, which can be used to train a wide span of deep segmentation networks.
Probabilistic Mobility Load Balancing for Multi-band 5G and Beyond Networks
Saria Al Laham
Di Wu
Ekram Hossain
Beyond Predictive Algorithms in Child Welfare
Erina Seh-Young Moon
Erin Moon
Devansh Saxena
Shion Guha