
CLIP-Mesh: Generating textured meshes from text using pretrained image-text models
Nasir M. Khalid
Tianhao Xie
Tiberiu S. Popa
We present a technique for zero-shot generation of a 3D model using only a target text prompt. Without any 3D supervision our method deforms… (see more) the control shape of a limit subdivided surface along with its texture map and normal map to obtain a 3D asset that corresponds to the input text prompt and can be easily deployed into games or modeling applications. We rely only on a pre-trained CLIP model that compares the input text prompt with differentiably rendered images of our 3D model. While previous works have focused on stylization or required training of generative models we perform optimization on mesh parameters directly to generate shape, texture or both. To constrain the optimization to produce plausible meshes and textures we introduce a number of techniques using image augmentations and the use of a pretrained prior that generates CLIP image embeddings given a text embedding.
Monoallelic Heb/Tcf12 Deletion Reduces the Requirement for NOTCH1 Hyperactivation in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Diogo F. T. Veiga
Mathieu R. Tremblay
Bastien Gerby
Sabine Herblot
André Haman
Patrick Gendron
J. Zúñiga-Pflücker
Josée Hébert
Joseph Paul Cohen
T. Hoang
Early T-cell development is precisely controlled by E proteins, that indistinguishably include HEB/TCF12 and E2A/TCF3 transcription factors,… (see more) together with NOTCH1 and pre-T cell receptor (TCR) signalling. Importantly, perturbations of early T-cell regulatory networks are implicated in leukemogenesis. NOTCH1 gain of function mutations invariably lead to T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), whereas inhibition of E proteins accelerates leukemogenesis. Thus, NOTCH1, pre-TCR, E2A and HEB functions are intertwined, but how these pathways contribute individually or synergistically to leukemogenesis remain to be documented. To directly address these questions, we leveraged Cd3e-deficient mice in which pre-TCR signaling and progression through β-selection is abrogated to dissect and decouple the roles of pre-TCR, NOTCH1, E2A and HEB in SCL/TAL1-induced T-ALL, via the use of Notch1 gain of function transgenic (Notch1ICtg) and Tcf12+/- or Tcf3+/- heterozygote mice. As a result, we now provide evidence that both HEB and E2A restrain cell proliferation at the β-selection checkpoint while the clonal expansion of SCL-LMO1-induced pre-leukemic stem cells in T-ALL is uniquely dependent on Tcf12 gene dosage. At the molecular level, HEB protein levels are decreased via proteasomal degradation at the leukemic stage, pointing to a reversible loss of function mechanism. Moreover, in SCL-LMO1-induced T-ALL, loss of one Tcf12 allele is sufficient to bypass pre-TCR signaling which is required for Notch1 gain of function mutations and for progression to T-ALL. In contrast, Tcf12 monoallelic deletion does not accelerate Notch1IC-induced T-ALL, indicating that Tcf12 and Notch1 operate in the same pathway. Finally, we identify a tumor suppressor gene set downstream of HEB, exhibiting significantly lower expression levels in pediatric T-ALL compared to B-ALL and brain cancer samples, the three most frequent pediatric cancers. In summary, our results indicate a tumor suppressor function of HEB/TCF12 in T-ALL to mitigate cell proliferation controlled by NOTCH1 in pre-leukemic stem cells and prevent NOTCH1-driven progression to T-ALL.
Monoallelic Heb/Tcf12 Deletion Reduces the Requirement for NOTCH1 Hyperactivation in T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Diogo F. T. Veiga
Mathieu Tremblay
Bastien Gerby
Sabine Herblot
André Haman
Patrick Gendron
Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker
Josée Hébert
Joseph Paul Cohen
Trang Hoang
Early T-cell development is precisely controlled by E proteins, that indistinguishably include HEB/TCF12 and E2A/TCF3 transcription factors,… (see more) together with NOTCH1 and pre-T cell receptor (TCR) signalling. Importantly, perturbations of early T-cell regulatory networks are implicated in leukemogenesis. NOTCH1 gain of function mutations invariably lead to T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL), whereas inhibition of E proteins accelerates leukemogenesis. Thus, NOTCH1, pre-TCR, E2A and HEB functions are intertwined, but how these pathways contribute individually or synergistically to leukemogenesis remain to be documented. To directly address these questions, we leveraged Cd3e-deficient mice in which pre-TCR signaling and progression through β-selection is abrogated to dissect and decouple the roles of pre-TCR, NOTCH1, E2A and HEB in SCL/TAL1-induced T-ALL, via the use of Notch1 gain of function transgenic (Notch1ICtg) and Tcf12+/- or Tcf3+/- heterozygote mice. As a result, we now provide evidence that both HEB and E2A restrain cell proliferation at the β-selection checkpoint while the clonal expansion of SCL-LMO1-induced pre-leukemic stem cells in T-ALL is uniquely dependent on Tcf12 gene dosage. At the molecular level, HEB protein levels are decreased via proteasomal degradation at the leukemic stage, pointing to a reversible loss of function mechanism. Moreover, in SCL-LMO1-induced T-ALL, loss of one Tcf12 allele is sufficient to bypass pre-TCR signaling which is required for Notch1 gain of function mutations and for progression to T-ALL. In contrast, Tcf12 monoallelic deletion does not accelerate Notch1IC-induced T-ALL, indicating that Tcf12 and Notch1 operate in the same pathway. Finally, we identify a tumor suppressor gene set downstream of HEB, exhibiting significantly lower expression levels in pediatric T-ALL compared to B-ALL and brain cancer samples, the three most frequent pediatric cancers. In summary, our results indicate a tumor suppressor function of HEB/TCF12 in T-ALL to mitigate cell proliferation controlled by NOTCH1 in pre-leukemic stem cells and prevent NOTCH1-driven progression to T-ALL.
