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Language models (LMs) may appear insensitive to word order changes in natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. In this paper, we propose … (see more)that linguistic redundancy can explain this phenomenon, whereby word order and other linguistic cues such as case markers provide overlapping and thus redundant information. Our hypothesis is that models exhibit insensitivity to word order when the order provides redundant information, and the degree of insensitivity varies across tasks. We quantify how informative word order is using mutual information (MI) between unscrambled and scrambled sentences. Our results show the effect that the less informative word order is, the more consistent the model's predictions are between unscrambled and scrambled sentences. We also find that the effect varies across tasks: for some tasks, like SST-2, LMs' prediction is almost always consistent with the original one even if the Pointwise-MI (PMI) changes, while for others, like RTE, the consistency is near random when the PMI gets lower, i.e., word order is really important.
This study unveils the In-Context Evolutionary Search (ICE-SEARCH) method, the first work that melds language models (LMs) with evolutionary… (see more) algorithms for feature selection (FS) tasks and demonstrates its effectiveness in Medical Predictive Analytics (MPA) applications. ICE-SEARCH harnesses the crossover and mutation capabilities inherent in LMs within an evolutionary framework, significantly improving FS through the model's comprehensive world knowledge and its adaptability to a variety of roles. Our evaluation of this methodology spans three crucial MPA tasks: stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, where ICE-SEARCH outperforms traditional FS methods in pinpointing essential features for medical applications. ICE-SEARCH achieves State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performance in stroke prediction and diabetes prediction; the Decision-Randomized ICE-SEARCH ranks as SOTA in cardiovascular disease prediction. Our results not only demonstrate the efficacy of ICE-SEARCH in medical FS but also underscore the versatility, efficiency, and scalability of integrating LMs in FS tasks. The study emphasizes the critical role of incorporating domain-specific insights, illustrating ICE-SEARCH's robustness, generalizability, and swift convergence. This opens avenues for further research into comprehensive and intricate FS landscapes, marking a significant stride in the application of artificial intelligence in medical predictive analytics.
Learning from human feedback (LHF) -- and in particular learning from pairwise preferences -- has recently become a crucial ingredient in tr… (see more)aining large language models (LLMs), and has been the subject of much research. Most recent works frame it as a reinforcement learning problem, where a reward function is learned from pairwise preference data and the LLM is treated as a policy which is adapted to maximize the rewards, often under additional regularization constraints. We propose an alternative interpretation which centers on the generative process for pairwise preferences and treats LHF as a density estimation problem. We provide theoretical and empirical results showing that for a family of generative processes defined via preference behavior distribution equations, training a reward function on pairwise preferences effectively models an annotator's implicit preference distribution. Finally, we discuss and present findings on"annotator misspecification"-- failure cases where wrong modeling assumptions are made about annotator behavior, resulting in poorly-adapted models -- suggesting that approaches that learn from pairwise human preferences could have trouble learning from a population of annotators with diverse viewpoints.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered global socioeconomic structures and individual lives. Understanding the disease mechanisms a… (see more)nd facilitating diagnosis requires comprehending the complex interplay among clinical factors like demographics, symptoms, comorbidities, treatments, lab results, complications, and other metrics, and their relation to outcomes such as disease severity and long term outcomes (e.g., post-COVID-19 condition/long COVID). Conventional correlational methods struggle with indirect and directional connections among these factors, while standard graphical methods like Bayesian networks are computationally demanding for extensive clinical variables. In response, we introduced RAMEN, a methodology that integrates Genetic Algorithms with random walks for efficient Bayesian network inference, designed to map the intricate relationships among clinical variables. Applying RAMEN to the Biobanque québécoise de la COVID-19 (BQC19) dataset, we identified critical markers for long COVID and varying disease severity. The Bayesian Network, corroborated by existing literature and supported through multi-omics analyses, highlights significant clinical variables linked to COVID-19 outcomes. RAMEN’s ability to accurately map these connections contributes substantially to developing early and effective diagnostics for severe COVID-19 and long COVID.
Real-world decision-making problems involve Type 1 decision-dependent uncertainty, where the probability distribution of the stochastic proc… (see more)ess depends on the model decisions. However, few studies focus on two-stage stochastic programs with this type of endogenous uncertainty, and those that do lack general methodologies. We thus propose herein a general method for solving a class of these programs based on the transformation of random variables, a technique widely employed in probability and statistics. The proposed method is tailored to large-scale problems with discrete or continuous endogenous random variables. The random variable transformation allows the use of the sample average approximation (SAA) method, which provides optimality convergence guarantees under certain conditions. We show that, for some classical distributions, the proposed method reduces to solving mixed-integer linear or convex programs. Finally, we validate this method by applying it to a network design and facility-protection problem, considering distinct decision-dependent distributions for the random variables. Whereas most distributions result in a nonlinear nonconvex deterministic equivalent program, the proposed method solves mixed-integer linear programs in all cases. In addition, it produces attractive performance estimators for the SAA method in a reasonable computational time and outperforms the case in which the endogenous distribution defines a mixed-integer deterministic equivalent.
Hi-C is one of the most widely used approaches to study three-dimensional genome conformations. Contacts captured by a Hi-C experiment are r… (see more)epresented in a contact frequency matrix. Due to the limited sequencing depth and other factors, Hi-C contact frequency matrices are only approximations of the true interaction frequencies and are further reported without any quantification of uncertainty. Hence, downstream analyses based on Hi-C contact maps (e.g., TAD and loop annotation) are themselves point estimations. Here, we present the Hi-C interaction frequency sampler (HiCSampler) that reliably infers the posterior distribution of the interaction frequency for a given Hi-C contact map by exploiting dependencies between neighboring loci. Posterior predictive checks demonstrate that HiCSampler can infer highly predictive chromosomal interaction frequency. Summary statistics calculated by HiCSampler provide a measurement of the uncertainty for Hi-C experiments, and samples inferred by HiCSampler are ready for use by most downstream analysis tools off the shelf and permit uncertainty measurements in these analyses without modifications.