
Impact in Software Engineering Activities After One Year of COVID-19 Restrictions for Startups and Established Companies
Hosna Hooshyar
Eduardo Guerra
Jorge Melegati
Dron Khanna
Abdullah Aldaeej
Gerardo Matturro
Luciana Zaina
Des Greer
Usman Rafiq
Rafael Chanin
Xiaofeng Wang
Juan Garbajosa
Pekka Abrahamsson
Anh Nguyen-Duc
The restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic required software development teams to adapt, being forced to work remotely and adjust the… (see more) software engineering activities accordingly. In the studies evaluating these effects, a few have assessed the impact on software engineering activities from a broader perspective and after a period of time when teams had time to adjust to the changes. No studies have been found comparing software startups and established companies either. This paper aims to investigate the impacts of COVID-19 on software development activities after one year of the pandemic restrictions, comparing the results between startups and established companies. Our approach was to design a cross-sectional survey and distribute it online among software development companies worldwide. The participants were asked about their perception of COVID-19’s pandemic impact on different software engineering activities: requirements engineering, software architecture, user experience design, software implementation, and software quality assurance. The survey received 170 valid answers from 29 countries, and for all the software engineering activities, we found that most respondents did not observe a significant impact. The results also showed that software startups and established companies were affected differently since, in some activities, we found a negative impact in the former and a positive impact in the latter. Regarding the time spent on each software engineering activity, most of the answers reported no change, but on those that did, the result points to an increase in time. Thus, we cannot find any relation between the change in time of effort and the reported positive or negative impact.
Inferring Dynamic Regulatory Interaction Graphs From Time Series Data With Perturbations
Dhananjay Bhaskar
Daniel Sumner Magruder
Matheo Morales
Edward De Brouwer
Aarthi Venkat
Frederik Wenkel
Smita Krishnaswamy
Inferring multiple consensus trees and supertrees using clustering: a review
Gayane S. Barseghyan
Nadia Tahiri
An Intentional Forgetting-Driven Self-Healing Method for Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems
Ahmed Haj Yahmed
Rached Bouchoucha
Houssem Ben Braiek
Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is increasingly applied in large-scale productions like Netflix and Facebook. As with most data-driven sys… (see more)tems, DRL systems can exhibit undesirable behaviors due to environmental drifts, which often occur in constantly-changing production settings. Continual Learning (CL) is the inherent self-healing approach for adapting the DRL agent in response to the environment's conditions shifts. However, successive shifts of considerable magnitude may cause the production environment to drift from its original state. Recent studies have shown that these environmental drifts tend to drive CL into long, or even unsuccessful, healing cycles, which arise from inefficiencies such as catastrophic forgetting, warm-starting failure, and slow convergence. In this paper, we propose Dr. DRL, an effective self-healing approach for DRL systems that integrates a novel mechanism of intentional forgetting into vanilla CL (i.e., standard CL) to overcome its main issues. Dr. DRL deliberately erases the DRL system's minor behaviors to systematically prioritize the adaptation of the key problem-solving skills. Using well-established DRL algorithms, Dr. DRL is compared with vanilla CL on various drifted environments. Dr. DRL is able to reduce, on average, the healing time and fine-tuning episodes by, respectively, 18.74% and 17.72%. Dr. DRL successfully helps agents to adapt to 19.63% of drifted environments left unsolved by vanilla CL while maintaining and even enhancing by up to 45% the obtained rewards for drifted environments that are resolved by both approaches.
Invasion of Ukraine Discourse on TikTok Dataset
Benjamin D. Steel
Sara J. Parker
Derek Ruths
We present a dataset of videos and comments from the social media platform TikTok, centred around the invasion of Ukraine in 2022, an event … (see more)that launched TikTok into the geopolitical arena. The discourse around the invasion exposed myriad political behaviours and dynamics that are unexplored on this platform. To this end we provide a mass scale language and interaction dataset for further research into these processes. An initial investigation of language and social interaction dynamics are explored in this paper. The dataset and the library used to collect it are open sourced to the public.
Invited commentary on Stoehr J et al: The personal impact of involvement in international global health outreach: A national survey of former operation smile student volunteers.
