
Portrait of Ximeng Mao is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Gaétan Marceau Caron
Senior Director, Applied Machine Learning Research
Portrait of Justin Marotta is unavailable
Master's Research - McGill University
Portrait of Noah Marshall is unavailable
PhD - McGill University
Portrait of Laurence Martel
Director, Structuring Projects
Portrait of Danae Martinez
Data Scientist, Applied Machine Learning Research
Portrait of Tom Marty is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Sergi Masip Cabeza is unavailable
Collaborating researcher
Portrait of Stefano Massaroli is unavailable
Postdoctorate - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Mahsa Massoud is unavailable
Master's Research - McGill University
Portrait of Olya Mastikhina is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Michael Matesic is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Mathieu Mathieu D'Amours is unavailable
Professional Master's - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Juan Mayor-Torres is unavailable
Collaborating researcher
Portrait of Anny Maza is unavailable
Collaborating researcher - Universitat Politècnica
Portrait of Pietro Mazzaglia is unavailable
Research Intern - Ghent University
Portrait of Diarra Mbacke is unavailable
PhD - Université Laval
Portrait of G McCracken is unavailable
PhD - McGill University
Portrait of Carine McCrae Boily
Senior Director, Talent, Academic Affairs and Support for Researchers
Portrait of Nicholas Meade is unavailable
PhD - McGill University
Associate Academic Member
Portrait of David Meger
Associate Professor, McGill University, School of Computer Science
Portrait of Gaya Mehenni is unavailable
Master's Research - Polytechnique Montréal
Portrait of Amin Memarian is unavailable
Independent visiting researcher
Portrait of Safyan Aman Memon is unavailable
Master's Research - McGill University
Portrait of Samuel Mendoza is unavailable
Master's Research - Polytechnique Montréal
Portrait of Takaou Mensala is unavailable
Accounting Technician, Finance
Portrait of Cristian Meo is unavailable
Collaborating Alumni
Portrait of Tina Meriah is unavailable
Talent and Culture Manager, Talent, Academic Affairs and Administrative Support for Researchers
Portrait of Edwin Meriaux is unavailable
Master's Research - McGill University
Portrait of Allison Meyssonnier
Senior Advisor, Partnerships
Portrait of Merouane Mezghiche is unavailable
Technician, Academic Affairs
Portrait of Lydia Mezrag is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Abdel Mfougouon Njupoun is unavailable
PhD - Université de Montréal
Portrait of Vincent Michalski is unavailable
Independent visiting researcher
Portrait of David Alexandre Mickisch is unavailable
Collaborating researcher
Portrait of Aristides Milios is unavailable
Master's Research - McGill University