
Toward Skills Dialog Orchestration with Online Learning
Djallel Bouneffouf
Raphael Feraud
Sohini Upadhyay
Mayank Agarwal
Yasaman Khazaeni
Building multi-domain AI agents is a challenging task and an open problem in the area of AI. Within the domain of dialog, the ability to orc… (see more)hestrate multiple independently trained dialog agents, or skills, to create a unified system is of particular significance. In this work, we study the task of online posterior dialog orchestration, where we define posterior orchestration as the task of selecting a subset of skills which most appropriately answer a user input using features extracted from both the user input and the individual skills. To account for the various costs associated with extracting skill features, we consider online posterior orchestration under a skill execution budget. We formalize this setting as Context Attentive Bandit with Observations (CABO), a variant of context attentive bandits, and evaluate it on proprietary conversational datasets.
Encoder-Decoder Neural Architecture Optimization for Keyword Spotting
Tong Mo
SAND-mask: An Enhanced Gradient Masking Strategy for the Discovery of Invariances in Domain Generalization
Soroosh Shahtalebi
Jean-Christophe Gagnon-Audet
Touraj Laleh
Mojtaba Faramarzi
Kartik Ahuja
A major bottleneck in the real-world applications of machine learning models is their failure in generalizing to unseen domains whose data d… (see more)istribution is not i.i.d to the training domains. This failure often stems from learning non-generalizable features in the training domains that are spuriously correlated with the label of data. To address this shortcoming, there has been a growing surge of interest in learning good explanations that are hard to vary, which is studied under the notion of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Generalization. The search for good explanations that are \textit{invariant} across different domains can be seen as finding local (global) minimas in the loss landscape that hold true across all of the training domains. In this paper, we propose a masking strategy, which determines a continuous weight based on the agreement of gradients that flow in each edge of network, in order to control the amount of update received by the edge in each step of optimization. Particularly, our proposed technique referred to as"Smoothed-AND (SAND)-masking", not only validates the agreement in the direction of gradients but also promotes the agreement among their magnitudes to further ensure the discovery of invariances across training domains. SAND-mask is validated over the Domainbed benchmark for domain generalization and significantly improves the state-of-the-art accuracy on the Colored MNIST dataset while providing competitive results on other domain generalization datasets.
Continual Learning in Deep Networks: an Analysis of the Last Layer
Timothee LESORT
Thomas George
We study how different output layers in a deep neural network learn and forget in continual learning settings. The following three factors… (see more) can affect catastrophic forgetting in the output layer: (1) weights modifications, (2) interference, and (3) projection drift. In this paper, our goal is to provide more insights into how changing the output layers may address (1) and (2). Some potential solutions to those issues are proposed and evaluated here in several continual learning scenarios. We show that the best-performing type of the output layer depends on the data distribution drifts and/or the amount of data available. In particular, in some cases where a standard linear layer would fail, it turns out that changing parameterization is sufficient in order to achieve a significantly better performance, whithout introducing a continual-learning algorithm and instead using the standard SGD to train a model. Our analysis and results shed light on the dynamics of the output layer in continual learning scenarios, and suggest a way of selecting the best type of output layer for a given scenario.
Enquire One’s Parent and Child Before Decision: Fully Exploit Hierarchical Structure for Self-Supervised Taxonomy Expansion
Suyuchen Wang
Ruihui Zhao
Xi Chen
Yefeng Zheng
Taxonomy is a hierarchically structured knowledge graph that plays a crucial role in machine intelligence. The taxonomy expansion task aims … (see more)to find a position for a new term in an existing taxonomy to capture the emerging knowledge in the world and keep the taxonomy dynamically updated. Previous taxonomy expansion solutions neglect valuable information brought by the hierarchical structure and evaluate the correctness of merely an added edge, which downgrade the problem to node-pair scoring or mini-path classification. In this paper, we propose the Hierarchy Expansion Framework (HEF), which fully exploits the hierarchical structure’s properties to maximize the coherence of expanded taxonomy. HEF makes use of taxonomy’s hierarchical structure in multiple aspects: i) HEF utilizes subtrees containing most relevant nodes as self-supervision data for a complete comparison of parental and sibling relations; ii) HEF adopts a coherence modeling module to evaluate the coherence of a taxonomy’s subtree by integrating hypernymy relation detection and several tree-exclusive features; iii) HEF introduces the Fitting Score for position selection, which explicitly evaluates both path and level selections and takes full advantage of parental relations to interchange information for disambiguation and self-correction. Extensive experiments show that by better exploiting the hierarchical structure and optimizing taxonomy’s coherence, HEF vastly surpasses the prior state-of-the-art on three benchmark datasets by an average improvement of 46.7% in accuracy and 32.3% in mean reciprocal rank.