Iorl: Inductive-Offline-Reinforcement-Learning for Traffic Signal Control Warmstarting
François-Xavier Devailly
Denis Larocque
Lag-Llama: Towards Foundation Models for Time Series Forecasting
Kashif Rasul
Arjun Ashok
Andrew Robert Williams
Arian Khorasani
George Adamopoulos
Rishika Bhagwatkar
Marin Biloš
Hena Ghonia
N. Hassen
Anderson Schneider
Sahil Garg
Yuriy Nevmyvaka
Aiming to build foundation models for time-series forecasting and study their scaling behavior, we present here our work-in-progress on Lag-… (see more)Llama , a general-purpose univariate probabilistic time-series forecasting model trained on a large collection of time-series data. The model shows good zero-shot prediction capabilities on unseen “out-of-distribution” time-series datasets, outperforming supervised baselines. We use smoothly broken power-laws [7] to fit and predict model scaling behavior. The open source code is made available at https://github
Learning GFlowNets from partial episodes for improved convergence and stability
Kanika Madan
Jarrid Rector-Brooks
Maksym Korablyov
Emmanuel Bengio
Moksh J. Jain
Andrei Cristian Nica
Tom Bosc
Nikolay Malkin
Generative flow networks (GFlowNets) are a family of algorithms for training a sequential sampler of discrete objects under an unnormalized … (see more)target density and have been successfully used for various probabilistic modeling tasks. Existing training objectives for GFlowNets are either local to states or transitions, or propagate a reward signal over an entire sampling trajectory. We argue that these alternatives represent opposite ends of a gradient bias-variance tradeoff and propose a way to exploit this tradeoff to mitigate its harmful effects. Inspired by the TD(
Learning Syntactic Monoids from Samples by extending known Algorithms for learning State Machines
Simon Dieck
Sicco Verwer
François Coste
Faissal Ouardi
For the inference of regular languages, most current methods learn a version of deterministic finite automata. Syntactic monoids are an alte… (see more)rnative representation of regular languages, which have some advantages over automata. For example, traces can be parsed starting from any index and the star-freeness of the language they represent can be checked in polynomial time. But, to date, there existed no passive learning algorithm for syntactic monoids. In this paper, we prove that known state-merging algorithms for learning deterministic finite automata can be instrumented to learn syntactic monoids instead, by using as the input a special structure proposed in this paper: the interfix-graph. Further, we introduce a method to encode frequencies on the interfix-graph, such that models can also be learned from only positive traces. We implemented this structure and performed experiments with both traditional data and data containing only positive traces. As such this work answers basic theoretical and experimental questions regarding a novel passive learning algorithm for syntactic monoids.
On learning Whittle index policy for restless bandits with scalable regret
Nima Akbarzadeh
Reinforcement learning is an attractive approach to learn good resource allocation and scheduling policies based on data when the system mod… (see more)el is unknown. However, the cumulative regret of most RL algorithms scales as ˜ O(S
List-GRAND: A Practical Way to Achieve Maximum Likelihood Decoding
Syed Mohsin Abbas
Marwan Jalaleddine
Guessing random additive noise decoding (GRAND) is a recently proposed universal maximum likelihood (ML) decoder for short-length and high-r… (see more)ate linear block codes. Soft-GRAND (SGRAND) is a prominent soft-input GRAND variant, outperforming the other GRAND variants in decoding performance; nevertheless, SGRAND is not suitable for parallel hardware implementation. Ordered Reliability Bits-GRAND (ORBGRAND) is another soft-input GRAND variant that is suitable for parallel hardware implementation; however, it has lower decoding performance than SGRAND. In this article, we propose List-GRAND (LGRAND), a technique for enhancing the decoding performance of ORBGRAND to match the ML decoding performance of SGRAND. Numerical simulation results show that LGRAND enhances ORBGRAND’s decoding performance by 0.5–0.75 dB for channel codes of various classes at a target frame error rate (FER) of 10−7. For linear block codes of length 127/128 and different code rates, LGRAND’s VLSI implementation can achieve an average information throughput of 47.27–51.36 Gb/s. In comparison to ORBGRAND’s VLSI implementation, the proposed LGRAND hardware has a 4.84% area overhead.