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A Synchro-Set-Aided Breadth-First Sphere Decoder for Polar-Coded MIMO Systems
The joint optimization of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) detection and polar decoding has become a research hotspot for future commun… (see more)ication systems. The error-correction performance of the separate detection and decoding (SDD) is far from the Shannon capacity, which cannot meet the requirements of communication scenarios such as ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC). The existing joint detection and decoding (JDD) using breadth-first sphere decoding (BFSD) improves the reliability over SDD but still has a huge performance loss on low-rate codes. In this paper, JDD using synchro-set-aided BFSD (SA-BFSD) is proposed to greatly improve the error-correction performance for polar-coded MIMO systems. We first propose a method to generate the symbol synchro sets through the concept of frozen symbols, then refine the symbol synchro sets based on the characteristics analysis of the channel matrix. We optimize the enumerating order of the symbols and reduce the enumerating levels. The frame error rate (FER) and the bit error rate of the proposed algorithms are significantly improved especially for the low-rate codes. The proposed SA-BFSD JDD achieves an up to 7.8 dB performance gain over BFSD at FER
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (published)
The joint optimization of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) detection and polar decoding has become a research hotspot for future commun… (see more)ication systems. The error-correction performance of the separate detection and decoding (SDD) is far from the Shannon capacity, which cannot meet the requirements of communication scenarios such as ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC). The existing joint detection and decoding (JDD) using breadth-first sphere decoding (BFSD) improves the reliability over SDD but still has a huge performance loss on low-rate codes. In this paper, JDD using synchro-set-aided BFSD (SA-BFSD) is proposed to greatly improve the error-correction performance for polar-coded MIMO systems. We first propose a method to generate the symbol synchro sets through the concept of frozen symbols, then refine the symbol synchro sets based on the characteristics analysis of the channel matrix. We optimize the enumerating order of the symbols and reduce the enumerating levels. The frame error rate (FER) and the bit error rate of the proposed algorithms are significantly improved especially for the low-rate codes. The proposed SA-BFSD JDD achieves an up to 7.8 dB performance gain over BFSD at FER
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (published)
The estimation of time-varying quantities is a fundamental component of decision making in fields such as healthcare and finance. However, t… (see more)he practical utility of such estimates is limited by how accurately they quantify predictive uncertainty. In this work, we address the problem of estimating the joint predictive distribution of high-dimensional multivariate time series. We propose a versatile method, based on the transformer architecture, that estimates joint distributions using an attention-based decoder that provably learns to mimic the properties of non-parametric copulas. The resulting model has several desirable properties: it can scale to hundreds of time series, supports both forecasting and interpolation, can handle unaligned and non-uniformly sampled data, and can seamlessly adapt to missing data during training. We demonstrate these properties empirically and show that our model produces state-of-the-art predictions on multiple real-world datasets.
We study task-agnostic continual reinforcement learning (TACRL) in which standard RL challenges are compounded with partial observability st… (see more)emming from task agnosticism, as well as additional difficulties of continual learning (CL), i.e., learning on a non-stationary sequence of tasks. Here we compare TACRL methods with their soft upper bounds prescribed by previous literature: multi-task learning (MTL) methods which do not have to deal with non-stationary data distributions, as well as task-aware methods, which are allowed to operate under full observability . We consider a previously unexplored and straightforward baseline for TACRL, replay-based recurrent RL (3RL), in which we augment an RL algorithm with recurrent mechanisms to address partial observability and experience replay mechanisms to address catastrophic forgetting in CL. Studying empirical performance in a sequence of RL tasks, we find surprising occurrences of 3RL matching and overcoming the MTL and task-aware soft upper bounds. We lay out hypotheses that could explain this inflection point of continual and task-agnostic learning research. Our hypotheses are empirically tested in continuous control tasks via a large-scale study of the popular multi-task and continual learning benchmark Meta-World. By analyzing different training statistics including gradient conflict, we find evidence that 3RL’s outperformance stems from its ability to quickly infer how new tasks relate with the previous ones, enabling forward transfer.
As language models grow ever larger, the need for large-scale high-quality text datasets has never been more pressing, especially in multili… (see more)ngual settings. The BigScience workshop, a 1-year international and multidisciplinary initiative, was formed with the goal of researching and training large language models as a values-driven undertaking, putting issues of ethics, harm, and governance in the foreground. This paper documents the data creation and curation efforts undertaken by BigScience to assemble the Responsible Open-science Open-collaboration Text Sources (ROOTS) corpus, a 1.6TB dataset spanning 59 languages that was used to train the 176-billion-parameter BigScience Large Open-science Open-access Multilingual (BLOOM) language model. We further release a large initial subset of the corpus and analyses thereof, and hope to empower large-scale monolingual and multilingual modeling projects with both the data and the processing tools, as well as stimulate research around this large multilingual corpus.
We study the stochastic bilinear minimax optimization problem, presenting an analysis of the same-sample Stochastic ExtraGradient (SEG) meth… (see more)od with constant step size, and presenting variations of the method that yield favorable convergence. In sharp contrasts with the basic SEG method whose last iterate only contracts to a fixed neighborhood of the Nash equilibrium, SEG augmented with iteration averaging provably converges to the Nash equilibrium under the same standard settings, and such a rate is further improved by incorporating a scheduled restarting procedure. In the interpolation setting where noise vanishes at the Nash equilibrium, we achieve an optimal convergence rate up to tight constants. We present numerical experiments that validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the effectiveness of the SEG method when equipped with iteration averaging and restarting.
Recently, practitioners and researchers met to discuss the role of requirements, and AI and SE. We offer here notes on that fascinating disc… (see more)ussion. Also, have you considered writing for this column? This “SE for AI” column publishes commentaries on the growing field of SE for AI. Submissions are welcomed and encouraged (1,000–2,400 words, each figure and table counts as 250 words, try to use fewer than 12 references, and keep the discussion practitioner focused). Please submit your ideas to me at—Tim Menzies
Recently, practitioners and researchers met to discuss the role of requirements, and AI and SE. We offer here notes on that fascinating disc… (see more)ussion. Also, have you considered writing for this column? This “SE for AI” column publishes commentaries on the growing field of SE for AI. Submissions are welcomed and encouraged (1,000–2,400 words, each figure and table counts as 250 words, try to use fewer than 12 references, and keep the discussion practitioner focused). Please submit your ideas to me at—Tim Menzies
Despite the prevalence of recent success in learning from static graphs, learning from time-evolving graphs remains an open challenge. In th… (see more)is work, we design new, more stringent evaluation procedures for link prediction specific to dynamic graphs, which reflect real-world considerations, to better compare the strengths and weaknesses of methods. First, we create two visualization techniques to understand the reoccurring patterns of edges over time and show that many edges reoccur at later time steps. Based on this observation, we propose a pure memorization-based baseline called EdgeBank. EdgeBank achieves surprisingly strong performance across multiple settings which highlights that the negative edges used in the current evaluation are easy. To sample more challenging negative edges, we introduce two novel negative sampling strategies that improve robustness and better match real-world applications. Lastly, we introduce six new dynamic graph datasets from a diverse set of domains missing from current benchmarks, providing new challenges and opportunities for future research. Our code repository is accessible at