
DASVDD: Deep Autoencoding Support Vector Data Descriptor for Anomaly Detection
Hadi Hojjati
Semi-supervised anomaly detection aims to detect anomalies from normal samples using a model that is trained on normal data. With recent adv… (see more)ancements in deep learning, researchers have designed efficient deep anomaly detection methods. Existing works commonly use neural networks to map the data into a more informative representation and then apply an anomaly detection algorithm. In this paper, we propose a method, DASVDD, that jointly learns the parameters of an autoencoder while minimizing the volume of an enclosing hyper-sphere on its latent representation. We propose an anomaly score which is a combination of autoencoder's reconstruction error and the distance from the center of the enclosing hypersphere in the latent representation. Minimizing this anomaly score aids us in learning the underlying distribution of the normal class during training. Including the reconstruction error in the anomaly score ensures that DASVDD does not suffer from the common hypersphere collapse issue since the DASVDD model does not converge to the trivial solution of mapping all inputs to a constant point in the latent representation. Experimental evaluations on several benchmark datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the commonly used state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms while maintaining robust performance across different anomaly classes.
Deep Multirepresentation Learning for Data Clustering.
Mohammadreza Sadeghi
Deep clustering incorporates embedding into clustering in order to find a lower-dimensional space suitable for clustering tasks. Conventiona… (see more)l deep clustering methods aim to obtain a single global embedding subspace (aka latent space) for all the data clusters. In contrast, in this article, we propose a deep multirepresentation learning (DML) framework for data clustering whereby each difficult-to-cluster data group is associated with its own distinct optimized latent space and all the easy-to-cluster data groups are associated with a general common latent space. Autoencoders (AEs) are employed for generating cluster-specific and general latent spaces. To specialize each AE in its associated data cluster(s), we propose a novel and effective loss function which consists of weighted reconstruction and clustering losses of the data points, where higher weights are assigned to the samples more probable to belong to the corresponding cluster(s). Experimental results on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed DML framework and loss function outperform state-of-the-art clustering approaches. In addition, the results show that the DML method significantly outperforms the SOTA on imbalanced datasets as a result of assigning an individual latent space to the difficult clusters.
Deep Networks as Paths on the Manifold of Neural Representations
Richard D Lange
Devin Kwok
Jordan Kyle Matelsky
Xinyue Wang
David Rolnick
Konrad Paul Kording
Definitive Care for Severely Injured Children in Quebec
Mélyssa Fortin
Zoe Atsaidis
Brent Hopkins
Etienne St-Louis
Elena Guadagno
Debbie Friedman
A Distributed Pricing Strategy for Edge Computation Offloading Optimization in Autonomous Driving
Jie Tang
Weilin Zhu
Xiaoming Li
Shaoshan Liu
The increase of on-vehicle applications has brought explosive computation demands to autonomous vehicles and overwhelmed their limited onboa… (see more)rd resources. Edge computing can offload application load and effectively alleviate this problem. However, the introduction of edge computing faces significant challenges, including the considerable amount of resource contention due to the scarcity of edge resources and the competition among edge computing resource providers to earn users’ services requests. We notice that the problem is not purely technical as solutions for these two problems can become conflicting to each other. In this paper, we propose a distributed pricing strategy to achieve full use of computing resources at the edge and maximize the revenue of service operators, both with guaranteed quality-of-service of on-vehicle applications. More specifically, we first use the multi-leader multi-follower Stackelberg game theory to model the pricing of on-vehicle task offloading under edge computing. Next, we propose a distributed pricing strategy to enable edge servers to adjust their local price distributions so that edge servers can bargain with offloading requesters independently. Experimental results confirm that the proposed distributed pricing strategy can provide more optimized server computing resource utilization while guaranteeing the performance of in-vehicle applications.
On Dynamic Program Decompositions of Static Risk Measures
Jia Lin Hau
Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
Marek Petrik
Optimizing static risk-averse objectives in Markov decision processes is challenging because they do not readily admit dynamic programming d… (see more)ecompositions. Prior work has proposed to use a dynamic decomposition of risk measures that help to formulate dynamic programs on an augmented state space. This paper shows that several existing decompositions are inherently inexact, contradicting several claims in the literature. In particular, we give examples that show that popular decompositions for CVaR and EVaR risk measures are strict overestimates of the true risk values. However, an exact decomposition is possible for VaR, and we give a simple proof that illustrates the fundamental difference between VaR and CVaR dynamic programming properties.
