
A Multisensor Multi-Bernoulli Filter
Augustin-Alexandru Saucan
In this paper, we derive a multisensor multi-Bernoulli (MS-MeMBer) filter for multitarget tracking. Measurements from multiple sensors are e… (see more)mployed by the proposed filter to update a set of tracks modeled as a multi-Bernoulli random finite set. An exact implementation of the MS-MeMBer update procedure is computationally intractable. We propose an efficient approximate implementation by using a greedy measurement partitioning mechanism. The proposed filter allows for Gaussian mixture or particle filter implementations. Numerical simulations conducted for both linear-Gaussian and nonlinear models highlight the improved accuracy of the MS-MeMBer filter and its reduced computational load with respect to the multisensor cardinalized probability hypothesis density filter and the iterated-corrector cardinality-balanced multi-Bernoulli filter especially for low probabilities of detection.
HeMIS: Hetero-Modal Image Segmentation
Mohammad Havaei
Nicolas Guizard
Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
Rami Al-rfou'
Guillaume Alain
Amjad Almahairi
Christof Angermüller
Nicolas Ballas
Frédéric Bastien
Justin S. Bayer
A. Belikov
A. Belopolsky
Arnaud Bergeron
James Bergstra
Valentin Bisson
Josh Bleecher Snyder
Nicolas Bouchard
Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
Xavier Bouthillier
Alexandre De Brébisson
Olivier Breuleux … (see 92 more)
pierre luc carrier
Kyunghyun Cho
Jan Chorowski
Paul F. Christiano
Tim Cooijmans
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Myriam Côté
Yann Dauphin
Olivier Delalleau
Julien Demouth
Guillaume Desjardins
Sander Dieleman
Laurent Dinh
M'elanie Ducoffe
Vincent Dumoulin
Dumitru Erhan
Ziye Fan
Orhan Firat
Mathieu Germain
Xavier Glorot
Ian G Goodfellow
Matthew Graham
Caglar Gulcehre
Philippe Hamel
Iban Harlouchet
Jean-philippe Heng
Balázs Hidasi
Sina Honari
Arjun Jain
Sébastien Jean
Kai Jia
Mikhail V. Korobov
Vivek Kulkarni
Alex Lamb
Pascal Lamblin
Eric Larsen
César Laurent
S. Lee
Simon-mark Lefrancois
Simon Lemieux
Nicholas Léonard
Zhouhan Lin
J. Livezey
Cory R. Lorenz
Jeremiah L. Lowin
Qianli M. Ma
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
Olivier Mastropietro
R. McGibbon
Roland Memisevic
Bart van Merriënboer
Vincent Michalski
Mehdi Mirza
Alberto Orlandi
Razvan Pascanu
Mohammad Pezeshki
Colin Raffel
Daniel Renshaw
Matthew David Rocklin
Markus Dr. Roth
Peter Sadowski
John Salvatier
Francois Savard
Jan Schlüter
John D. Schulman
Gabriel Schwartz
Iulian V. Serban
Dmitriy Serdyuk
Samira Shabanian
Etienne Simon
Sigurd Spieckermann
S. Subramanyam
Jakub Sygnowski
Jérémie Tanguay
Gijs van Tulder
Joseph Turian
Sebastian Urban
Francesco Visin
Harm de Vries
David Warde-Farley
Dustin J. Webb
M. Willson
Kelvin Xu
Lijun Xue
Li Yao
Saizheng Zhang
Ying Zhang
Theano is a Python library that allows to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficie… (see more)ntly. Since its introduction, it has been one of the most used CPU and GPU mathematical compilers - especially in the machine learning community - and has shown steady performance improvements. Theano is being actively and continuously developed since 2008, multiple frameworks have been built on top of it and it has been used to produce many state-of-the-art machine learning models. The present article is structured as follows. Section I provides an overview of the Theano software and its community. Section II presents the principal features of Theano and how to use them, and compares them with other similar projects. Section III focuses on recently-introduced functionalities and improvements. Section IV compares the performance of Theano against Torch7 and TensorFlow on several machine learning models. Section V discusses current limitations of Theano and potential ways of improving it.
Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
Rami Al-rfou'
Guillaume Alain
Amjad Almahairi
Christof Angermüller
Nicolas Ballas
Frédéric Bastien
Justin S. Bayer
A. Belikov
A. Belopolsky
Arnaud Bergeron
J. Bergstra
Valentin Bisson
Josh Bleecher Snyder
Nicolas Bouchard
Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski
Xavier Bouthillier
Alexandre De Brébisson
Olivier Breuleux … (see 92 more)
pierre luc carrier
Kyunghyun Cho
Jan Chorowski
Paul F. Christiano
Tim Cooijmans
Marc-Alexandre Côté
Myriam Côté
Yann Dauphin
Olivier Delalleau
Julien Demouth
Guillaume Desjardins
Sander Dieleman
Laurent Dinh
M'elanie Ducoffe
Vincent Dumoulin
Dumitru Erhan
Ziye Fan
Orhan Firat
Mathieu Germain
Xavier Glorot
Ian J. Goodfellow
Matthew Graham
Caglar Gulcehre
Philippe Hamel
Iban Harlouchet
Jean-philippe Heng
Balázs Hidasi
Sina Honari
Arjun Jain
S'ebastien Jean
Kai Jia
Mikhail V. Korobov
Vivek Kulkarni
Alex Lamb
Pascal Lamblin
Eric P. Larsen
César Laurent
S. Lee
Simon-mark Lefrancois
Simon Lemieux
Nicholas Léonard
Zhouhan Lin
J. Livezey
Cory R. Lorenz
Jeremiah L. Lowin
Qianli M. Ma
Pierre-Antoine Manzagol
Olivier Mastropietro
R. McGibbon
Roland Memisevic
Bart van Merriënboer
Vincent Michalski
Mehdi Mirza
Alberto Orlandi
Razvan Pascanu
Mohammad Pezeshki
Colin Raffel
Daniel Renshaw
Matthew David Rocklin
Markus Dr. Roth
Peter Sadowski
John Salvatier
Francois Savard
Jan Schlüter
John D. Schulman
Gabriel Schwartz
Iulian V. Serban
Dmitriy Serdyuk
Samira Shabanian
Etienne Simon
Sigurd Spieckermann
S. Subramanyam
Jakub Sygnowski
Jérémie Tanguay
Gijs van Tulder
Joseph P. Turian
Sebastian Urban
Francesco Visin
Harm de Vries
David Warde-Farley
Dustin J. Webb
M. Willson
Kelvin Xu
Lijun Xue
Li Yao
Saizheng Zhang
Ying Zhang
Theano is a Python library that allows to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficie… (see more)ntly. Since its introduction, it has been one of the most used CPU and GPU mathematical compilers - especially in the machine learning community - and has shown steady performance improvements. Theano is being actively and continuously developed since 2008, multiple frameworks have been built on top of it and it has been used to produce many state-of-the-art machine learning models. The present article is structured as follows. Section I provides an overview of the Theano software and its community. Section II presents the principal features of Theano and how to use them, and compares them with other similar projects. Section III focuses on recently-introduced functionalities and improvements. Section IV compares the performance of Theano against Torch7 and TensorFlow on several machine learning models. Section V discusses current limitations of Theano and potential ways of improving it.
Nash equilibria in the two-player kidney exchange game
João Pedro Pedroso
Ana Luiza D'ávila Viana
Fault-Tolerant Associative Memories Based on $c$-Partite Graphs
François Leduc-Primeau
Vincent Gripon
Associative memories allow the retrieval of previously stored messages given a part of their content. In this paper, we are interested in as… (see more)sociative memories based on c-partite graphs that were recently introduced. These memories are almost optimal in terms of the amount of storage they require (efficiency) and allow retrieving messages with low complexity. We propose a generic implementation model for the retrieval algorithm that can be readily mapped to an integrated circuit and study the retrieval performance when hardware components are affected by faults. We show using analytical and simulation results that these associative memories can be made resilient to circuit faults with a minor modification of the retrieval algorithm. In one example, the memory retains 88% of its efficiency when 1% of the storage cells are faulty, or 98% when 0.1% of the binary outputs of the retrieval algorithm are faulty. When considering storage faults, the fault tolerance exhibited by the proposed associative memory can be comparable to using a capacity-achieving error correction code for protecting the stored information.
