
ADMM-Based Hierarchical Single-Loop Framework for EV Charging Scheduling Considering Power Flow Constraints
Sina Kiani
Keyhan Sheshyekani
This article presents a three-layer hierarchical distributed framework for optimal electric vehicle charging scheduling (EVCS). The proposed… (see more) hierarchical EVCS structure includes a distribution system operator (DSO) at the top layer, electric vehicle aggregators (EVAs) at the middle layer, and electric vehicles (EVs) charging stations at the bottom layer. A single-loop iterative algorithm is developed to solve the EVCS problem by combining the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and the distribution line power flow model (DistFlow). Using the single-loop structure, the primal variables of all agents are updated simultaneously at every iteration resulting in a reduced number of iterations and faster convergence. The developed framework is employed to provide charging cost minimization at the EV charging stations level, peak load shaving at the EVAs level, and voltage regulation at the DSO level. In order to further improve the performance of the optimization framework, a neural network-based load forecasting model is implemented to include the uncertainties related to non-EV residential load demand. The efficiency and the optimality of the proposed EVCS framework are evaluated through numerical simulations, conducted for a modified IEEE 13 bus test feeder with different EV penetration levels.
Decoding face recognition abilities in the human brain
Simon Faghel-Soubeyrand
Meike Ramon
Eva Bamps
Matteo Zoia
Jessica Woodhams
Anne-Raphaelle Richoz
Roberto Caldara
Frédéric Gosselin
Why are some individuals better at recognising faces? Uncovering the neural mechanisms supporting face recognition ability has proven elusiv… (see more)e. To tackle this challenge, we used a multi-modal data-driven approach combining neuroimaging, computational modelling, and behavioural tests. We recorded the high-density electroencephalographic brain activity of individuals with extraordinary face recognition abilities—super-recognisers—and typical recognisers in response to diverse visual stimuli. Using multivariate pattern analyses, we decoded face recognition abilities from 1 second of brain activity with up to 80% accuracy. To better understand the mechanisms subtending this decoding, we compared computations in the brains of our participants with those in artificial neural network models of vision and semantics, as well as with those involved in human judgments of shape and meaning similarity. Compared to typical recognisers, we found stronger associations between early brain computations of super-recognisers and mid-level computations of vision models as well as shape similarity judgments. Moreover, we found stronger associations between late brain representations of super-recognisers and computations of the artificial semantic model as well as meaning similarity judgments. Overall, these results indicate that important individual variations in brain processing, including neural computations extending beyond purely visual processes, support differences in face recognition abilities. They provide the first empirical evidence for an association between semantic computations and face recognition abilities. We believe that such multi-modal data-driven approaches will likely play a critical role in further revealing the complex nature of idiosyncratic face recognition in the human brain. Significance The ability to robustly recognise faces is crucial to our success as social beings. Yet, we still know little about the brain mechanisms allowing some individuals to excel at face recognition. This study builds on a sizeable neural dataset measuring the brain activity of individuals with extraordinary face recognition abilities—super-recognisers—to tackle this challenge. Using state-of-the-art computational methods, we show robust prediction of face recognition abilities in single individuals from a mere second of brain activity, and revealed specific brain computations supporting individual differences in face recognition ability. Doing so, we provide direct empirical evidence for an association between semantic computations and face recognition abilities in the human brain—a key component of prominent face recognition models.
FedSwarm: An Adaptive Federated Learning Framework for Scalable AIoT
Haizhou Du
Chengdong Ni
Chaoqian Cheng
Qiao Xiang
Xi Chen
Federated learning (FL) is a key solution for datadriven the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). Although much progress has been made,… (see more) scalability remains a core challenge for real-world FL deployments. Existing solutions either suffer from accuracy loss or do not fully address the connectivity dynamicity of FL systems. In this article, we tackle the scalability issue with a novel, adaptive FL framework called FedSwarm, which improves system scalability for AIoT by deploying multiple collaborative edge servers. FedSwarm has two novel features: 1) adaptiveness on the number of local updates and 2) dynamicity of the synchronization between edge devices and edge servers. We formulate FedSwarm as a local update adaptation and perdevice dynamic server selection problem and prove FedSwarm‘s convergence bound. We further design a control mechanism consisting of a learning-based algorithm for collaboratively providing local update adaptation on the servers’ side and a bonus-based strategy for spurring dynamic per-device server selection on the devices’ side. Our extensive evaluation shows that FedSwarm significantly outperforms other studies with better scalability, lower energy consumption, and higher model accuracy.
Generalization of deep learning models for hepatic steatosis grading using B-mode ultrasound images
Pedro Vianna
Yue Qi
Michael Chassé
An Tang
Guy Cloutier
Heterogeneous ensemble prediction model of CO emission concentration in municipal solid waste incineration process using virtual data and real data hybrid-driven
Runyu Zhang
Heng Xia
Jiakun Chen
Wen Yu
JunFei Qiao
Implications of conscious AI in primary healthcare
Iterative Graph Self-Distillation
Hanlin Zhang
Shuai Lin
Weiyang Liu
Pan Zhou
Xiaodan Liang
Eric P. Xing
Recently, there has been increasing interest in the challenge of how to discriminatively vectorize graphs. To address this, we propose a met… (see more)hod called Iterative Graph Self-Distillation (IGSD) which learns graph-level representation in an unsupervised manner through instance discrimination using a self-supervised contrastive learning approach. IGSD involves a teacher-student distillation process that uses graph diffusion augmentations and constructs the teacher model using an exponential moving average of the student model. The intuition behind IGSD is to predict the teacher network representation of the graph pairs under different augmented views. As a natural extension, we also apply IGSD to semi-supervised scenarios by jointly regularizing the network with both supervised and self-supervised contrastive loss. Finally, we show that fine-tuning the IGSD-trained models with self-training can further improve graph representation learning. Empirically, we achieve significant and consistent performance gain on various graph datasets in both unsupervised and semi-supervised settings, which well validates the superiority of IGSD.
Neural network prediction of the effect of thermomechanical controlled processing on mechanical properties
Sushant Sinha
Denzel Guye
Xiaoping Ma
Kashif Rehman
S. Yue
Novel community data in ecology-properties and prospects.
Florian Hartig
Nerea Abrego
Alex Bush
Jonathan M. Chase
G. Guillera‐Arroita
M. Leibold
Otso T. Ovaskainen
Loïc Pellissier
Maximilian Pichler
Giovanni Poggiato
Sara Si-moussi
Wilfried Thuiller
Duarte S Viana
D. Warton
Damaris Zurell
Douglas W. Yu
Socially Assistive Robots for patients with Alzheimer's Disease: A scoping review.
Vania Karami
Mark J. Yaffe
Genevieve Gore
Sources of richness and ineffability for phenomenally conscious states
Xu Ji
Eric Elmoznino
George Deane
Axel Constant
Jonathan Simon
The « jingle-jangle fallacy » of empathy: Delineating affective, cognitive and motor components of empathy from behavioral synchrony using a virtual agent
Julia Ayache
Alexander Sumich
D. Kuss
Darren Rhodes
Nadja Heym