
VCR: Visual Caption Restoration
Tianyu Zhang
Suyuchen Wang
Lu Li
Ge Zhang
Perouz Taslakian
Sai Rajeswar
Jie Fu
We introduce Visual Caption Restoration (VCR), a novel vision-language task that challenges models to accurately restore partially obscured … (see more)texts using pixel-level hints within images. This task stems from the observation that text embedded in images is intrinsically different from common visual elements and natural language due to the need to align the modalities of vision, text, and text embedded in images. While numerous works have integrated text embedded in images into visual question-answering tasks, approaches to these tasks generally rely on optical character recognition or masked language modeling, thus reducing the task to mainly text-based processing. However, text-based processing becomes ineffective in VCR as accurate text restoration depends on the combined information from provided images, context, and subtle cues from the tiny exposed areas of masked texts. We develop a pipeline to generate synthetic images for the VCR task using image-caption pairs, with adjustable caption visibility to control the task difficulty. With this pipeline, we construct a dataset for VCR called VCR-Wiki using images with captions from Wikipedia, comprising 2.11M English and 346K Chinese entities in both easy and hard split variants. Our results reveal that current vision language models significantly lag behind human performance in the VCR task, and merely fine-tuning the models on our dataset does not lead to notable improvements. We release VCR-Wiki and the data construction code to facilitate future research.
Ctrl-V: Higher Fidelity Video Generation with Bounding-Box Controlled Object Motion
Ge Ya Luo
Zhi Hao Luo
Anthony Gosselin
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
With recent advances in video prediction, controllable video generation has been attracting more attention. Generating high fidelity videos … (see more)according to simple and flexible conditioning is of particular interest. To this end, we propose a controllable video generation model using pixel level renderings of 2D or 3D bounding boxes as conditioning. In addition, we also create a bounding box predictor that, given the initial and ending frames' bounding boxes, can predict up to 15 bounding boxes per frame for all the frames in a 25-frame clip. We perform experiments across 3 well-known AV video datasets: KITTI, Virtual-KITTI 2 and BDD100k.
Promoting Exploration in Memory-Augmented Adam using Critical Momenta
Pranshu Malviya
Goncalo Mordido
Aristide Baratin
Reza Babanezhad Harikandeh
Jerry Huang
Simon Lacoste-Julien
Razvan Pascanu
Sarath Chandar
Adaptive gradient-based optimizers, particularly Adam, have left their mark in training large-scale deep learning models. The strength of su… (see more)ch optimizers is that they exhibit fast convergence while being more robust to hyperparameter choice. However, they often generalize worse than non-adaptive methods. Recent studies have tied this performance gap to flat minima selection: adaptive methods tend to find solutions in sharper basins of the loss landscape, which in turn hurts generalization. To overcome this issue, we propose a new memory-augmented version of Adam that promotes exploration towards flatter minima by using a buffer of critical momentum terms during training. Intuitively, the use of the buffer makes the optimizer overshoot outside the basin of attraction if it is not wide enough. We empirically show that our method improves the performance of several variants of Adam on standard supervised language modelling and image classification tasks.
Why Don't Prompt-Based Fairness Metrics Correlate?
Abdelrahman Zayed
Goncalo Mordido
Ioana Baldini
Sarath Chandar
The widespread use of large language models has brought up essential questions about the potential biases these models might learn. This led… (see more) to the development of several metrics aimed at evaluating and mitigating these biases. In this paper, we first demonstrate that prompt-based fairness metrics exhibit poor agreement, as measured by correlation, raising important questions about the reliability of fairness assessment using prompts. Then, we outline six relevant reasons why such a low correlation is observed across existing metrics. Based on these insights, we propose a method called Correlated Fairness Output (CAIRO) to enhance the correlation between fairness metrics. CAIRO augments the original prompts of a given fairness metric by using several pre-trained language models and then selects the combination of the augmented prompts that achieves the highest correlation across metrics. We show a significant improvement in Pearson correlation from 0.3 and 0.18 to 0.90 and 0.98 across metrics for gender and religion biases, respectively. Our code is available at
A Deep Dive into the Trade-Offs of Parameter-Efficient Preference Alignment Techniques
Megh Thakkar
Quentin Fournier
Matthew D Riemer
Pin-Yu Chen
Amal Zouaq
Payel Das
Sarath Chandar
Online Continual Learning of Video Diffusion Models From a Single Video Stream
Jinsoo Yoo
Dylan Green
Geoff Pleiss
Recurrent Policies Are Not Enough for Continual Reinforcement Learning
Nathan Samuel de Lara
Veronica Chelu
Continual Reinforcement Learning (CRL) aims to develop algorithms that adapt to non-stationary sequences of tasks. A promising recent approa… (see more)ch utilizes Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to learn contextual Markov Decision Process (MDP) embeddings. This enables a reinforcement learning (RL) agent to discern the optimality of actions across diverse tasks. In this study, we examine two critical failure modes in the learning of these contextual MDP embeddings. Specifically, we find that RNNs are prone to catastrophic forgetting, manifesting in two distinct ways: (i) embedding collapse---where agents initially learn a contextual task structure that later collapses to a single task, and (ii) embedding drift---where learning embeddings for new MDPs interferes with embeddings the RNN outputs for previous MDPs in the sequence, leading to suboptimal performance of downstream policy networks conditioned on stale embeddings. We explore the effects of various objective functions and network architectures concerning these failure modes, revealing that one of these modes consistently emerges across different setups.
