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Xiaoqiang Wang

PhD - Université de Montréal


SkillQG: Learning to Generate Question for Reading Comprehension Assessment
Xiaoqiang Wang
Siliang Tang
Lingfei Wu
QRelScore: Better Evaluating Generated Questions with Deeper Understanding of Context-aware Relevance
Xiaoqiang Wang
Siliang Tang
Lingfei Wu
Existing metrics for assessing question generation not only require costly human reference but also fail to take into account the input cont… (see more)ext of generation, rendering the lack of deep understanding of the relevance between the generated questions and input contexts. As a result, they may wrongly penalize a legitimate and reasonable candidate question when it (1) involves complicated reasoning with the context or (2) can be grounded by multiple evidences in the context.In this paper, we propose QRelScore, a context-aware Relevance evaluation metric for Question Generation.Based on off-the-shelf language models such as BERT and GPT2, QRelScore employs both word-level hierarchical matching and sentence-level prompt-based generation to cope with the complicated reasoning and diverse generation from multiple evidences, respectively.Compared with existing metrics, our experiments demonstrate that QRelScore is able to achieve a higher correlation with human judgments while being much more robust to adversarial samples.
Feeding What You Need by Understanding What You Learned
Xiaoqiang Wang
Fangli Xu
Bowei Long
Siliang Tang
Lingfei Wu