Probing Representation Forgetting in Supervised and Unsupervised Continual Learning
MohammadReza Davari
Nader Asadi
Sudhir Mudur
Rahaf Aljundi
Continual Learning (CL) research typically focuses on tackling the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting in neural networks. Catastrophic fo… (see more)rgetting is associated with an abrupt loss of knowledge previously learned by a model when the task, or more broadly the data distribution, being trained on changes. In supervised learning problems this forgetting, resulting from a change in the model's representation, is typically measured or observed by evaluating the decrease in old task performance. However, a model's representation can change without losing knowledge about prior tasks. In this work we consider the concept of representation forgetting, observed by using the difference in performance of an optimal linear classifier before and after a new task is introduced. Using this tool we revisit a number of standard continual learning benchmarks and observe that, through this lens, model representations trained without any explicit control for forgetting often experience small representation forgetting and can sometimes be comparable to methods which explicitly control for forgetting, especially in longer task sequences. We also show that representation forgetting can lead to new insights on the effect of model capacity and loss function used in continual learning. Based on our results, we show that a simple yet competitive approach is to learn representations continually with standard supervised contrastive learning while constructing prototypes of class samples when queried on old samples.11The code to reproduce our results is publicly available at:
Mapping parallelism in a functional IR through constraint satisfaction: a case study on convolution for mobile GPUs
Naums Mogers
Lu Li
Valentin Radu
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimize for manually. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimi… (see more)zers. Accelerate, Futhark and Lift demonstrated that a functional approach is well suited for this challenge. Lift, for instance, uses a system of rewrite rules with a multi-stage approach. Algorithmic optimizations are first explored, followed by hardware-specific optimizations such as using shared memory and mapping parallelism. While the algorithmic exploration leads to correct transformed programs by construction, it is not necessarily true for the latter phase. Exploiting shared memory and mapping parallelism while ensuring correct synchronization is a delicate balancing act, and is hard to encode in a rewrite system. Currently, Lift relies on heuristics with ad-hoc mechanisms to check for correctness. Although this practical approach eventually produces high-performance code, it is not an ideal state of affairs. This paper proposes to extract parallelization constraints automatically from a functional IR and use a solver to identify valid rewriting. Using a convolutional neural network on a mobile GPU as a use case, this approach matches the performance of the ARM Compute Library GEMM convolution and the TVM-generated kernel consuming between 2.7x and 3.6x less memory on average. Furthermore, a speedup of 12x is achieved over the ARM Compute Library direct convolution implementation.
Mapping parallelism in a functional IR through constraint satisfaction: a case study on convolution for mobile GPUs
Naums Mogers
Lu Li
Valentin Radu
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are notoriously hard to optimize for manually. What is needed are good automatic code generators and optimi… (see more)zers. Accelerate, Futhark and Lift demonstrated that a functional approach is well suited for this challenge. Lift, for instance, uses a system of rewrite rules with a multi-stage approach. Algorithmic optimizations are first explored, followed by hardware-specific optimizations such as using shared memory and mapping parallelism. While the algorithmic exploration leads to correct transformed programs by construction, it is not necessarily true for the latter phase. Exploiting shared memory and mapping parallelism while ensuring correct synchronization is a delicate balancing act, and is hard to encode in a rewrite system. Currently, Lift relies on heuristics with ad-hoc mechanisms to check for correctness. Although this practical approach eventually produces high-performance code, it is not an ideal state of affairs. This paper proposes to extract parallelization constraints automatically from a functional IR and use a solver to identify valid rewriting. Using a convolutional neural network on a mobile GPU as a use case, this approach matches the performance of the ARM Compute Library GEMM convolution and the TVM-generated kernel consuming between 2.7x and 3.6x less memory on average. Furthermore, a speedup of 12x is achieved over the ARM Compute Library direct convolution implementation.
