Workshop: NLP in the era of generative AI, cognitive sciences, and societal transformation

Mila - Quebec AI Institute (Montréal, Canada)
Visual identity of the workshop on natural language processing.

Organized by Mila – Quebec AI Institute, the International Laboratory on Learning Systems (ILLS), the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), and the Groupement de Recherche TAL – GDR TAL – CNRS Sciences Informatique. This initiative is part of a France-Quebec institutional partnership, jointly funded by both regions.

This three-day event aims to explore the transformative potential of language technologies and their implications for society.

Through keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive sessions, the workshop aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and critical inquiry among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders across disciplines. By engaging with cutting-edge research, ethical dilemmas, and real-world applications, participants will gain a holistic understanding of the multifaceted landscape of NLP, AI, and cognitive sciences and their profound implications for societal transformation.

The event is open to researchers in AI, NLP and related fields from academia and industry, as well as master's and PhD students in all areas of AI.


  • Day 1 focuses on NLP in the Era of Generative AI, where participants will examine the latest advancements in NLP techniques powered by generative AI or beyond them. Discussions will revolve around the capabilities, challenges, and ethical considerations associated with these technologies, offering insights into their current state and future trajectories.
  • Day 2, themed Bridging Minds: Exploring the Intersection of Cognitive Sciences and AI in Language Learning, explores the convergence of cognitive sciences and AI in understanding human language acquisition and building intelligent language systems. Speakers and participants will delve into cognitive theories of language learning, computational models inspired by human cognition, and practical applications in AI-driven language education and communication.
  • Day 3 shifts the focus to How Large Language Models Will Transform Society, examining the broader societal implications of large language models (LLMs) and their pervasive influence on various domains, including education, media, healthcare, and governance. Discussions will encompass ethical considerations, biases, privacy concerns, and the democratization of information access, aiming to foster critical reflections and responsible deployment of LLMs for societal benefit.

Please see the bottom of the page for the list of confirmed speakers.


Participation in this event is free, but all workshop participants must register using the link below. All speakers will be on-site. Participation in poster sessions and interactions with speakers will be in-person only, but it will be possible to follow the presentations remotely.

Register now 

Call for Student Poster Submissions

We invite all PhD students working on NLP-related topics to submit a poster proposal for this workshop. You will have the opportunity to present your work to a panel of international experts from academia and industry, as well as fellow PhD students. The list of accepted posters, along with abstracts and author references, will be published on the workshop web page.


Submission requirements are available in the form below.


Submit a poster proposition


Logo of Mila
Logo of CNRS
Logo of GDR
Logo of Fonds de recherche Nature et technologie Québec

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