Fault-Tolerant Associative Memories Based on $c$-Partite Graphs
François Leduc-Primeau
Vincent Gripon
Associative memories allow the retrieval of previously stored messages given a part of their content. In this paper, we are interested in as… (see more)sociative memories based on c-partite graphs that were recently introduced. These memories are almost optimal in terms of the amount of storage they require (efficiency) and allow retrieving messages with low complexity. We propose a generic implementation model for the retrieval algorithm that can be readily mapped to an integrated circuit and study the retrieval performance when hardware components are affected by faults. We show using analytical and simulation results that these associative memories can be made resilient to circuit faults with a minor modification of the retrieval algorithm. In one example, the memory retains 88% of its efficiency when 1% of the storage cells are faulty, or 98% when 0.1% of the binary outputs of the retrieval algorithm are faulty. When considering storage faults, the fault tolerance exhibited by the proposed associative memory can be comparable to using a capacity-achieving error correction code for protecting the stored information.
Medical Computer Vision and Bayesian and Graphical Models for Biomedical Imaging
Henning Müller
B. Kelm
Weidong (Tom) Cai
M. Jorge Cardoso
Georg Langs
Bjoern Menze
Dimitris N. Metaxas
Albert A. Montillo
William Wells
Shaoting Zhang
Albert C.S. Chung
M. Jenkinson
Annemie Ribbens
Poisson Group Testing: A Probabilistic Model for Boolean Compressed Sensing
Olgica Milenkovic
We introduce a novel probabilistic group testing framework, termed Poisson group testing, in which the number of defectives follows a right-… (see more)truncated Poisson distribution. The Poisson model has a number of new applications, including dynamic testing with diminishing relative rates of defectives. We consider both nonadaptive and semi-adaptive identification methods. For nonadaptive methods, we derive a lower bound on the number of tests required to identify the defectives with a probability of error that asymptotically converges to zero; in addition, we propose test matrix constructions for which the number of tests closely matches the lower bound. For semiadaptive methods, we describe a lower bound on the expected number of tests required to identify the defectives with zero error probability. In addition, we propose a stage-wise reconstruction algorithm for which the expected number of tests is only a constant factor away from the lower bound. The methods rely only on an estimate of the average number of defectives, rather than on the individual probabilities of subjects being defective.
Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging
Ian J. Gerard
Marta Kersten-Oertel
Simon Drouin
Jeffery Alan Hall
Kevin Petrecca
Dante De Nigris
D. Collins
Poisson Group Testing: A Probabilistic Model for Boolean Compressed Sensing
Olgica Milenkovic
We introduce a novel probabilistic group testing framework, termed Poisson group testing, in which the number of defectives follows a right-… (see more)truncated Poisson distribution. The Poisson model has a number of new applications, including dynamic testing with diminishing relative rates of defectives. We consider both nonadaptive and semi-adaptive identification methods. For nonadaptive methods, we derive a lower bound on the number of tests required to identify the defectives with a probability of error that asymptotically converges to zero; in addition, we propose test matrix constructions for which the number of tests closely matches the lower bound. For semiadaptive methods, we describe a lower bound on the expected number of tests required to identify the defectives with zero error probability. In addition, we propose a stage-wise reconstruction algorithm for which the expected number of tests is only a constant factor away from the lower bound. The methods rely only on an estimate of the average number of defectives, rather than on the individual probabilities of subjects being defective.
A Scalable Successive-Cancellation Decoder for Polar Codes
Alexandre J. Raymond
Polar codes are the first error-correcting codes to provably achieve channel capacity, asymptotically in code length, with an explicit const… (see more)ruction. However, under successive-cancellation decoding, polar codes require very long code lengths to compete with existing modern codes. Nonetheless, the successive cancellation algorithm enables very-low-complexity implementations in hardware, due to the regular structure exhibited by polar codes. In this paper, we present an improved architecture for successive-cancellation decoding of polar codes, making use of a novel semi-parallel, encoder-based partial-sum computation module. We also provide quantization results for realistic code length N=215, and explore various optimization techniques such as a chained processing element and a variable quantization scheme. This design is shown to scale to code lengths of up to N=221, enabled by its low logic use, low register use and simple datapaths, limited almost exclusively by the amount of available SRAM. It also supports an overlapped loading of frames, allowing full-throughput decoding with a single set of input buffers.