Portrait of Andrea Lodi

Andrea Lodi

Associate Academic Member
Adjunct Professor, Polytechnique Montréal, Mathematics and Industrial Engineering Department
Founder and Scientific Director, IVADO Labs
Research Topics


Andrea Lodi is an adjunct professor in the Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, and founder and scientific director of IVADO Labs.

Since 2014, Lodi has held the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Data Science for Real-Time Decision-Making at Polytechnique Montréal. This is Canada’s leading research chair in the field of operations research.

Internationally recognized for his work on mixed linear and nonlinear programming, Lodi is focused on developing new models and algorithms to quickly and efficiently process massive amounts of data from multiple sources. These algorithms and models are expected to lead to the creation of optimized real-time decision-making strategies. The goal of his work as Chair is to apply this expertise in a range of sectors, including energy, transport, health, production and supply chain logistics management.

Lodi holds a PhD in systems engineering (2000) and is a full professor of operations research in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering at the University of Bologna. He coordinates large-scale European operations research projects, and has worked as a consultant for the CPLEX R&D team at IBM since 2006. Lodi has published over seventy articles in major journals in mathematical programming and also served as an associate editor for many of these journals.

His many honours include a 2010 Google Faculty Research Award and a 2011 IBM Faculty Award, and he was a member of the prestigious Herman Goldstine program at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in 2005–2006.


Structured Pruning of Neural Networks for Constraints Learning
Matteo Cacciola
Antonio Frangioni
In recent years, the integration of Machine Learning (ML) models with Operation Research (OR) tools has gained popularity across diverse app… (see more)lications, including cancer treatment, algorithmic configuration, and chemical process optimization. In this domain, the combination of ML and OR often relies on representing the ML model output using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) formulations. Numerous studies in the literature have developed such formulations for many ML predictors, with a particular emphasis on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their significant interest in many applications. However, ANNs frequently contain a large number of parameters, resulting in MIP formulations that are impractical to solve, thereby impeding scalability. In fact, the ML community has already introduced several techniques to reduce the parameter count of ANNs without compromising their performance, since the substantial size of modern ANNs presents challenges for ML applications as it significantly impacts computational efforts during training and necessitates significant memory resources for storage. In this paper, we showcase the effectiveness of pruning, one of these techniques, when applied to ANNs prior to their integration into MIPs. By pruning the ANN, we achieve significant improvements in the speed of the solution process. We discuss why pruning is more suitable in this context compared to other ML compression techniques, and we identify the most appropriate pruning strategies. To highlight the potential of this approach, we conduct experiments using feed-forward neural networks with multiple layers to construct adversarial examples. Our results demonstrate that pruning offers remarkable reductions in solution times without hindering the quality of the final decision, enabling the resolution of previously unsolvable instances.
Cardinality Minimization, Constraints, and Regularization: A Survey
Andreas M. Tillmann
Daniel Bienstock
Alexandra Schwartz
We survey optimization problems that involve the cardinality of variable vectors in constraints or the objective function. We provide a unif… (see more)ied viewpoint on the general problem classes and models, and give concrete examples from diverse application fields such as signal and image processing, portfolio selection, or machine learning. The paper discusses general-purpose modeling techniques and broadly applicable as well as problem-specific exact and heuristic solution approaches. While our perspective is that of mathematical optimization, a main goal of this work is to reach out to and build bridges between the different communities in which cardinality optimization problems are frequently encountered. In particular, we highlight that modern mixed-integer programming, which is often regarded as impractical due to commonly unsatisfactory behavior of black-box solvers applied to generic problem formulations, can in fact produce provably high-quality or even optimal solutions for cardinality optimization problems, even in large-scale real-world settings. Achieving such performance typically draws on the merits of problem-specific knowledge that may stem from different fields of application and, e.g., shed light on structural properties of a model or its solutions, or lead to the development of efficient heuristics; we also provide some illustrative examples.
The Madness of Multiple Entries in March Madness
Jeff Decary
David Bergman
Carlos Henrique Cardonha
Jason Imbrogno
This paper explores multi-entry strategies for betting pools related to single-elimination tournaments. In such betting pools, participants … (see more)select winners of games, and their respective score is a weighted sum of the number of correct selections. Most betting pools have a top-heavy payoff structure, so the paper focuses on strategies that maximize the expected score of the best-performing entry. There is no known closed-formula expression for the estimation of this metric, so the paper investigates the challenges associated with the estimation and the optimization of multi-entry solutions. We present an exact dynamic programming approach for calculating the maximum expected score of any given fixed solution, which is exponential in the number of entries. We explore the structural properties of the problem to develop several solution techniques. In particular, by extracting insights from the solutions produced by one of our algorithms, we design a simple yet effective problem-specific heuristic that was the best-performing technique in our experiments, which were based on real-world data extracted from recent March Madness tournaments. In particular, our results show that the best 100-entry solution identified by our heuristic had a 2.2% likelihood of winning a
Assortment Optimization with Visibility Constraints
Théo Barré
Omar El Housni
Implementing a Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Simulating multilevel Auction Data
Marcelin Joanis
Igor Sadoune
Increasing schedule reliability in the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem with stochastic travel time
L'ea Ricard
Guy Desaulniers
Louis-Martin Rousseau
Reinforcement learning for freight booking control problems
Justin Dumouchelle
Recovering Dantzig–Wolfe Bounds by Cutting Planes
Rui Chen
Oktay Günlük
Leveraging Dantzig–Wolfe Decomposition in the Original Variable Space for Mixed-Integer Programming Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition has been… (see more) extensively applied to solve large-scale mixed-integer programs with decomposable structures, leading to exact solution approaches, such as branch and price. However, these approaches would require solving the problem in an extended variable space and are not readily present in off-the-shelf solvers. In “Recovering Dantzig–Wolfe Bounds by Cutting Planes,” Chen, Günlük, and Lodi propose a computational effective approach for generating cutting planes from Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition to enhance branch and cut in the space of original variables. The proposed approach requires a relatively small number of cutting planes to recover the strength of the Dantzig–Wolfe dual bound and should be easy to implement in general-purpose mixed-integer programming solvers. The authors show that these cutting planes typically lead to a formulation with lower dual degeneracy and hence, a better computational performance than naïve approaches, such as the objective function cut.
An Exact Method for (Constrained) Assortment Optimization Problems with Product Costs
Markus Leitner
Roberto Roberti
Claudio Sole
A framework for fair decision-making over time with time-invariant utilities
Sriram Sankaranarayanan
Guanyi Wang
An improved column-generation-based matheuristic for learning classification trees
Krunal Kishor Patel
Guy Desaulniers
Learning to repeatedly solve routing problems
Mouad Morabit
Guy Desaulniers
In the last years, there has been a great interest in machine‐learning‐based heuristics for solving NP‐hard combinatorial optimization… (see more) problems. The developed methods have shown potential on many optimization problems. In this paper, we present a learned heuristic for the reoptimization of a problem after a minor change in its data. We focus on the case of the capacited vehicle routing problem with static clients (i.e., same client locations) and changed demands. Given the edges of an original solution, the goal is to predict and fix the ones that have a high chance of remaining in an optimal solution after a change of client demands. This partial prediction of the solution reduces the complexity of the problem and speeds up its resolution, while yielding a good quality solution. The proposed approach resulted in solutions with an optimality gap ranging from 0% to 1.7% on different benchmark instances within a reasonable computing time.