The Surprising Performance of Simple Baselines for Misinformation Detection
Kellin Pelrine
Jacob Danovitch
As social media becomes increasingly prominent in our day to day lives, it is increasingly important to detect informative content and preve… (see more)nt the spread of disinformation and unverified rumours. While many sophisticated and successful models have been proposed in the literature, they are often compared with older NLP baselines such as SVMs, CNNs, and LSTMs. In this paper, we examine the performance of a broad set of modern transformer-based language models and show that with basic fine-tuning, these models are competitive with and can even significantly outperform recently proposed state-of-the-art methods. We present our framework as a baseline for creating and evaluating new methods for misinformation detection. We further study a comprehensive set of benchmark datasets, and discuss potential data leakage and the need for careful design of the experiments and understanding of datasets to account for confounding variables. As an extreme case example, we show that classifying only based on the first three digits of tweet ids, which contain information on the date, gives state-of-the-art performance on a commonly used benchmark dataset for fake news detection –Twitter16. We provide a simple tool to detect this problem and suggest steps to mitigate it in future datasets.
Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience
Rémi Gau
Stephanie Noble
Katja Heuer
Katherine L. Bottenhorn
Isil P. Bilgin
Yu-Fang Yang
Julia M. Huntenburg
Johanna M.M. Bayer
Richard A.I. Bethlehem
Shawn A. Rhoads
Christoph Vogelbacher
V. Borghesani
Elizabeth Levitis
Hao-Ting Wang
Sofie Van Den Bossche
Xenia Kobeleva
Jon Haitz Legarreta
Samuel Guay
Selim Melvin Atay
Gael Varoquaux … (see 199 more)
Dorien C. Huijser
Malin S. Sandström
Peer Herholz
Samuel A. Nastase
AmanPreet Badhwar
Simon Schwab
Stefano Moia
Michael Dayan
Yasmine Bassil
Paula P. Brooks
Matteo Mancini
James M. Shine
David O’Connor
Xihe Xie
Davide Poggiali
Patrick Friedrich
Anibal S. Heinsfeld
Lydia Riedl
Roberto Toro
César Caballero-Gaudes
Anders Eklund
Kelly G. Garner
Christopher R. Nolan
Damion V. Demeter
Fernando A. Barrios
Junaid S. Merchant
Elizabeth A. McDevitt
Robert Oostenveld
R. Cameron Craddock
Ariel Rokem
Andrew Doyle
Satrajit S. Ghosh
Aki Nikolaidis
Olivia W. Stanley
Eneko Uruñuela
Nasim Anousheh
Aurina Arnatkeviciute
Guillaume Auzias
Dipankar Bachar
Elise Bannier
Ruggero Basanisi
Arshitha Basavaraj
Marco Bedini
R. Austin Benn
Kathryn Berluti
Steffen Bollmann
Saskia Bollmann
Claire Bradley
Jesse Brown
Augusto Buchweitz
Patrick Callahan
Micaela Y. Chan
Bramsh Q. Chandio
Theresa Cheng
Sidhant Chopra
Ai Wern Chung
Thomas G. Close
Etienne Combrisson
Giorgia Cona
R. Todd Constable
Claire Cury
Kamalaker Dadi
Pablo F. Damasceno
Samir Das
Fabrizio De Vico Fallani
Krista DeStasio
Erin W. Dickie
Lena Dorfschmidt
Eugene P. Duff
Elizabeth DuPre
Sarah Dziura
Nathalia B. Esper
Oscar Esteban
Shreyas Fadnavis
Guillaume Flandin
Jessica E. Flannery
John Flournoy
Stephanie J. Forkel
Alexandre R. Franco
Saampras Ganesan
Siyuan Gao
José C. García Alanis
Eleftherios Garyfallidis
Tristan Glatard
Enrico Glerean
Javier Gonzalez-Castillo
Cassandra D. Gould van Praag
Abigail S. Greene
Geetika Gupta
Catherine Alice Hahn
Yaroslav O. Halchenko
Daniel Handwerker
Thomas S. Hartmann
Valérie Hayot-Sasson
Stephan Heunis
Felix Hoffstaedter
Daniela M. Hohmann
Corey Horien
Horea-Ioan Ioanas
Alexandru Iordan
Chao Jiang
Michael Joseph
Jason Kai
Agah Karakuzu
David N. Kennedy
Anisha Keshavan
Ali R. Khan
Gregory Kiar
P. Christiaan Klink
Vincent Koppelmans
Serge Koudoro
Angela R. Laird
Georg Langs
Marissa Laws
Roxane Licandro
Sook-Lei Liew
Tomislav Lipic
Krisanne Litinas
Daniel J. Lurie
Désirée Lussier
Christopher R. Madan
Lea-Theresa Mais
Sina Mansour L
J.P. Manzano-Patron
Dimitra Maoutsa
Matheus Marcon
Daniel S. Margulies
Giorgio Marinato
Daniele Marinazzo
Christopher J. Markiewicz