WOODS: Benchmarks for Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Time Series Tasks
Jean-Christophe Gagnon-Audet
Kartik Ahuja
Mohammad-Javad Darvishi-Bayazi
Cross-ethnicity/race generalization failure of behavioral prediction from resting-state functional connectivity
Jingwei Li
Jianzhong Chen
Angela Tam
Leon Qi
Leon Qi Rong Ooi
Avram J. Holmes
Tian Ge
Kaustubh R. Patil
Mbemba Jabbi
Simon B. Eickhoff
B.T. Thomas Yeo
Sarah Genon
Algorithmic biases that favor majority populations pose a key challenge to the application of machine learning for precision medicine. Here,… (see more) we assessed such bias in prediction models of behavioral phenotypes from brain functional magnetic resonance imaging. We examined the prediction bias using two independent datasets (preadolescent versus adult) of mixed ethnic/racial composition. When predictive models were trained on data dominated by white Americans (WA), out-of-sample prediction errors were generally higher for African Americans (AA) than for WA. This bias toward WA corresponds to more WA-like brain-behavior association patterns learned by the models. When models were trained on AA only, compared to training only on WA or an equal number of AA and WA participants, AA prediction accuracy improved but stayed below that for WA. Overall, the results point to the need for caution and further research regarding the application of current brain-behavior prediction models in minority populations.
A connectomics-based taxonomy of mammals
Laura E. Suárez
Yossi Yovel
M. P. van den Heuvel
Olaf Sporns
Yaniv Assaf
Bratislav Mišić
Mammalian taxonomies are conventionally defined by morphological traits and genetics. How species differ in terms of neural circuits and whe… (see more)ther inter-species differences in neural circuit organization conform to these taxonomies is unknown. The main obstacle for the comparison of neural architectures have been differences in network reconstruction techniques, yielding species-specific connectomes that are not directly comparable to one another. Here we comprehensively chart connectome organization across the mammalian phylogenetic spectrum using a common reconstruction protocol. We analyze the mammalian MRI (MaMI) data set, a database that encompasses high-resolution ex vivo structural and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of 124 species across 12 taxonomic orders and 5 superorders, collected using a single protocol on a single scanner. We assess similarity between species connectomes using two methods: similarity of Laplacian eigenspectra and similarity of multiscale topological features. We find greater inter-species similarities among species within the same taxonomic order, suggesting the connectome organization recapitulates traditional taxonomies defined by morphology and genetics. While all connectomes retain hallmark global features and relative proportions of connection classes, inter-species variation is driven by local regional connectivity profiles. By encoding connectomes into a common frame of reference, these findings establish a foundation for investigating how neural circuits change over phylogeny, forging a link from genes to circuits to behaviour.
A connectomics-based taxonomy of mammals
Laura E. Suárez
Yossi Yovel
Martijn P. van den Heuvel
Olaf Sporns
Yaniv Assaf
Bratislav Mišić
Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
Klaus Greff
Francois Belletti
Lucas Beyer
Carl Doersch
Yilun Du
Daniel Duckworth
David J. Fleet
Dan Gnanapragasam
Florian Golemo
Charles Herrmann
Thomas N. Kipf
Abhijit Kundu
Dmitry Lagun
Issam Hadj Laradji
Hsueh-Ti Liu
H. Meyer
Yishu Miao
Cengiz Oztireli
Etienne Pot … (see 14 more)
Noha Radwan
Daniel Rebain
Sara Sabour
Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi
Matan Sela
Vincent Sitzmann
Austin Stone
Deqing Sun
Suhani Vora
Ziyu Wang
Tianhao Wu
Kwang Moo Yi
Fangcheng Zhong
Andrea Tagliasacchi
Data is the driving force of machine learning, with the amount and quality of training data often being more important for the performance o… (see more)f a system than architecture and training details. But collecting, processing and annotating real data at scale is difficult, expensive, and frequently raises additional privacy, fairness and legal concerns. Synthetic data is a powerful tool with the potential to address these shortcomings: 1) it is cheap 2) supports rich ground-truth annotations 3) offers full control over data and 4) can circumvent or mitigate problems regarding bias, privacy and licensing. Unfortunately, software tools for effective data generation are less mature than those for architecture design and training, which leads to fragmented generation efforts. To address these problems we introduce Kubric, an open-source Python framework that interfaces with PyBullet and Blender to generate photo-realistic scenes, with rich annotations, and seamlessly scales to large jobs distributed over thousands of machines, and generating TBs of data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Kubric by presenting a series of 13 different generated datasets for tasks ranging from studying 3D NeRF models to optical flow estimation. We release Kubric, the used assets, all of the generation code, as well as the rendered datasets for reuse and modification.
Misinterpreting the horseshoe effect in neuroscience
Timothée Proix
Tomislav Milekovic