
Exhaustive Evaluation of Dynamic Link Prediction
Farimah Poursafaei
Dynamic link prediction is a crucial task in the study of evolving graphs, which serve as abstract models for various real-world application… (see more)s. Recent dynamic graph representation learning models have claimed near-perfect performance in this task. However, we argue that the standard evaluation strategy for dynamic link prediction overlooks the sparsity and recurrence patterns inherent in dynamic networks. Specifically, the current strategy suffers from issues such as evaluating models on a balanced set of positive and negative edges, neglecting the reassessment of frequently recurring positive edges, and lacking a comprehensive evaluation of both recurring and new edges.To address these limitations, we propose a novel evaluation strategy called EXHAUSTIVE, which takes into account all relevant negative edges and separately assesses the performance on recurring and new edges. Using our proposed evaluation strategy, we compare the performance of five state-of-the-art dynamic graph learning models on seven benchmark datasets. Compared to the previous common evaluation strategy, we observe an average drop of 62% in Average Precision for dynamic link prediction. Additionally, the ranking of the models also changes under the new evaluation setting. Furthermore, we demonstrate that while all models perform considerably worse when predicting new edges compared to recurring ones, the best performing models differ between the two scenarios. This highlights the importance of employing the proposed evaluation strategy for both the assessment and design of dynamic link prediction models. By adopting our novel evaluation strategy, researchers can obtain a more accurate understanding of model performance in dynamic link prediction, leading to improved evaluation and design of such models.
Learning to Adapt: Communication Load Balancing via Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning
Di Wu
Yi Tian Xu
Jimmy Li
M. Jenkin
Ekram Hossain
Seowoo Jang
Yan Xin
Charlie Zhang
The association of mobile devices with network resources (e.g., base stations, frequency bands/channels), known as load balancing, is critic… (see more)al to reduce communication traffic congestion and network performance. Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown to be effective for communication load balancing and achieves better performance than currently used rule-based methods, especially when the traffic load changes quickly. However, RL-based methods usually need to interact with the environment for a large number of time steps to learn an effective policy and can be difficult to tune. In this work, we aim to improve the data efficiency of RL-based solutions to make them more suitable and applicable for real-world applications. Specifically, we propose a simple, yet efficient and effective deep RL-based wireless network load balancing framework. In this solution, a set of good initialization values for control actions are selected with some cost-efficient approach to center the training of the RL agent. Then, a deep RL-based agent is trained to find offsets from the initialization values that optimize the load balancing problem. Experimental evaluation on a set of dynamic traffic scenarios demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.
A Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Machine Learning Design Patterns
Weitao Pan
Hironori Washizaki
Nobukazu Yoshioka
Yoshiaki Fukazawa
Yann‐Gaël Guéhéneuc
As machine learning expands to various domains, the demand for reusable solutions to similar problems increases. Machine learning design pat… (see more)terns are reusable solutions to design problems of machine learning applications. They can significantly enhance programmers' productivity in programming that requires machine learning algorithms. Given the critical role of machine learning design patterns, the automated detection of them becomes equally vital. However, identifying design patterns can be time-consuming and error-prone. We propose an approach to detect their occurrences in Python files. Our approach uses an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of Python files to build a corpus of data and train a refined Text-CNN model to automatically identify machine learning design patterns. We empirically validate our approach by conducting an exploratory study to detect four common machine learning design patterns: Embedding, Multilabel, Feature Cross, and Hashed Feature. We manually label 450 Python code files containing these design patterns from repositories of projects in GitHub. Our approach achieves accuracy values ranging from 80 % to 92% for each of the four patterns.
Step-GRAND: A Low Latency Universal Soft-Input Decoder
Syed Mohsin Abbas
Marwan Jalaleddine
Chi-Ying Tsui
GRAND features both soft-input and hard-input variants that are well suited to efficient hardware implementations that can be characterized … (see more)with achievable average and worst-case decoding latency. This paper introduces step-GRAND, a soft-input variant of GRAND that, in addition to achieving appealing average decoding latency, also reduces the worst-case decoding latency of the corresponding hardware implementation. The hardware implementation results demonstrate that the proposed step-GRAND can decode CA-polar code (128,105+11) with an average information throughput of 47.7 Gbps at the target FER of
Working Backwards: Learning to Place by Picking
Oliver Limoyo
Abhisek Konar
Trevor Ablett
Jonathan Kelly
Francois R. Hogan
Decision Diagrams in Space!
Isaac Rudich
Manuel L'opez-Ib'anez
Michael Romer
Louis-Martin Rousseau
Can We Learn Communication-Efficient Optimizers?
Charles-Étienne Joseph
Benjamin Thérien
Abhinav Moudgil
Boris Knyazev
Learning Lyapunov-Stable Polynomial Dynamical Systems Through Imitation
Amin Abyaneh
Imitation learning is a paradigm to address complex motion planning problems by learning a policy to imitate an expert’s behavior. However… (see more), relying solely on the expert’s data might lead to unsafe actions when the robot deviates from the demonstrated trajectories. Stability guarantees have previously been provided utilizing nonlinear dynamical systems, acting as high-level motion planners, in conjunction with the Lyapunov stability theorem. Yet, these methods are prone to inaccurate policies, high computational cost, sample inefficiency, or quasi stability when replicating complex and highly nonlinear trajectories. To mitigate this problem, we present an approach for learning a globally stable nonlinear dynamical system as a motion planning policy. We model the nonlinear dynamical system as a parametric polynomial and learn the polynomial’s coefficients jointly with a Lyapunov candidate. To showcase its success, we compare our method against the state of the art in simulation and conduct real-world experiments with the Kinova Gen3 Lite manipulator arm. Our experiments demonstrate the sample efficiency and reproduction accuracy of our method for various expert trajectories, while remaining stable in the face of perturbations.
Advancing Clinical Psychiatry: Integration of Clinical and Omics Data Using Machine Learning
Bill Qi
Automatic Head and Neck Tumor segmentation and outcome prediction relying on FDG-PET/CT images: Findings from the second edition of the HECKTOR challenge
Vincent Andrearczyk
Valentin Oreiller
Sarah Boughdad
Catherine Cheze Le Rest
Olena Tankyevych
Hesham M. Elhalawani
Mario Jreige
John O. Prior
Dimitris Visvikis
Mathieu Hatt
Adrien Depeursinge
Balaur: Language Model Pretraining with Lexical Semantic Relations
Andrei Mircea
Brain decoding of the Human Connectome Project tasks in a dense individual fMRI dataset
Shima Rastegarnia
Marie St-Laurent
Elizabeth DuPre
Basile Pinsard