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Yan Zhang

Independent visiting researcher - Samsung SAIT


Unsupervised Concept Discovery Mitigates Spurious Correlations
Md Rifat Arefin
Yan Zhang
Aristide Baratin
Francesco Locatello
Dianbo Liu
Kenji Kawaguchi
PopulAtion Parameter Averaging (PAPA)
Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau
Emy Gervais
Yan Zhang
Object centric architectures enable efficient causal representation learning
Amin Mansouri
Jason Hartford
Yan Zhang
Causal representation learning has showed a variety of settings in which we can disentangle latent variables with identifiability guarantees… (see more) (up to some reasonable equivalence class). Common to all of these approaches is the assumption that (1) the latent variables are represented as
CrossSplit: Mitigating Label Noise Memorization through Data Splitting
Jihye Kim
Aristide Baratin
Yan Zhang
We approach the problem of improving robustness of deep learning algorithms in the presence of label noise. Building upon existing label cor… (see more)rection and co-teaching methods, we propose a novel training procedure to mitigate the memorization of noisy labels, called CrossSplit, which uses a pair of neural networks trained on two disjoint parts of the labeled dataset. CrossSplit combines two main ingredients: (i) Cross-split label correction. The idea is that, since the model trained on one part of the data cannot memorize example-label pairs from the other part, the training labels presented to each network can be smoothly adjusted by using the predictions of its peer network; (ii) Cross-split semi-supervised training. A network trained on one part of the data also uses the unlabeled inputs of the other part. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet and mini-WebVision datasets demonstrate that our method can outperform the current state-of-the-art in a wide range of noise ratios. The project page is at https://rlawlgul.github.io/.
Equivariance with Learned Canonicalization Functions
Sékou-Oumar Kaba
Arnab Kumar Mondal
Yan Zhang
Unlocking Slot Attention by Changing Optimal Transport Costs
Yan Zhang
David W Zhang
Gertjan J. Burghouts
Cees G. M. Snoek
Slot attention is a powerful method for object-centric modeling in images and videos. However, its set-equivariance limits its ability to ha… (see more)ndle videos with a dynamic number of objects because it cannot break ties. To overcome this limitation, we first establish a connection between slot attention and optimal transport. Based on this new perspective we propose **MESH** (Minimize Entropy of Sinkhorn): a cross-attention module that combines the tiebreaking properties of unregularized optimal transport with the speed of regularized optimal transport. We evaluate slot attention using MESH on multiple object-centric learning benchmarks and find significant improvements over slot attention in every setting.
Equivariance With Learned Canonicalization Functions
Sékou-Oumar Kaba
Arnab Kumar Mondal
Yan Zhang
Symmetry-based neural networks often constrain the architecture in order to achieve invariance or equivariance to a group of transformations… (see more). In this paper, we propose an alternative that avoids this architectural constraint by learning to produce a canonical representation of the data. These canonicalization functions can readily be plugged into non-equivariant backbone architectures. We offer explicit ways to implement them for many groups of interest. We show that this approach enjoys universality while providing interpretable insights. Our main hypothesis is that learning a neural network to perform canonicalization is better than doing it using predefined heuristics. Our results show that learning the canonicalization function indeed leads to better results and that the approach achieves great performance in practice.