
On The Local Geometry of Deep Generative Manifolds
Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun
Ibtihel Amara
Candice Schumann
Mohammad Havaei
In this paper, we study theoretically inspired local geometric descriptors of the data manifolds approximated by pre-trained generative mode… (see more)ls. The descriptors – local scaling (ψ), local rank (ν), and local complexity (δ) — characterize the uncertainty, dimensionality, and smoothness on the learned manifold, using only the network weights and architecture. We investigate and emphasize their critical role in understanding generative models. Our analysis reveals that the local geometry is intricately linked to the quality and diversity of generated outputs. Additionally, we see that the geometric properties are distinct for out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs as well as for prompts memorized by Stable Diffusion, showing the possible application of our proposed descriptors for downstream detection and assessment of pre-trained generative models.
TutteNet: Injective 3D Deformations by Composition of 2D Mesh Deformations
Bo Sun
Thibault Groueix
Chen Song
Qixing Huang
Using neural biomarkers to personalize dosing of vagus nerve stimulation
Antonin Berthon
Lorenz Wernisch
Myrta Stoukidi
Michael Thornton
Olivier Tessier-Lariviere
Pascal Fortier-Poisson
Jorin Mamen
Max Pinkney
Susannah Lee
Elvijs Sarkans
Luca Annecchino
Ben Appleton
Philip Garsed
Bret Patterson
Samuel Gonshaw
Matjaž Jakopec
Sudhakaran Shunmugam
Tristan Edwards
Aleksi Tukiainen
Joel Jennings … (see 3 more)
Emil Hewage
Oliver Armitage
Cell Morphology-Guided Small Molecule Generation with GFlowNets
Stephen Zhewen Lu
Ziqing Lu
Ehsan Hajiramezanali
Tommaso Biancalani
Gabriele Scalia
Michał Koziarski
Expressivity of Neural Networks with Fixed Weights and Learned Biases
Ezekiel Williams
Avery Hee-Woon Ryoo
Thomas Jiralerspong
Alexandre Payeur
Luca Mazzucato
Gradient descent induces alignment between weights and the pre-activation tangents for deep non-linear networks
Daniel Beaglehole
Atish Agarwala
Understanding the mechanisms through which neural networks extract statistics from input-label pairs is one of the most important unsolved p… (see more)roblems in supervised learning. Prior works have identified that the gram matrices of the weights in trained neural networks of general architectures are proportional to the average gradient outer product of the model, in a statement known as the Neural Feature Ansatz (NFA). However, the reason these quantities become correlated during training is poorly understood. In this work, we clarify the nature of this correlation and explain its emergence at early training times. We identify that the NFA is equivalent to alignment between the left singular structure of the weight matrices and the newly defined pre-activation tangent kernel. We identify a centering of the NFA that isolates this alignment and is robust to initialization scale. We show that, through this centering, the speed of NFA development can be predicted analytically in terms of simple statistics of the inputs and labels.
Gradient Dissent in Language Model Training and Saturation
Andrei Mircea
Ekaterina Lobacheva
We seek to shed light on language model (LM) saturation from the perspective of learning dynamics. To this end, we define a decomposition o… (see more)f the cross-entropy gradient, which forms a shared low-dimensional basis for analyzing the training dynamics of models across scales. Intuitively, this decomposition consists of attractive and repulsive components that increase the logit of the correct class and decrease the logits of incorrect classes, respectively. Our analysis in this subspace reveals a phenomenon we term \textit{gradient dissent}, characterized by gradient components becoming systematically opposed such that loss cannot be improved along one component without being degraded along the other. Notably, we find that complete opposition, which we term \textit{total dissent}, reliably occurs in tandem with the saturation of smaller LMs. Based on these results, we hypothesize that gradient dissent can provide a useful foundation for better understanding and mitigating saturation.
Inpainting Galaxy Counts onto N-Body Simulations over Multiple Cosmologies and Astrophysics
Antoine Bourdin
Ronan Legin
Matthew Ho
Alexandre Adam
Linear Weight Interpolation Leads to Transient Performance Gains
Gaurav Iyer
David Rolnick
Local lateral connectivity is sufficient for replicating cortex-like topographical organization in deep neural networks
Xinyu Qian
Amirozhan Dehghani
Asa Borzabadi Farahani
Across the primate cortex, neurons that perform similar functions tend to be spatially grouped together. In high-level visual cortex, this w… (see more)idely observed biological rule manifests itself as a modular organization of neuronal clusters, each tuned to a specific object category. The tendency toward short connections is one of the most widely accepted views of why such an organization exists in the brains of many animals. Yet, how such a feat is implemented at the neural level remains unclear. Here, using artificial deep neural networks as test beds, we demonstrate that a topographical organization similar to that in the primary, intermediate, and high-level human visual cortex emerges when units in these models are laterally connected and their weight parameters are tuned by top-down credit assignment. Importantly, the emergence of the modular organization in the absence of explicit topography-inducing learning rules and objectives questions their necessity and suggests that local lateral connectivity alone may be sufficient for the formation of the topographic organization across the cortex.
A Survey on Fairness Without Demographics
Patrik Joslin Kenfack
Éts Montréal
The issue of bias in Machine Learning (ML) models is a significant challenge for the machine learning community. Real-world biases can be em… (see more)bedded in the data used to train models, and prior studies have shown that ML models can learn and even amplify these biases. This can result in unfair treatment of individuals based on their inherent characteristics or sensitive attributes such as gender, race, or age. Ensuring fairness is crucial with the increasing use of ML models in high-stakes scenarios and has gained significant attention from researchers in recent years. However, the challenge of ensuring fairness becomes much greater when the assumption of full access to sensitive attributes does not hold. The settings where the hypothesis does not hold include cases where (1) only limited or noisy demographic information is available or (2) demographic information is entirely unobserved due to privacy restrictions. This survey reviews recent research efforts to enforce fairness when sensitive attributes are missing. We propose a taxonomy of existing works and, more importantly, highlight current challenges and future research directions to stimulate research in ML fairness in the setting of missing sensitive attributes.
The Butterfly Effect: Tiny Perturbations Cause Neural Network Training to Diverge
Gül Sena Altıntaş
Devin Kwok
David Rolnick
Neural network training begins with a chaotic phase in which the network is sensitive to small perturbations, such as those caused by stocha… (see more)stic gradient descent (SGD). This sensitivity can cause identically initialized networks to diverge both in parameter space and functional similarity. However, the exact degree to which networks are sensitive to perturbation, and the sensitivity of networks as they transition out of the chaotic phase, is unclear. To address this uncertainty, we apply a controlled perturbation at a single point in training time and measure its effect on otherwise identical training trajectories. We find that both the