BindGPT: A Scalable Framework for 3D Molecular Design via Language Modeling and Reinforcement Learning
Artem Zholus
Maksim Kuznetsov
Roman Schutski
Shayakhmetov Rim
Daniil Polykovskiy
Sarath Chandar
Alex Zhavoronkov
Generating novel active molecules for a given protein is an extremely challenging task for generative models that requires an understanding … (see more)of the complex physical interactions between the molecule and its environment. In this paper, we present a novel generative model, BindGPT which uses a conceptually simple but powerful approach to create 3D molecules within the protein's binding site. Our model produces molecular graphs and conformations jointly, eliminating the need for an extra graph reconstruction step. We pretrain BindGPT on a large-scale dataset and fine-tune it with reinforcement learning using scores from external simulation software. We demonstrate how a single pretrained language model can serve at the same time as a 3D molecular generative model, conformer generator conditioned on the molecular graph, and a pocket-conditioned 3D molecule generator. Notably, the model does not make any representational equivariance assumptions about the domain of generation. We show how such simple conceptual approach combined with pretraining and scaling can perform on par or better than the current best specialized diffusion models, language models, and graph neural networks while being two orders of magnitude cheaper to sample.
DeCoDEx: Confounder Detector Guidance for Improved Diffusion-based Counterfactual Explanations
Nima Fathi
Amar Kumar
Brennan Nichyporuk
Mohammad Havaei
Deep learning classifiers are prone to latching onto dominant confounders present in a dataset rather than on the causal markers associated … (see more)with the target class, leading to poor generalization and biased predictions. Although explainability via counterfactual image generation has been successful at exposing the problem, bias mitigation strategies that permit accurate explainability in the presence of dominant and diverse artifacts remain unsolved. In this work, we propose the DeCoDEx framework and show how an external, pre-trained binary artifact detector can be leveraged during inference to guide a diffusion-based counterfactual image generator towards accurate explainability. Experiments on the CheXpert dataset, using both synthetic artifacts and real visual artifacts (support devices), show that the proposed method successfully synthesizes the counterfactual images that change the causal pathology markers associated with Pleural Effusion while preserving or ignoring the visual artifacts. Augmentation of ERM and Group-DRO classifiers with the DeCoDEx generated images substantially improves the results across underrepresented groups that are out of distribution for each class. The code is made publicly available at
Early Detection of an Invasive Alien Plant (Phragmites australis) Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles and Artificial Intelligence
Antoine Caron-Guay
Mickaël Germain
The combination of unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) and artificial intelligence to map vegetation represents a promising new approach to im… (see more)prove the detection of invasive alien plant species (IAPS). The high spatial resolution achievable with UAVs and recent innovations in computer vision, especially with convolutional neural networks, suggest that early detection of IAPS could be possible, thus facilitating their management. In this study, we evaluated the suitability of this approach for mapping the location of common reed (Phragmites australis subsp. australis) within a national park located in southern Quebec, Canada. We collected data on six distinct dates during the growing season, covering environments with different levels of reed invasion. Overall, model performance was high for the different dates and zones, especially for recall (mean of 0.89). The results showed an increase in performance, reaching a peak following the appearance of the inflorescence in September (highest F1-score at 0.98). Furthermore, a decrease in spatial resolution negatively affected recall (18% decrease between a spatial resolution of 0.15 cm pixel−1 and 1.50 cm pixel−1) but did not have a strong impact on precision (2% decrease). Despite challenges associated with common reed mapping in a post-treatment monitoring context, the use of UAVs and deep learning shows great potential for IAPS detection when supported by a suitable dataset. Our results show that, from an operational point of view, this approach could be an effective tool for speeding up the work of biologists in the field and ensuring better management of IAPS.
Enhancing Supervised Visualization through Autoencoder and Random Forest Proximities for Out-of-Sample Extension
Shuang Ni
Adrien Aumon
Guy Wolf
Kevin R. Moon
Jake S. Rhodes
The value of supervised dimensionality reduction lies in its ability to uncover meaningful connections between data features and labels. Com… (see more)mon dimensionality reduction methods embed a set of fixed, latent points, but are not capable of generalizing to an unseen test set. In this paper, we provide an out-of-sample extension method for the random forest-based supervised dimensionality reduction method, RF-PHATE, combining information learned from the random forest model with the function-learning capabilities of autoencoders. Through quantitative assessment of various autoencoder architectures, we identify that networks that reconstruct random forest proximities are more robust for the embedding extension problem. Furthermore, by leveraging proximity-based prototypes, we achieve a 40% reduction in training time without compromising extension quality. Our method does not require label information for out-of-sample points, thus serving as a semi-supervised method, and can achieve consistent quality using only 10% of the training data.
Improving Geo-diversity of Generated Images with Contextualized Vendi Score Guidance
Reyhane Askari Hemmat
Melissa Hall
Alicia Sun
Candace Ross
Michal Drozdzal