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Christophe Dubach

Associate Academic Member
Canada CIFAR AI Chair
Assistant Professor, McGill University, School of Computer Science
Research Topics


Christophe Dubach is an assistant professor jointly appointed to the Department of Electrical and Computer and the School of Computer Science at McGill University in January 2020. Prior to that, he was a reader (associate professor) at the University of Edinburgh.

Dubach’s research interests include data-parallel language design and implementation, high-level code generation and optimization for parallel hardware (e.g., GPUs, FPGAs), architecture design space exploration, and the use of machine-learning techniques applied to all of these areas.

Current Students

Master's Research - McGill University
PhD - McGill University
Research Intern - McGill University
PhD - McGill University
PhD - McGill University


Maximizing Data and Hardware Reuse for HLS with Early-Stage Symbolic Partitioning
Tzung-Han Juang
Maximizing Data and Hardware Reuse for HLS with Early-Stage Symbolic Partitioning
Tzung-Han Juang
While traditional HLS (High-Level Synthesis) converts “high-level” C-like programs into hardware automatically, producing high-performan… (see more)ce designs still requires hardware expertise. Optimizations such as data partitioning can have a large impact on performance since they directly affect data reuse patterns and the ability to reuse hardware. However, optimizing partitioning is a difficult process since minor changes in the parameter choices can lead to totally unpredictable performance. Functional array-based languages have been proposed instead of C-based approaches, as they offer stronger performance guarantees. This paper proposes to follow a similar approach and exposes a divide-and-conquer primitive at the algorithmic level to let users partition any arbitrary computation. The compiler is then free to explore different partition shapes to maximize both data and hardware reuse automatically. The main challenge remains that the impact of partitioning is only known much later in the compilation flow. This is due to the hard-to-predict effects of the many optimizations applied during compilation. To solve this problem, the partitioning is expressed using a set of symbolic tunable parameters, introduced early in the compilation pipeline. A symbolic performance model is then used in the last compilation stage to predict performance based on the possible values of the tunable parameters. Using this approach, a design space exploration is conducted on an Intel Arria 10 FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), and competitive performance is achieved on the classical VGG and TinyYolo neural networks.
Efficient Assignment with Time Constraints for Heterogeneous DSP Systems
High-level synthesis (HLS) produces hardware au-tomatically by scheduling and assigning resources based on an input control/data-flow graph.… (see more) One particular aspect of HLS for the digital signal processing (DSP) architecture is the het-erogeneous assignment problem (HAP) which maps operations into different types of functional units available in the electronic design automation tools to build efficient implementations. An optimal solution to this assignment problem can be found by formulating the problem as integer linear programming (ILP) and using a solver. However, given the slow nature of this process, heuristics tend to be used instead leading to sub-optimal designs. This paper revisits the classical ILP formulation of the HAP with time constraints for the DSP architecture by identifying redundant constraints. This paper proves theoretically, and demonstrates experimentally, that removing these constraints does not affect the obtained solution. This technique achieves speedups of more than 100 × in terms of runtime and reductions of more than 50 × in terms of memory usage of the solver. Also, this work proposes an updated heuristic that keeps reducing the latency of a path instead of finding a new critical path after giving a new node assignment. Runtime reductions (more than another 10×) due to reduced numbers of critical path searches are observed while returning similar results.
Efficient Assignment with Time Constraints for Heterogeneous DSP Systems
High-level synthesis (HLS) produces hardware au-tomatically by scheduling and assigning resources based on an input control/data-flow graph.… (see more) One particular aspect of HLS for the digital signal processing (DSP) architecture is the het-erogeneous assignment problem (HAP) which maps operations into different types of functional units available in the electronic design automation tools to build efficient implementations. An optimal solution to this assignment problem can be found by formulating the problem as integer linear programming (ILP) and using a solver. However, given the slow nature of this process, heuristics tend to be used instead leading to sub-optimal designs. This paper revisits the classical ILP formulation of the HAP with time constraints for the DSP architecture by identifying redundant constraints. This paper proves theoretically, and demonstrates experimentally, that removing these constraints does not affect the obtained solution. This technique achieves speedups of more than 100 × in terms of runtime and reductions of more than 50 × in terms of memory usage of the solver. Also, this work proposes an updated heuristic that keeps reducing the latency of a path instead of finding a new critical path after giving a new node assignment. Runtime reductions (more than another 10×) due to reduced numbers of critical path searches are observed while returning similar results.
Efficient Assignment with Time Constraints for Heterogeneous DSP Systems
High-level synthesis (HLS) produces hardware au-tomatically by scheduling and assigning resources based on an input control/data-flow graph.… (see more) One particular aspect of HLS for the digital signal processing (DSP) architecture is the het-erogeneous assignment problem (HAP) which maps operations into different types of functional units available in the electronic design automation tools to build efficient implementations. An optimal solution to this assignment problem can be found by formulating the problem as integer linear programming (ILP) and using a solver. However, given the slow nature of this process, heuristics tend to be used instead leading to sub-optimal designs. This paper revisits the classical ILP formulation of the HAP with time constraints for the DSP architecture by identifying redundant constraints. This paper proves theoretically, and demonstrates experimentally, that removing these constraints does not affect the obtained solution. This technique achieves speedups of more than 100 × in terms of runtime and reductions of more than 50 × in terms of memory usage of the solver. Also, this work proposes an updated heuristic that keeps reducing the latency of a path instead of finding a new critical path after giving a new node assignment. Runtime reductions (more than another 10×) due to reduced numbers of critical path searches are observed while returning similar results.
Efficient Assignment with Time Constraints for Heterogeneous DSP Systems