Camille Maumet
Felipe Meneguzzi
David Meunier
Michael P. Milham
Kathryn L. Mills
Davide Momi
Clara A. Moreau
Aysha Motala
Iska Moxon-Emre
Thomas E. Nichols
Dylan M. Nielson
Gustav Nilsonne
Lisa Novello
Caroline O’Brien
Emily Olafson
Lindsay D. Oliver
John A. Onofrey
Edwina R. Orchard
Kendra Oudyk
Patrick J. Park
Mahboobeh Parsapoor
Lorenzo Pasquini
Scott Peltier
Cyril R. Pernet
Rudolph Pienaar
Pedro Pinheiro-Chagas
Jean-Baptiste Poline
Anqi Qiu
Tiago Quendera
Laura C. Rice
Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo
Saige Rutherford
Mathias Scharinger
Dustin Scheinost
Deena Shariq
Thomas B. Shaw
Viviana Siless
Molly Simmonite
Nikoloz Sirmpilatze
Hayli Spence
Julia Sprenger
Andrija Stajduhar
Martin Szinte
Sylvain Takerkart
Angela Tam
Link Tejavibulya
Michel Thiebaut de Schotten
Ina Thome
Laura Tomaz da Silva
Nicolas Traut
Lucina Q. Uddin
Antonino Vallesi
John W. VanMeter
Nandita Vijayakumar
Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello
Jakub Vohryzek
Jakša Vukojević
Kirstie Jane Whitaker
Lucy Whitmore
Steve Wideman
Suzanne T. Witt
Hua Xie
Ting Xu
Chao-Gan Yan
Fang-Cheng Yeh
B.T. Thomas Yeo
Xi-Nian Zuo
Explicitly Modeling Syntax in Language Models with Incremental Parsing and a Dynamic Oracle
Syntax is fundamental to our thinking about language. Failing to capture the structure of input language could lead to generalization proble… (see more)ms and over-parametrization. In the present work, we propose a new syntax-aware language model: Syntactic Ordered Memory (SOM). The model explicitly models the structure with an incremental parser and maintains the conditional probability setting of a standard language model (left-to-right). To train the incremental parser and avoid exposure bias, we also propose a novel dynamic oracle, so that SOM is more robust to wrong parsing decisions. Experiments show that SOM can achieve strong results in language modeling, incremental parsing, and syntactic generalization tests while using fewer parameters than other models.
Imperfect also Deserves Reward: Multi-Level and Sequential Reward Modeling for Better Dialog Management
Zhengxu Hou
Ruihui Zhao
Zijing Ou
Yafei Liu
Xi Chen
Yefeng Zheng
For task-oriented dialog systems, training a Reinforcement Learning (RL) based Dialog Management module suffers from low sample efficiency a… (see more)nd slow convergence speed due to the sparse rewards in RL. To solve this problem, many strategies have been proposed to give proper rewards when training RL, but their rewards lack interpretability and cannot accurately estimate the distribution of state-action pairs in real dialogs. In this paper, we propose a multi-level reward modeling approach that factorizes a reward into a three-level hierarchy: domain, act, and slot. Based on inverse adversarial reinforcement learning, our designed reward model can provide more accurate and explainable reward signals for state-action pairs. Extensive evaluations show that our approach can be applied to a wide range of reinforcement learning-based dialog systems and significantly improves both the performance and the speed of convergence.
Modeling Event Plausibility with Consistent Conceptual Abstraction
Ian Porada
Kaheer Suleman
Adam Trischler
Understanding by Understanding Not: Modeling Negation in Language Models
Negation is a core construction in natural language. Despite being very successful on many tasks, state-of-the-art pre-trained language mode… (see more)ls often handle negation incorrectly. To improve language models in this regard, we propose to augment the language modeling objective with an unlikelihood objective that is based on negated generic sentences from a raw text corpus. By training BERT with the resulting combined objective we reduce the mean top 1 error rate to 4% on the negated LAMA dataset. We also see some improvements on the negated NLI benchmarks.
On the benefits of representation regularization in invariance based domain generalization
Changjian Shui
Boyu Wang