DynGFN: Bayesian Dynamic Causal Discovery using Generative Flow Networks
Lazar Atanackovic
Alexander Tong
Jason Hartford
Leo Jingyu Lee
Bo Wang
Learning the causal structure of observable variables is a central focus for scientific discovery. Bayesian causal discovery methods tackle… (see more) this problem by learning a posterior over the set of admissible graphs given our priors and observations. Existing methods primarily consider observations from static systems and assume the underlying causal structure takes the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). In settings with dynamic feedback mechanisms that regulate the trajectories of individual variables, this acyclicity assumption fails unless we account for time. We focus on learning Bayesian posteriors over cyclic graphs and treat causal discovery as a problem of sparse identification of a dynamical sys-tem. This imposes a natural temporal causal order between variables and captures cyclic feedback loops through time. Under this lens, we propose a new framework for Bayesian causal discovery for dynamical systems and present a novel generative flow network architecture (DynGFN) tailored for this task. Our results indicate that DynGFN learns posteriors that better encapsulate the distributions over admissible cyclic causal structures compared to counterpart state-of-the-art approaches.
An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Pre-training in Lifelong Learning
Sanket Vaibhav Mehta
Darshan Patil
Sarath Chandar
Emma Strubell
The lifelong learning paradigm in machine learning is an attractive alternative to the more prominent isolated learning scheme not only due … (see more)to its resemblance to biological learning, but also its potential to reduce energy waste by obviating excessive model re-training. A key challenge to this paradigm is the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting. With the increasing popularity and success of pre-trained models in machine learning, we pose the question: What role does pre-training play in lifelong learning, specifically with respect to catastrophic forgetting? We investigate existing methods in the context of large, pre-trained models and evaluate their performance on a variety of text and image classification tasks, including a large-scale study using a novel dataset of 15 diverse NLP tasks. Across all settings, we observe that generic pre-training implicitly alleviates the effects of catastrophic forgetting when learning multiple tasks sequentially compared to randomly initialized models. We then further investigate why pre-training alleviates forgetting in this setting. We study this phenomenon by analyzing the loss landscape, finding that pre-trained weights appear to ease forgetting by leading to wider minima. Based on this insight, we propose jointly optimizing for current task loss and loss basin sharpness in order to explicitly encourage wider basins during sequential fine-tuning. We show that this optimization approach leads to performance comparable to the state-of-the-art in task-sequential continual learning across multiple settings, without retaining a memory that scales in size with the number of tasks.
Estimating causal effects with optimization-based methods: A review and empirical comparison
Martin Cousineau
Vedat Verter
Susan A. Murphy
Evaluating Dependencies in Fact Editing for Language Models: Specificity and Implication Awareness
Zichao Li
Ines Arous
The potential of using a large language model (LLM) as a knowledge base (KB) has sparked significant interest. To maintain the knowledge acq… (see more)uired by LLMs, we need to ensure that the editing of learned facts respects internal logical constraints, which are known as dependency of knowledge. Existing work on editing LLMs has partially addressed the issue of dependency, when the editing of a fact should apply to its lexical variations without disrupting irrelevant ones. However, they neglect the dependency between a fact and its logical implications. We propose an evaluation protocol with an accompanying question-answering dataset, StandUp, that provides a comprehensive assessment of the editing process considering the above notions of dependency. Our protocol involves setting up a controlled environment in which we edit facts and monitor their impact on LLMs, along with their implications based on If-Then rules. Extensive experiments on StandUp show that existing knowledge editing methods are sensitive to the surface form of knowledge, and that they have limited performance in inferring the implications of edited facts.
Explaining Graph Neural Networks Using Interpretable Local Surrogates
Farzaneh Heidari
Perouz Taslakian
Guillaume Rabusseau
We propose an interpretable local surrogate (ILS) method for understanding the predictions of black-box graph models. Explainability methods… (see more) are commonly employed to gain insights into black-box models and, given the widespread adoption of GNNs in diverse applications, understanding the underlying reasoning behind their decision-making processes becomes crucial. Our ILS method approximates the behavior of a black-box graph model by fitting a simple surrogate model in the local neighborhood of a given input example. Leveraging the interpretability of the surrogate, ILS is able to identify the most relevant nodes contributing to a specific prediction. To efficiently identify these nodes, we utilize group sparse linear models as local surrogates. Through empirical evaluations on explainability benchmarks, our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art graph explainability methods. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach in providing enhanced interpretability for GNN predictions.
Exploring Self-Attention Mechanisms for Speech Separation
Cem Subakan
Samuele Cornell
François Grondin
Mirko Bronzi
Transformers have enabled impressive improvements in deep learning. They often outperform recurrent and convolutional models in many tasks w… (see more)hile taking advantage of parallel processing. Recently, we proposed the SepFormer, which obtains state-of-the-art performance in speech separation with the WSJ0-2/3 Mix datasets. This paper studies in-depth Transformers for speech separation. In particular, we extend our previous findings on the SepFormer by providing results on more challenging noisy and noisy-reverberant datasets, such as LibriMix, WHAM!, and WHAMR!. Moreover, we extend our model to perform speech enhancement and provide experimental evidence on denoising and dereverberation tasks. Finally, we investigate, for the first time in speech separation, the use of efficient self-attention mechanisms such as Linformers, Lonformers, and ReFormers. We found that they reduce memory requirements significantly. For example, we show that the Reformer-based attention outperforms the popular Conv-TasNet model on the WSJ0-2Mix dataset while being faster at inference and comparable in terms of memory consumption.