High-level synthesis (HLS) produces hardware au-tomatically by scheduling and assigning resources based on an input control/data-flow graph.… (see more) One particular aspect of HLS for the digital signal processing (DSP) architecture is the het-erogeneous assignment problem (HAP) which maps operations into different types of functional units available in the electronic design automation tools to build efficient implementations. An optimal solution to this assignment problem can be found by formulating the problem as integer linear programming (ILP) and using a solver. However, given the slow nature of this process, heuristics tend to be used instead leading to sub-optimal designs. This paper revisits the classical ILP formulation of the HAP with time constraints for the DSP architecture by identifying redundant constraints. This paper proves theoretically, and demonstrates experimentally, that removing these constraints does not affect the obtained solution. This technique achieves speedups of more than 100 × in terms of runtime and reductions of more than 50 × in terms of memory usage of the solver. Also, this work proposes an updated heuristic that keeps reducing the latency of a path instead of finding a new critical path after giving a new node assignment. Runtime reductions (more than another 10×) due to reduced numbers of critical path searches are observed while returning similar results.
Latent Idiom Recognition for a Minimalist Functional Array Language Using Equality Saturation
Jonathan Van Der Cruysse
Accelerating programs is typically done by recognizing code idioms matching high-performance libraries or hardware interfaces. However, reco… (see more)gnizing such idioms automatically is challenging. The idiom recognition machinery is difficult to write and requires expert knowledge. In addition, slight variations in the input program might hide the idiom and defeat the recognizer. This paper advocates for the use of a minimalist functional array language supporting a small, but expressive, set of operators. The minimalist design leads to a tiny sets of rewrite rules, which encode the language semantics. Crucially, the same minimalist language is also used to encode idioms. This removes the need for hand-crafted analysis passes, or for having to learn a complex domain-specific language to define the idioms. Coupled with equality saturation, this approach is able to match the core functions from the BLAS and PyTorch libraries on a set of computational kernels. Compared to reference C kernel implementations, the approach produces a geometric mean speedup of 1.46× for C programs using BLAS, when generating such programs from the high-level minimalist language.
Latent Idiom Recognition for a Minimalist Functional Array Language Using Equality Saturation
Jonathan Van Der Cruysse
Accelerating programs is typically done by recognizing code idioms matching high-performance libraries or hardware interfaces. However, reco… (see more)gnizing such idioms automatically is challenging. The idiom recognition machinery is difficult to write and requires expert knowledge. In addition, slight variations in the input program might hide the idiom and defeat the recognizer. This paper advocates for the use of a minimalist functional array language supporting a small, but expressive, set of operators. The minimalist design leads to a tiny sets of rewrite rules, which encode the language semantics. Crucially, the same minimalist language is also used to encode idioms. This removes the need for hand-crafted analysis passes, or for having to learn a complex domain-specific language to define the idioms. Coupled with equality saturation, this approach is able to match the core functions from the BLAS and PyTorch libraries on a set of computational kernels. Compared to reference C kernel implementations, the approach produces a geometric mean speedup of 1.46× for C programs using BLAS, when generating such programs from the high-level minimalist language.
Let Coarse-Grained Resources Be Shared: Mapping Entire Neural Networks on FPGAs
Tzung-Han Juang
Christof Schlaak
LAGrad: Statically Optimized Differentiable Programming in MLIR
Mai Jacob Peng
Mapping parallelism in a functional IR through constraint satisfaction: a case study on convolution for mobile GPUs
Naums Mogers
Lu Li
Valentin Radu
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimize for manually. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimi… (see more)zers. Accelerate, Futhark and Lift demonstrated that a functional approach is well suited for this challenge. Lift, for instance, uses a system of rewrite rules with a multi-stage approach. Algorithmic optimizations are first explored, followed by hardware-specific optimizations such as using shared memory and mapping parallelism. While the algorithmic exploration leads to correct transformed programs by construction, it is not necessarily true for the latter phase. Exploiting shared memory and mapping parallelism while ensuring correct synchronization is a delicate balancing act, and is hard to encode in a rewrite system. Currently, Lift relies on heuristics with ad-hoc mechanisms to check for correctness. Although this practical approach eventually produces high-performance code, it is not an ideal state of affairs. This paper proposes to extract parallelization constraints automatically from a functional IR and use a solver to identify valid rewriting. Using a convolutional neural network on a mobile GPU as a use case, this approach matches the performance of the ARM Compute Library GEMM convolution and the TVM-generated kernel consuming between 2.7x and 3.6x less memory on average. Furthermore, a speedup of 12x is achieved over the ARM Compute Library direct convolution implementation.
Mapping parallelism in a functional IR through constraint satisfaction: a case study on convolution for mobile GPUs
Naums Mogers
Lu Li
Valentin Radu
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimize for manually. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimi… (see more)zers. Accelerate, Futhark and Lift demonstrated that a functional approach is well suited for this challenge. Lift, for instance, uses a system of rewrite rules with a multi-stage approach. Algorithmic optimizations are first explored, followed by hardware-specific optimizations such as using shared memory and mapping parallelism. While the algorithmic exploration leads to correct transformed programs by construction, it is not necessarily true for the latter phase. Exploiting shared memory and mapping parallelism while ensuring correct synchronization is a delicate balancing act, and is hard to encode in a rewrite system. Currently, Lift relies on heuristics with ad-hoc mechanisms to check for correctness. Although this practical approach eventually produces high-performance code, it is not an ideal state of affairs. This paper proposes to extract parallelization constraints automatically from a functional IR and use a solver to identify valid rewriting. Using a convolutional neural network on a mobile GPU as a use case, this approach matches the performance of the ARM Compute Library GEMM convolution and the TVM-generated kernel consuming between 2.7x and 3.6x less memory on average. Furthermore, a speedup of 12x is achieved over the ARM Compute Library direct convolution implementation.