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Noise covariance estimation in multi-task high-dimensional linear models
The standard approach for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) is to convert them to a fully observed belief-state MDP. H… (see more)owever, the belief state depends on the system model and is therefore not viable in reinforcement learning (RL) settings. A widely used alternative is to use an agent state, which is a model-free, recursively updateable function of the observation history. Examples include frame stacking and recurrent neural networks. Since the agent state is model-free, it is used to adapt standard RL algorithms to POMDPs. However, standard RL algorithms like Q-learning learn a stationary policy. Our main thesis that we illustrate via examples is that because the agent state does not satisfy the Markov property, non-stationary agent-state based policies can outperform stationary ones. To leverage this feature, we propose PASQL (periodic agent-state based Q-learning), which is a variant of agent-state-based Q-learning that learns periodic policies. By combining ideas from periodic Markov chains and stochastic approximation, we rigorously establish that PASQL converges to a cyclic limit and characterize the approximation error of the converged periodic policy. Finally, we present a numerical experiment to highlight the salient features of PASQL and demonstrate the benefit of learning periodic policies over stationary policies.
Dark matter structures within strong gravitational lens galaxies and along their line of sight leave a gravitational imprint on the multiple… (see more) images of lensed sources. Strong gravitational lensing provides, therefore, a key test of different dark matter models in a way that is independent of the baryonic content of matter structures on subgalactic scales. In this chapter, we describe how galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing observations are sensitive to the physical nature of dark matter. We provide a historical perspective of the field, and review its current status. We discuss the challenges and advances in terms of data, treatment of systematic errors and theoretical predictions, that will enable one to deliver a stringent and robust test of different dark matter models in the near future. With the advent of the next generation of sky surveys, the number of known strong gravitational lens systems is expected to increase by several orders of magnitude. Coupled with high-resolution follow-up observations, these data will provide a key opportunity to constrain the properties of dark matter with strong gravitational lensing.
The Bayesian approach leads to coherent updates of predictions under new data, which makes adhering to Bayesian principles appealing in deci… (see more)sion-making contexts. Traditionally, integrating Bayesian principles into models like deep neural networks involves setting priors on parameters and approximating posteriors. This is done despite the fact that, typically, priors on parameters reflect any prior beliefs only insofar as they dictate function space behaviour. In this paper, we rethink this approach and consider what properties characterise a prediction rule as being Bayesian. Algorithms meeting such criteria can be deemed implicitly Bayesian — they make the same predictions as some Bayesian model, without explicitly manifesting priors and posteriors. We argue this might be a more fruitful approach towards integrating Bayesian principles into deep learning. In this paper, we propose how to measure how close a general prediction rule is to being implicitly Bayesian, and empirically evaluate multiple prediction strategies using our approach. We also show theoretically that agents relying on non-implicitly Bayesian prediction rules can be easily exploited in adversarial betting settings.
Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (published)
Single-cell multi-omics illuminate intricate cellular states, yielding transformative insights into cellular dynamics and disease. Yet, whil… (see more)e the potential of this technology is vast, the integration of its multifaceted data presents challenges. Some modalities have not reached the robustness or clarity of established scRNA-seq. Coupled with data scarcity for newer modalities and integration intricacies, these challenges limit our ability to maximize single-cell omics benefits. We introduce scCross: a tool adeptly engineered using variational autoencoder, generative adversarial network principles, and the Mutual Nearest Neighbors (MNN) technique for modality alignment. This synergy ensures seamless integration of varied single-cell multi-omics data. Beyond its foundational prowess in multi-omics data integration, scCross excels in single-cell cross-modal data generation, multi-omics data simulation, and profound in-silico cellular perturbations. Armed with these capabilities, scCross is set to transform the field of single-cell research, establishing itself in the nuanced integration, generation, and simulation of complex multi-omics data.
Offline reinforcement learning has shown promise for solving tasks in safety-critical settings, such as clinical decision support. Its appli… (see more)cation, however, has been limited by the lack of interpretability and interactivity for clinicians. To address these challenges, we propose the medical decision transformer (MeDT), a novel and versatile framework based on the goal-conditioned reinforcement learning paradigm for sepsis treatment recommendation. MeDT uses the decision transformer architecture to learn a policy for drug dosage recommendation. During offline training, MeDT utilizes collected treatment trajectories to predict administered treatments for each time step, incorporating known treatment outcomes, target acuity scores, past treatment decisions, and current and past medical states. This analysis enables MeDT to capture complex dependencies among a patient's medical history, treatment decisions, outcomes, and short-term effects on stability. Our proposed conditioning uses acuity scores to address sparse reward issues and to facilitate clinician-model interactions, enhancing decision-making. Following training, MeDT can generate tailored treatment recommendations by conditioning on the desired positive outcome (survival) and user-specified short-term stability improvements. We carry out rigorous experiments on data from the MIMIC-III dataset and use off-policy evaluation to demonstrate that MeDT recommends interventions that outperform or are competitive with existing offline reinforcement learning methods while enabling a more interpretable, personalized and clinician-directed approach.
Evolutionary search-based techniques are commonly used for testing autonomous robotic systems. However, these approaches often rely on compu… (see more)tationally expensive simulator-based models for test scenario evaluation. To improve the computational efficiency of the search-based testing, we propose augmenting the evolutionary search (ES) with a reinforcement learning (RL) agent trained using surrogate rewards derived from domain knowledge. In our approach, known as RIGAA (Reinforcement learning Informed Genetic Algorithm for Autonomous systems testing), we first train an RL agent to learn useful constraints of the problem and then use it to produce a certain part of the initial population of the search algorithm. By incorporating an RL agent into the search process, we aim to guide the algorithm towards promising regions of the search space from the start, enabling more efficient exploration of the solution space. We evaluate RIGAA on two case studies: maze generation for an autonomous ant robot and road topology generation for an autonomous vehicle lane keeping assist system. In both case studies, RIGAA converges faster to fitter solutions and produces a better test suite (in terms of average test scenario fitness and diversity). RIGAA also outperforms the state-of-the-art tools for vehicle lane keeping assist system testing, such as AmbieGen and Frenetic.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (published)