Portrait of Pascal Germain

Pascal Germain

Associate Academic Member
Canada CIFAR AI Chair
Assistant Professor, Université Laval, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Topics
Machine Learning Theory
Representation Learning


Pascal Germain is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Software Engineering Department at Université Laval, and a Canada CIFAR AI Chair. He received his PhD in computer science from Université Laval in 2015 under the supervision of François Laviolette and Mario Marchand. He then pursued his research at the INRIA in France for four years, first as a postdoctoral fellow with Francis Bach’s SIERRA project team, then as a research fellow in the MODAL project team. Germain was also an affiliate member and lecturer in the Mathematics Department at the University of Lille. He returned to his alma mater, Université Laval, in 2019 to take on the role of assistant professor.

He is currently a member of Université Laval’s Big Data Research Centre (CRDM) and Institute Intelligence and Data (IID), as well as an associate academic member of Mila – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. His research interests include machine learning, in particular statistical machine learning theory, transfer learning and interpretable predictor learning.

Current Students

PhD - Université Laval
PhD - Université Laval
Co-supervisor :
PhD - Université Laval


Sample compression unleashed : New generalization bounds for real valued losses
Mathieu Bazinet
Valentina Zantedeschi
Sample Compression Hypernetworks: From Generalization Bounds to Meta-Learning
Benjamin Leblanc
Mathieu Bazinet
Nathaniel D'Amours
Reconstruction functions are pivotal in sample compression theory, a framework for deriving tight generalization bounds. From a small sample… (see more) of the training set (the compression set) and an optional stream of information (the message), they recover a predictor previously learned from the whole training set. While usually fixed, we propose to learn reconstruction functions. To facilitate the optimization and increase the expressiveness of the message, we derive a new sample compression generalization bound for real-valued messages. From this theoretical analysis, we then present a new hypernetwork architecture that outputs predictors with tight generalization guarantees when trained using an original meta-learning framework. The results of promising preliminary experiments are then reported.
Seeking Interpretability and Explainability in Binary Activated Neural Networks
Benjamin Leblanc
Phoneme Discretized Saliency Maps for Explainable Detection of AI-Generated Voice
A general framework for the practical disintegration of PAC-Bayesian bounds
Paul Viallard
Amaury Habrard
Emilie Morvant
Statistical Guarantees for Variational Autoencoders using PAC-Bayesian Theory
Sokhna Diarra Mbacke
Florence Clerc
Statistical Guarantees for Variational Autoencoders using PAC-Bayesian Theory
Sokhna Diarra Mbacke
Florence Clerc
PAC-Bayesian Generalization Bounds for Adversarial Generative Models
Sokhna Diarra Mbacke
Florence Clerc
Invariant Causal Set Covering Machines
Thibaud Godon
Baptiste Bauvin
PAC-Bayesian Learning of Aggregated Binary Activated Neural Networks with Probabilities over Representations
Louis Fortier-Dubois
Gaël Letarte
Benjamin Leblanc
Franccois Laviolette
PAC-Bayesian Generalization Bounds for Adversarial Generative Models
Sokhna Diarra Mbacke
Florence Clerc
We extend PAC-Bayesian theory to generative models and develop generalization bounds for models based on the Wasserstein distance and the to… (see more)tal variation distance. Our first result on the Wasserstein distance assumes the instance space is bounded, while our second result takes advantage of dimensionality reduction. Our results naturally apply to Wasserstein GANs and Energy-Based GANs, and our bounds provide new training objectives for these two. Although our work is mainly theoretical, we perform numerical experiments showing non-vacuous generalization bounds for Wasserstein GANs on synthetic datasets.
Sample Boosting Algorithm (SamBA) - An interpretable greedy ensemble classifier based on local expertise for fat data
Baptiste Bauvin
Cécile Capponi
Florence Clerc
Sokol Koço