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Arian Hosseini

Doctorat - Université de Montréal
Superviseur⋅e principal⋅e


V-STaR: Training Verifiers for Self-Taught Reasoners
Arian Hosseini
Xingdi Yuan
Nikolay Malkin
Rishabh Agarwal
Common self-improvement approaches for large language models (LLMs), such as STaR (Zelikman et al., 2022), iteratively fine-tune LLMs on sel… (voir plus)f-generated solutions to improve their problem-solving ability. However, these approaches discard the large amounts of incorrect solutions generated during this process, potentially neglecting valuable information in such solutions. To address this shortcoming, we propose V-STaR that utilizes both the correct and incorrect solutions generated during the self-improvement process to train a verifier using DPO that judges correctness of model-generated solutions. This verifier is used at inference time to select one solution among many candidate solutions. Running V-STaR for multiple iterations results in progressively better reasoners and verifiers, delivering a 4% to 17% test accuracy improvement over existing self-improvement and verification approaches on common code generation and math reasoning benchmarks with LLaMA2 models.
Joint Prompt Optimization of Stacked LLMs using Variational Inference
Eric Yuan
Xingdi Yuan
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Matheus Pereira
Adam Trischler
Ziang Xiao
Arian Hosseini
Friederike Niedtner
Large language models (LLMs) can be seen as atomic units of computation mapping sequences to a distribution over sequences. Thus, they can b… (voir plus)e seen as stochastic language layers in a language network, where the learnable parameters are the natural language prompts at each layer. By stacking two such layers and feeding the output of one layer to the next, we obtain a Deep Language Network (DLN). We first show how to effectively perform prompt optimization for a 1-Layer language network (DLN-1). Then, we present an extension that applies to 2-layer DLNs (DLN-2), where two prompts must be learned. The key idea is to consider the output of the first layer as a latent variable, which requires inference, and prompts to be learned as the parameters of the generative distribution. We first test the effectiveness of DLN-1 in multiple reasoning and natural language understanding tasks. Then, we show that DLN-2 can reach higher performance than a single layer, showing promise that we might reach comparable performance to GPT-4, even when each LLM in the network is smaller and less powerful.
Understanding by Understanding Not: Modeling Negation in Language Models
Negation is a core construction in natural language. Despite being very successful on many tasks, state-of-the-art pre-trained language mode… (voir plus)ls often handle negation incorrectly. To improve language models in this regard, we propose to augment the language modeling objective with an unlikelihood objective that is based on negated generic sentences from a raw text corpus. By training BERT with the resulting combined objective we reduce the mean top 1 error rate to 4% on the negated LAMA dataset. We also see some improvements on the negated NLI benchmarks.